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syd barrett

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Posts posted by syd barrett

  1. I really want to get hold of this for the SP2, but so far no copies I have bought work in my SP2.

    Can anyone tell me where I get a legit copy in Thailand. Pattaya/Jomtien best, but Bangkok is O.K. I go to BKK once a week.

    Shivek, how does SA compare to GTAIII and Vice City?

  2. I need to get some busines cards printed ASAP. Can anyone recommend a printer/translator to do them reverse Thai/English?

    Is it better to get the translation before the printers?

    Anywhere in Jomtien/Banglamung/Naklua/Nongpru good for me.

    Funny enough: I have not seen any print shops in Malls or on the Soi's of Pattaya.

  3. A hangover has such a broad range of causes:

    A. Dehydration: by the way, feeling thirsty is not a good guide to whether or not you are dehydrated.

    B. Congeners: These are the nasties in all alcoholic beverages, higher in red wine and brandy, less in vodka and weak beers. Congeners are the extra chemicals aside from ethanol that are found in beer, wines and spirits.

    There will be tiny amounts of methanol in spirits, methanol accumulates in the body, so a session followed by a session will yield a worse hangover eventually.

    Fusel oils are the higher alcohols found in tiny quantities in all spirits.

    There are scores of other chemicals which are present in beer and wines, ever noticed how Stella Artois causes the drinker to become 'Stella'd' :that is doing crazy things, then forgetting everything the next day?

    C. Electrolyte imbalance, Potassium and other minerals are lost after a drinking session, unfortunately they get urinated away quite quickly. A couple of bananas will help replace the potassium balance.

    I think hangovers are lesser in Thailand, because we drink more water, drink Stronk-K, eat rice before a drinking session, finish off with a takeaway meal, and can sleep in. Plus a lot of toxins are actually sweated out the body by excessive perspiration. Then the adrenenal glands are usually helping speed up the alcohol removal system of the body if we are aroused!?

    There must also be some psychology involved, because if you are happy, ie.the sunshine, the friendly ladies etc. the brain chemicals will actually block out your hangover. It is rather like telling an addict, the 'fix' is on the way, the unpleasant craving stops temporarily (for them).

  4. I brought this topic up a couple of years ago....


    plastic sausage as my Thai GF calls (them)!

    Good on ya Syd. :D

    Aren't ThaiVisa members a wealth of knowledge on all kinds of subjects... :D

    BTW Syd, I notice you too are from the Banglamung area... found any other interesting little retail places in the past couple of years?


    When the Royal Garden shopping mall opened in Pattaya, some years ago now, they had an adult shop that sold just about everything that a U.K. adult shop sells. It was quickly closed down however, probably because it outraged some more serious window shoppers, after all this is a buddhist country!

  5. He contacted his family by email and said he was flying home on November 1st.

    So did he book and pay for his ticket in full? If he did, he probably intended to return home.

    If he missed his flight, he would have emailed for help, from his family.

    If he wanted to 'drop out' then £3000 would quickly run-out, was it in travellers cheques or cash. Surely he would have withdrawn and converted the money to travellers cheques....he was University material.

    Plus maybe he told close friends in the U.K. what he was about to do, have they been questioned?

    I fear the worst, particularly as 'wanted' posters with a small reward would surely yield something. He has the sort of face a Cambodian man or woman would remember.

    I hope he is O.K. but I have a bad feeling about the length of time he has been missing now. I would not travel Cambodia alone.

  6. Here is a good trick I use to get rid of people sat beside me, it works about 75% of the time. In economy class, it is a real pain to get sat next to an overweight or big person, they encroach on your own personal space, try this....

    As soon as I am sitting in my row I ask people sitting either side of me or on one side of me to pass me their sick bags in their pouch. I explain politely and apologetically that I am violently air sick and that I apologise in advance if that disturbs them; particularly if they are eating later in the flight.

    Then I sit back and start making throaty noises: Within minutes your contiguous neighbours will go and have a quiet chat with the host/hostess and request a move, at this point you have to hope that there are a couple of spare seats at the back for them to move to.

    This really works, they end up apologising to you, and then you can stretch out and enjoy the luxury of more space in an economy seat.

    (sick) syd. :o

  7. What is the meaning of the phrase 'Toll Air' in Thai, from one woman to another woman, never a man.

    I understand that it is an insult, but I cannot fathom the meaning.

    I understand that it is a bad insult but I am curious. Any Thai speaking Falangs can enlighten me?


