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syd barrett

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Posts posted by syd barrett

  1. OK, all my life I have had outlook express, a kind of email update from my hotmail account; now I have had MS outlook the full version for ages and want to use it! Two quick questions for you wizards out there; Thanks in advance for a remedy;

    1. When I double click outlook and it opens it is all in Thai; how can I change it to English language?

    2. If and when I do change it to English language, will it be easy to set it receive my hotmail account messages?

    Cheers all.


  2. Is there anything resembling a halfway decent bookshop anywhere in Pattaya? Or is the 'Bookazine'outlets at Big C and Royal Garden Shopping Mall the sum total offering for those of a literary turn of mind? Bangkok is flooded with decent Bookshops and I'm at a loss to understand the dearth in this neck of the woods. At the risk of giving offence; is there no demand? Are the inhabitants too sozzled, too illiterate or just too busy f..ing to get their heads into a good book? Stupid question, probably...

    Dear Mobi D'Ark; it is T.V. posts like your own, that make my blood boil. I am a nice guy, I am not being nasty; just helping you on your way in Pattaya. Read on; and learn.

    There are two dedicated bookshops in Pattaya and a continually changing range of second hand book stores. Bookazine, one and two are situated in Royal Garden and Big C respectively. They offer an excellent range of fiction and non fiction. I have seen, just recently, English classics and airport/pulp fiction on offer in both stores.

    You are English; and are clearly trying (and not succeeding) to impress us with your 'Bottom' Rick Mayall turn of phrase; However, there can never be a 'dearth' of bookshops, only a 'paucity'.

    Apart from that, welcome to the forum, and happy reading; I no longer get 'sozzled' and devote my time to 'pelvic entertainment with the female species' as Rick from 'Bottom' would say.........

    Thank you and good evening.


  3. If you are British; it is quite easy to spot forged twenty pound notes; the ones I have seen are not so good; plus I am sure I am right in saying ATM's in the UK never dispense forged notes.

    However to British and Europeans I say beware of forged US dollars, especially 50's and 100's. I have been given by American Express money counter in the UK forged US $ notes. They were knocked back by a teller on Pattaya Klang at the KTB kiosk outside the bank. He spent ages examining the notes and used a light and magnifier etc. I was $150 down; lucky he didn't call the fuzz....but I showed him my AMEX receipt and he just laughed.

  4. I was the same. When you say stomach ache I guess you mean bowel ache. Bowel spasm etc. I pinned it down to water and ice cubes.

    There is no real cure, try sweet black tea or peppermint essence.

    Gastritis is altogether different; more a a stabbing, gnawing pain in the centre of the chest, ie stomach, too much food and drink or a bacterial cause.

  5. I have searched the search engine, yet drew a blank on this; What is the name/Where do you buy, a pre-paid card to dial overseas from an ordinary Thai telephone landline?

    Perhaps there are some members like myself, who prefer a 'pay as you go' method for overseas calls for obvious 'Thailand' reasons! So far I use my mobile,which is O.K. with the 007 or 008 suffix.

    Thanks in advance....SB

  6. After all the laughs and jokes; there remains the unanswered question; 'How does one protect oneself from cowardly attacks from any gender in Pattaya?'

    This Norway bloke appeared strong and able to me, yet he got mugged/robbed by transvestites. I don't carry large amounts of cash, but cancelling all the plastic would be a pain to me, as might a sly bladed instrument in the ribs, if the same were to happen to me, on a night out.

    I would like to see Pattaya free of this kind of crime. It is angering to me when I hear of this incident; plus lone women are no longer safe from handbag-snatches etc.

    If crime and punishment fit the bill in Thailand; why do these people remain unpunished? (Even when caught)?

    Although I am amazed that the man reported the crime, he deserves our: (Thai Visa's) sympathy and a renewed effort (of all of us) to report and fight crime in Pattaya.

    Plus it gives genuine, law abiding, transgendered persons, a bad name/reputation!

