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Posts posted by Boater

  1. The victim’s Sister explained to Police that she had been working at the Markland Hotel for about 6 months and on Thursday Night, she had gone on a date with a Thai Man. She returned to her room at approximately 4am and was in a depressed state according to her Sister who she lived with.

    it seems something may of happened with the thai man to make her in this state??????? ....................

    but the police would not investigate this for sure

    may the young girl RIP

  2. Here are a few famous and notable luk-kreung in the US:


    Tammy Duckworth, former candidate for US Congress, purple heart recpient and Director of the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs


    Johnny Damon, baseball star for the New York Yankees and formerly of the Boston Red Sox


    And of course, Tiger Woods with his Mom.

    Tiger Woods used to visit Phuket alot...

    If you go to Blue Canyon Golf Course there is mention of him hitting the longest yard or something like that back in the late 90's before he was famous....

  3. why will they spend money and time on poisoning the dogs but they won't spend money and time on getting them spayed and neutered to cull the population? i think it's sick.

    Totally agree with you, but this is Thailand, they seek only the quick fix to the promblem!!! ... if they had a brain, they would neuter, thus they wouldnt have to do this every year!!!!

    But what about the other animals that pick up the bait, or peoples pets???

    is there anything that can be done, thus they do not carry out this sick act????

    On another note ( and probably not the best time to mention this ) but has anyone thought of contacting the international press with pictures and evidence???, as surly some of the UK press and RSPCA would pick this up and put in the paper, thus the TAT would put a stop to it???

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