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Posts posted by baz69er

  1. People keep talking about the Kawasaki D-Tracker 125, but if you call any official Kawasaki telephone numbers you get no, "that model not have in Thailand" if you manage to get a bit up to the a manager in English will explain that the model is not made in Thailand and they have no plans of importing it.

    But then this can be absolutely not correct as this person also said that Kawasaki Thailand will not distribute the Kawasaki ZX-6R in Thailand.... Somebody said they will import them into Thailand last year...??? So anybody has a telephone number of a Kawasaki person who says different???


    Ive seen the D-Tracker 125 in the u.k for sale, no sign of the 250cc version..... :)

  2. Heroin, taken in small amounts recreationally, is not as dangerous as drinking alcoholic drinks, and not as addictive as nicotine or coffee.

    If the tide of human cultural development had been tweaked a slightly different way, heroin might be served (and abused) in social situations worldwide (as alcohol is), and alcohol might be designated as the satanic evil that nearly everyone perceives heroin to be.

    Vested interests have no small part to play in societies' perceptions. Also, those drugs which can be controlled, such as beer and wine and hard liquor, are tolerated, whereas drugs which can be readily produced and marketed by the little guys (heroin, opium, ganga) are made to look like the devil incarnate.

    Quick: how often do you hear of traffic accidents and deaths being caused by heroin?

    Same question re; domestic violence.

    Also: how many billions of lost hours of productivity can be attributed to heroin and alcohol respectively?

    Plus: How much has alcohol use increased insurance rates for all of us, compared to heroin use?

    I totally Agree about the alcohol abuse.....

  3. I'm sorry but a free 1,900 baht tourist visa wouldn't sway me to spend my 100,000 baht holiday money in Thailand

    This is what I thought as well. I don't see the fact that the Visa is free convincing people to come to Thailand who otherwise would have gone somewhere else. It is nice and I'm sure people get a nice surprise from it, but I highly doubt many are making it a significant factor in their decisions.

    Maybe this in concert with the reduction to 15 days of the VOA is increasing the average stay in Thailand, which would be a good thing in the end...longer vacation here=more money spent.

    Let's face it it's the crappy exchange rate that's putting people off Thailand not 1900B for a visa. People who came here 2 years ago find themselves 20-30% worse off if they come now.

    I agree, some of the prices here in thailand i could buy cheaper in the u.k......

  4. Hi Guys,

    Im planning on buying a new motorbike when i return to thailand in october, with the intention of traveling around asia, ive seen the bike i want in krabi which is my main place of stay, the guy in the shop said i would need passport & proof of recidency, im also assuming i would also have to have a valid visa, i would have an O visa, ive been staying at my friends house on & off for the last few years, so i can use his address for purchasing the bike....

    I will be staying in thailand for about 6 months of the year & my friend will store my bike while im away.

    I have a few questions to ask, would i have to go to immigration each time i return for recidency even though i will be staying in the same address (silly question).

    Im going to take my bike test (restricted licence) up to 250cc as this is the engine size of the bike im planning on riding before i return, would this be recognised in thailand?

    One last question, i asked about the deposit for the bike (Kawasaki D-Tracker) 155,000 baht, he said he wanted the full ammount? Surely hes having a laugh?

    Would appreciate any feedback regarding this post.



  5. Is there anyone concidering taking a TEFL Course in Krabi (Ao-nang) ?

    I paid in full, (39,000) Baht for a months tefl course, but unfortunatally i could'nt take the course, i cannot get a refund but can sell on to a third party, im willing to except (30,000) Baht, so thats well over £100 savings, anyone interested can send me a PM



  6. Hi :D

    A question to ask anyone who lives between countries.

    Do you have a home you own outright to leave your belongings and base yourself at when you go home, if not where do you leave your stuff while you are abroad in Thailand for a long period?

    I know its a strange question but I have been thinking about dividing my time between England and Thailand/Oz but i have always wondered where people leave their belongings when they do this. :o:D

    Hi there,

    I have been renting my house out over the last 4 years while traveling, & alot of my junk is in my loft, my tenant agreement is that the loft is out of bounds, its padlocked up, but theres nothing of any value up there, all my valuable things i keep with a family member ........

  7. Hi,

    I have a minor shoplifting offence that happened over 20 years ago, paid a small fine etc, do you think this will go against me getting a teachers job or visas etc in thailand.......



    Barry, I hope you're still reading. Nobody knows. It depends first of all how minor your offence was considered by the record keepers in that country, and whether they have a statute of limitations on old minor offences. I would suggest you try to get a record of your police clearance and see what it says. If it's still on there, it will look bad. But 20 years is a long time, and if you've had responsible positions since then, it may be insignificant.

    Hi peaceblonde,

    (Sorry for the delay but there was a problem with the link)

    I did write to the National Identification service about my conviction & they replied.

    Under previous guidlines a single arrest & conviction would retain a record for a minimum period of ten years, More than three convictions or term of dentention/imprisonment of 6 months or more would retain a record for life, or any other serious offences would also retain for life, The weeding policy was implemented on a "come to notice" basis which means that if i had applied for my subject access prior to the 1st april 2006 my record would have been weeded, as this is not the case my record will remain for the foreseeable future.....They do go on to say that there will be new guidelines regarding the weeding of records at the end of this year.........Back to my offence, it was a petty offence, a won off, something that to this day, i am still ashamed of, saying that im all for Criminal Record Checks, but i just hope that i wont be punished for something i did a long time ago........