  7. Maybe this post should be in the Pattaya posting area, but there has been an outbreak of Dengue in my Moo, two children and one adult, I am on 3rd Road near the Xzyte disco, I suppose it is daytime mosquitos. Anyway I am a bit worried, it is the last thing I need right now.

    Thanks for the personal emails. I have been 'off the beer' for 66 days, but I feel depressed, anxious, angry, meloncholy, frustrated, nervous, miserable, tearful, doom laden and very unhappy. Anyone out there know how long this will last?

    Maybe a walk down soi 6 will cheer me up?


  8. Yes I leave on Friday 21st; no time to get a visa, even the pay as you wait at Hull UK is closed this week...........just my luck.

    I have no fear, regarding landing at bangkok with a return ticket for 34 days, just I am aware there are VERY unpleasant check in staff at EMIRATES who are the most unhelpful and cunning staff I have ever met. They could easily say, no visa, no return within 30 days, and not let me board.

  9. To everyone; thanks for all the advice, and the longer posts. I have printed them out and will try everything.

    To the Moog; sorry I called you a 'Goblin' a while ago.

    I am very thankful for all the response, actually my head is spinning, it is such a shock to think that 20 years of booze has created this result.

    A few of you have asked 'how much, how often?' It has been steady; daily drinking; never vodka for breakfast, just beer at lunch and beer at night; perhaps 20 units a day for 20 years. It never interupted my work or life, I just liked beer.

    I suspect that I am unlucky; I have to quit 100% and hope that my damaged liver can just get by.

    More tests to come...will keep all posted.

    Thanks again.

    Syd Barrett.

  10. Thanks Lampard 10, that was good to get a quick reply on the positive side. At the moment I feel really depressed. It is strange; I am not at all concerned for myself, just the few people who love me; family and my Thai girlfriend (Don't laugh) she is a good lady......

    Perhaps if I abstain 100% I can buy some more time........


  11. There is nothing heroic about this post; it is just a statement of facts:

    I have been a hard drinker for more than twenty years; lots of beer and spirits, sometimes wine and sometimes champagne.

    Recent liver tests suggested problems; scan and biopsy have proven the worst:- Cirrhosis.

    I have about eight months to live; the prognosis is absolute. I can only say to fellow drinkers beware, of course don't stop, I am unlucky.

    I shall end my days in Pattaya. I feel a bit cheated at 39 years of age, but it is in the genes.

    All the best.


  12. ROCKY: I agree with you. Pattaya is dangerous for a dumb tourist with money in the bank who thinks he can make a living with a young Thai wife/girlfriend.

    Believe me, I have seen very good friends, destroyed financially by lies and deceit. The stories I can give are without end. I have seen a man of 40, sell his house in the UK, for 8 million baht and lose the lot in 2 years. I have seen a man of 65, lose every UK asset in 4 years.

    Thai women often have Thai boyfriends, yet they still milk dumb farangs. Some go further and murder them (the farangs).

    So what is the safe answer for Joe Soap? FFF 'em actually, but if you must form a long term relationship.......be mean, rent don't buy, plead poverty from day one, see how long 'she' sticks around. There are some good women around, but they are very hard to find these days. Really difficult.

    Back to topic. This was a woman, possibly murdered, for her Farang boyfriend's wealth/monthly remittance.

    Latest News: This is the second time in 3 months a death has occured at these apartments, I understand that the owners 'might prefer' for events to go unreported in the local media

  13. Perhaps a ladyman drugged his drink and he died and he/she robbed his place. 37 is too young to die, with condoms and lubricants at the ready. I think the lubricant might be the clue here.

    The pills prescribed for insomnia will probably be benzodiazipines which when mixed with alcohol amplify GABA inhibitors; death from asphixiation of inhaled vomit is a possibility; I doubt the MI hypothosis.

  14. I legally hold two British passports, and regularly 'flip flop' them for my convenience. You can't really 'gain' much unless you have a passport couriered in by DHL; say from Hull, like a few of my friends used to do, a lot. Times have changed; stricter rules are in place. Personally I would not get one of my passports couriered in.

