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Posts posted by Boater

  1. wow

    a new scam !!! .... but very good one those!!.....

    and I will send the keys to you in the same day your two month rent deposit payment have been confirmed by my lawyer overhere in West Africa.

    First give away

    Can I forward you the Western Union Payment Information for your deposit payment today?.

    Second Give away

  2. I've heard this cited as a true story but could be an urban myth. Might be worth checking on snopes.com if you can be bothered.

    Just came across this by mistake

    Best Lawyer Story

    Maybe the best lawyer story of the year, decade, and probably the century.

    A Charlotte, North Carolina lawyer purchased a box of very rare and expensive cigars, then insured them against fire, among other things. Within a month, having smoked his entire stockpile of these great cigars and without yet having made even his first premium payment on the policy, the lawyer filed claim against the insurance company.

    In his claim, the lawyer stated the cigars were lost in a series of small fires. The insurance company refused to pay, citing the obvious reason that the man had consumed the cigars in the normal fashion.

    The lawyer sued ... and WON! (Stay with me here.)

    In delivering the ruling, the judge agreed with the insurance company that the claim was frivolous. The judge stated nevertheless, that the lawyer "held a policy from the company in which it had warranted that the cigars were insurable and also guaranteed that it would insure them against fire, without defining what is considered to be unacceptable fire" and was obligated to pay the claim.

    Rather than endure lengthy and costly appeal process, the insurance company accepted the ruling and paid $15,000 to the lawyer for his loss of the rare cigars lost in the "fires."


    After the lawyer cashed the check, the insurance company had him arrested on 24 counts of ARSON! With his own insurance claim and testimony from the previous case being used against him, the lawyer was convicted of intentionally burning his insured property and was sentenced to 24 months in jail and a $24,000 fine.

    This is a true story and was the First Place winner in the recent Criminal Lawyers Award Contest.

    Only in America! No wonder the Third World countries think we are nuts :-)

  3. theres a scottish guy doing 3 years in samui jail ,for stealing a bottle of scotch from a hotel ,whats this guy gonna get for armed robbery..

    I feel bad for this guy.

    Its easy to read the above post and assume the guy sneaked into a hotel at night, forced open the steel shutters to the hotel bar and grabbed a bottle of Hennesy XO before legging it.

    Actauly the poor sod was just a p1ssed up guy who was actualy STAYING at the hotel. After a couple hours full on fun with his bar fine that night, he staggered to the hotel bar by the pool, which was closed. A security guard was sitting there. He asked if he could buy some whisky, the guard said no. So the guy took a bottle and said "Let them know i have taken it, im in room XX ill pay tommorow for the whole bottle"

    There was no abbuse, no aggresive confrontation, no shouting. It was a drunk young tourist having a laugh.

    The security guard calls the police and the guy gets lifted. The court case was swift and all the judge considered was 'ferang breaks into hotel bar steels booze" When he should have considered "Ferang staying at hotel gets alarmingly drunk, helps himself to booze behind bar with no shutters or locks and informs security he has taken it and will pay when bar opens"

    3 years man. A regular drunk tourist having a wild holiday makes a bad judgment call and gets 3 farking years.

    Dont get me wrong. It was a daft thing to do but at best, he should have had the hotel managment knocking his door in the morning asking for payment and making it clear if he did anything like that again, he would be evicted from the hotel.

    3 years! The last time I was in Samui i was toying with the idea of finding out the guys name etc so i could go visit him - thats how bad i feel for the poor guy.

    Enter the Thai Visa Right Wing brigade posting 'Let the ferang kee nok rot in prison bah humbug......'

    There must be more to this story..........

    As the police would ask for money first to clear the case up..... now if he was rude or refused to pay, then yes it would go to court

  4. Bannork got it off the printed Daily News,. So far none of the other papers have picked it up, which is quite surprising.

    I take it the Daily News is the Thai newspaper, have they not go a link on there website???

    Maybe i will contact me old chum in the Brit Embassey tomorrow to find out the score....

    As i believe he may have paid his way out already if not mentioned in the press.... or has a bloody good lawyer

  5. Hi Kan Win

    I am doing that at the moment.... :o

    But for new users ect, they may not know this, also on my own websites, i have enabled this feature and noticed an increase in revenue and users staying on the site as they are not being diverted out..

    Just trying to help out TV as well as fixing an issue that annoys me :D


  6. There was drama outside a Currency Exchange Booth located at the front of Soi Pattayaland 2 in South Pattaya on Wednesday Morning. Police were called to the scene following reports of a stabbing incident which resulted in one man sustaining serious injury. Rescue Workers were also sent to the scene and attended to the victim of the attack, Khun Poowanart aged 30. The suspected attacker, Khun Jesadar aged 25 was arrested soon after in front of the Jomhouse Hotel in Central Pattaya based in information received from witnesses. He was in a drunken state and confessed to the attack. At Pattaya Police Station the suspect explained that the pair had been drinking together the previous night and both work as street salesman for pleasure boat excursions. Apparently both men were approaching the same group of tourists when the attack took place. Khun Poowanart sustained a serious stab wound to his chest and is now in a serious condition in Hospital while Khun Jesadar remains behind bars until Police have concluded their investigations into the case.

  7. Just after 5am on Wednesday, Police Lieutenant Colonel Banjob from Pattaya Police Station was called to a house located in Soi Arunothai, Central Pattaya, to investigate a break-in. At the location, the officer was met by Mr. Paul Schaffhauser aged 58 from Sweden, the owner of the house, who explained that he had gone out for the night with his girlfriend and upon their return they noticed that their house had broken into. The point of entry was a second floor external door. The lock had been broken and the house had been ransacked. A Laptop Computer, a 24 Inch Television and 20,000 Baht in cash had been stolen. The house was dusted for prints and neighbors were questioned later on Wednesday as Police attempt to locate the suspect or suspects involved in the robbery and recover the stolen items.


  8. Khun Sutaerp better known as “Taep Pongam” is a famous Thai Actor and Comedian. He has hit the headlines on the last 24 hours relating to his financial status. Despite appearing in many movies including a movie which is due out very soon called “Tewadar Dokam”, he has been declared Bankrupt by a court in Bangkok. The case centers on 5 Townhouses located at the Amongruk Village here in Pattaya. Mortgage Payments totaling 700,000 Baht have not be paid to the Krung Thai Bank, Central Pattaya Branch. The houses have already been sold by the Bank who took possession of them back in March. We spoke with local residents who explained that they saw Khun Sutaerp twice in 10 years. Despite his popularity and regular income from his acting work, he has attempted to start businesses which have all failed and it is thought that he used all his savings to finance the failed business ventures. It is thought that he will continue to act and will now have to rebuild his life and his bank balance following the bankruptcy declaration.


  9. At 11.30 on Wednesday Morning, Police Lieutenant Colonel Jackgarin from Banglamung Police Station was called to a road in Huoy Yai Municipality to investigate a fatal road accident. At the scene, the officer inspected the body of Khun Wattana aged only 13. He was slumped over his mangled motorbike and was pronounced dead at the scene following a fatal head trauma. He is known to be a student at the Sattahip Witayacom School and was returning home following the completion of a 2 hour examination. According to witnesses, a 10 wheel truck was turning off the main road but failed to spot the motorbike on his inside. The boy was crushed by a rear wheel of the truck after he was knocked off his bike. The truck driver decided not to stop at the scene of the crash and is now being sought by Police.


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