  8. Hi everyone,

    Was wondering what my chances are of getting a teachers job as i have a minor shoplifting offence which happened over 20 years ago, got a small fine etc. I thought that it would of been wiped clean after 10 years but it showed up on my criminal record certificate, i know that this new requirement is for protecting children etc & eliminating sex-offenders but does anyone know if thai imigrations would turn me down on such a minor offence that had happened when i was young & stupid......

    Would appreciate if anyone could give some advice on this subject......

    Many Thanks


    P.s i did contact the thai embassy here in the u.k & was told probably not but they couldnt guarantee it.....

    Baz, I wouldn't worry too much. There was a big storm about criminal record checks at the beginning of the year but it seems to have blown over. You might want to run it past the learned folk who attend to the Teaching In Thailnd Forum to see if there have been any updates.

  9. t it's just rumour, and his school doesn't know what it's talking about.
    It's most upsetting to expats who teach in Thailand, to be told first one ignorant thing and then another, by expert educators who don't know the first thing about what applies to foreigners.

    As an expert educator and teacher recruiter of many years in Thailand, I can assure you that any males applying at a Thai embassy or consulate abroad for a Non-Imm Visa B, based on accompanying documentation for the employment as a teacher in mainstream primary and secondary schools, they will be required to produca a Police Clearance Certificate not older than six months. That is the ruling even if some consulates or their clerks decide not to insist on it.


    I have a minor shoplifting offence that happened over 20 years ago, paid a small fine etc, do you think this will go against me getting a teachers job or visas etc in thailand.......



  10. Hi everyone,

    Was wondering what my chances are of getting a teachers job as i have a minor shoplifting offence which happened over 20 years ago, got a small fine etc. I thought that it would of been wiped clean after 10 years but it showed up on my criminal record certificate, i know that this new requirement is for protecting children etc & eliminating sex-offenders but does anyone know if thai imigrations would turn me down on such a minor offence that had happened when i was young & stupid......

    Would appreciate if anyone could give some advice on this subject......

    Many Thanks


    P.s i did contact the thai embassy here in the u.k & was told probably not but they couldnt guarantee it.....

  11. Hello everyone,

    May I please introduce myself, as I am new to the Forums. My name is Mike and I live in Lancashire, England. My age is 55 years. Following a messy divorce, I have decided to uproot and leave England for Thailand as a TEFL Teacher. I have been to Pattaya quite a number of times and like the atmosphere tremendously.

    I visited last November until just before Christmas. It was on my return back to England that I decided I would love to 'dig' deeper into becoming a teacher in Pattaya or Chon Buri.

    Over the Christmas period, I decided to return to Pattaya yet again. During the latter half of January, I was on my way back to Pattaya. Before leaving the UK, I had spent sometime writing emails and also online with two TEFL Schools in Pattaya. We had arranged, that when I returned, I was to visit them and travel to a few schools in Pattaya and Chon Buri and discuss further, my becoming a teacher in Thailand.

    The arrangement, I duly accomplished. I made a few friends with the members of staff of the TEFL schools. We discussed at length, my opportunities, and rewards. The staff at t the schools I visited, were also very nice towards me. One school even wanted me to start there and then! Alas, I could not at that time. I am now back in England, about to return on a 'one way' ticket, on or around the 16th April. My Non Immigrant Visa –B, I have to collect from Hull on the 11th April.

    I noted a post in the Teaching Forum mentioning the fact that a new law has been passed in Thailand to the effect that, a Police Clearance Form is now required and to be handed to the school concerned. This applies to all new TEFL Teachers. In the UK, you must allow up to 40 days to receive the Police Check, through the post. It is necessary to go to your local Police Station and request the form for completion. And return, duly signed by a person 'in good standing' i.e.: a solicitor, teacher or a member of the church, similar to a priest, vicar etc. This must be returned to the same police station accompanied with a fee of £10. The school, in Thailand, then passes this form to the Thai Authorities, and they have a maximum time to do so, which is three months from the date of issue. I have yet to receive my clearance, with about 10 days to the final 40th day.

    Time is now approaching rather quickly for my return, I am about to pay my deposit to the TEFL school, book my air ticket, collect my visa and countless other tasks to accomplish. I have elderly parents, alive, in the UK. I do have also two brothers who live here in the UK. It is now that I am experiencing 'cold feet' symptoms, which I am sure is natural and many of you, no doubt, experienced similar symptoms before your departure for Thailand on a 'one way' ticket.

    I look to you, as 'new found' friends, to assure me that I will be made welcome. I look forward to any advice, no matter how great or small, you may be able to offer me. And maybe, one day, meet, as I will initially be teaching in Chon Buri, and visiting Pattaya frequently. I am happy to discuss more if anyone wishes to email me.

    Thank for reading my post.



  12. From what I understand on the document, these are internal domestic police checks- presumably to see if you've been arrested or penalised for any kind of offense in Thailand. This is not yet, from what I can see, the worst case scenario of having to figure out how to get back ground reports from one's home country in a timely and accurate way, and then worrying about how charges from one's youth will affect one's presence here.


    Hi steve,

    "Charges from ones youth" i have just got my police check back & i have a minor shoplifting offence which happened nearly 20 years ago!!!! Do you think it will give me any problems in getting a work permit to teach?????


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