    However it is helpful to have two passports, because pages fill quickly and it is useful to 'flip flop'. I have only been pulled once for having two passports; that was in the Philippines BEFORE 9/11 so maybe Manila computers are good. However on a British 2nd passport it says clearly 2 on the bottom near the barcode. So that indicates probable non-nefarious intent.

  15. Great post by Ilyushin! :o

    The new airport will be great for Pattaya, I have heard it said 'only an hour by road' when the new airport in finished.

    DM is not that bad, but poor seating and lack of good food. However quite a few modern airports are disappointing; Narita and even Dubai is too busy; if you can't escape to a business lounge then you will kip on the floor next to thousands of Indians.

    The charge of 550 baht at DM is no big deal, it is part of the ticket cost really, up to recently Japan charged 2,000 yen at Narita and even more at Kansai. I seem to remember a similar charge at Manila, for domestic as well; at least the one dollar baggage trolley has stopped....or has it started again?

    Some of the world international airports, served by major carriers are a disgrace. I hear that Lagos has improved recently, but some years ago it was a living ######.

    Heathrow is too busy, I am struggling to think of a 'good' airport; perhaps Doha?

    I reckon property prices in Pattaya due to the new airport;will rise; nice if you own some now; I would say a good time to cash in, because sometime soon a crash like 1997 is coming. I will still be here watching the GBP going back upto 90 and welcoming a busier Pattaya.

  16. ROCKY and POPPA

    I did not do nearly 6 years in Cardiff to listen to your glib comments.

    This is a serious topic; either contribute with sensible posts or don't bother.

    Murder is banal and foul, it always has been, and this forum does not need drugged up mushrooms like you two, spoiling the broth.

    I feel like the boy with his finger in the dyke, shouting wolf these days. Come on get a life.

  17. For a body to be preserved for 3 months with little detereoration, then the room must have maintained a temperature of <4 degrees celcius. I suppose with a powerful aircon set to supercool then this might be nearly possible but I am still amazed, if the cadaver really is in good condition.

    The putrifaction of the body begins from inside, and even the initial body core temperature of 36.9 would have contributed towards decays of internal organs particularly the G.I.T.

    Amazing Thailand.

  18. I posted a topic in the health section about my water concerns. I have lived in the tropics for the last twenty years and have never suffered from so many skin complaints. I am sure it is the water I bathe in.

    When water becomes unsuitable for bathing, then things are bad. Cholera and other water bourne diseases will surely follow.

    I would suggest that tap water, is not even suitable for cleaning teeth, even though you don't swallow. Some of the water in my taps, actually stinks of a mixture of rotten eggs; ammonia and rotting flesh.

    But what is the alternative? Water tankers that previously sucked out sludge tanks are delivering tap water. Did they steam clean the tanker first.....I doubt it.....we are all doomed. :o

  19. On the afternoon of August 25th 2005, the body of a Thai lady aged 21 was found hanging in her apartment.

    She has a farang boyfriend who is overseas at present, she was found in the 'Diamond Glass' apartments 2 (second building).

    Initial examination of the scene by crime officers suggest suspicion. It appears on prima facia inspection that the hanging was possibly concealing the true events that lead up to her death.

    Post mortem and medical expertise is in progress. I expect the story to break on the media soon.

  20. I just could not manage a visa run to Cambodia today; had too much Chang last night and the alarm at 5.30 just made my brain bleed, so I went down to Soi 8, filled out the form and paid 1900 baht. I requested 10 days extension as I thought that was the most I could get on a 30 day entry.

    I collected my passport this afternoon and they have given me 15 days!

    Call me old fashioned; but does 1900 buy 15 days now? Naturally I was over the moon, because it means no visa run for another 15 days and another 15 nights on the Chang.

  21. I have finally got internet on my colour screen mobile, using 1-2 Call, it is great for football and cricket scores when I am out and about.

    However I am unable to access my hotmail account, even with JAVA enabled. Can anyone recommend a free email system that is easy to use on a tiny screened mobile? Naturally I would open my account on a normal PC then begin to use the mobile telephone.

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