  8. I must be a world record holder for spam in my inbox. What can i do? If I use a filter I lose valuable emails. Plus why can't someone get an IP address and go round to their home address and arrest them and fine them one million dollars then bung them in jail?

    Spam is terrible, then on yahoo chat I get spim....blah blah blah go to this porn website link etc. I am going crazy, is there a solution?

    Surely TV friends I am not alone? Or am I, how come they all know I need tablets and get it up cream? :o

  9. If you actually think about it, begging and scamming in Thailand is going to be a safe and profitable business in Thailand if you speak good English and approach only falang holiday-makers.

    I have been caught out a few times. Now if a falang asks for help, I will willingly take hime for a meal, give him a phone card, anything except cash.

    If you judge their response accordingly, the scammer will quickly pull a face and seek a new victim.

    For example, I met a Russian male, unkempt and dirty begging, due to bad luck etc. I said..'it looks like you need a shower, a hotel bed and a hot meal' he said yes, and became quite animated and happy, then I said...'I shall pay for your hotel room and meal; come with me I live 1km away, ...'

    What about cash he said, 'you don't need cash, I will pay the hotel direct'. He actually sprinted away.

    Never part with cash to a falang, buy them what they need. Then if they are genuine they will be grateful.

    I was starving to death once in Spain. I had not eaten for a week, and was sleeping rough, and a charity worker gave me apples and bananas. I ate eighty. I was grateful. :o

  10. The time has come, I will be travelling to Central Africa soon and I need some injections: those being: yellow fever/Thyphoid/Cholera and Polio.

    Qustion is this...I am living in Banglamung, but travel to Bangkok regularly, so should I get jabs locally in Pattaya City or Bangkok. I know that cost/convenience/availability are important considerations.

    Anyone, previous knowledge of jabs in Pattaya City and/or Bangkok. Thanks. :o

  11. What is Lao Khao, I have seen it, tasted it and it is cheap. What percentage alcohol is it? Is it true if you drink it for a long time you stop eating and die of multiple organ failure? Is there any quality control? Do only poor people drink it? Do you like it? Can I enjoy this stuff without it killing me?

    Mysterious colourless liquid can I ever drink this stuff?

    Why different coloured labels? 65 baht for 650 ml is good value?

  12. I don't know about lady man bars in Bangkok, although I would guess it is easy to find them.

    In pattaya, there is a conglomerate of bars around soi 9 where they have an amateur show, towards the back and there are many good looking lady men there. I think they are about 1000 baht a night and a 300 baht bar fine.

    Condoms in Thailand can be bought at Boots Chemist (decent ones).

    I reckon if you get a ladyman froma bar you will be O.K. they might be moody, but all they want is cash, I suppose the more cash you part with the better the performance.

    There is also a lady man bar on Walking Street, just on the right side past the boxing, I have seen pretty lady men there, a friend of mine had a short time with one there, said it was great.

    Me, I still have not taken the plunge, but I think I had a blow job off one on beach road when I was really drunk one night, no shame in that.

    I think that most lady men in Pattaya have not had the chop. But I have no idea if they are penetrationists, I always thought they were receivers, I guess you will have to talk that through.

    Good luck in March and I shall be interested to hear feedback from your ladyman holiday, as I have a few anxious friends back home who want to dip their toe in the water.

  13. Eight reasons the Philippines is better than Thailand for the long stay visitor:

    1. The people are much more friendly and speak English, once you get out of the main cities, all they want to do is talk, and they are very generous and not at all after your cash.

    2. It is cheaper, perhaps to do with the peso weakness, but certainly cheaper.

    3. Better beaches, altogether a more beautiful country, rice terraces, volcanos, tropical rain forest, 7,107 islands, excellent diving.

    4. Good medical facilities available, and they will treat you without demanding money first which is the norm in Thailand. Recently a Turkish accident victim was left in agony whilst a police car blocked the passage of an ambulance to extort money!

    5. More honest people, the Thais although they might not steal your motorcycle helmet are terribly dishonest, everything is a wall of lies, misinformation and double pricing and bull****. The women (of any age) are as bad as men for lies and untruths.

    6. Sex and Relationships, both are better with Filipina women, if you marry one it is unlikely she already has a husband back up north, they are more sensible with money, take care of their husband/boyfriend better, a more honest woman all round.

    7. Law and Order, in my experience any crime against foreigners is taken seriously by Filipino police. They are honoured to have you in their country and want to befriend you, they respect westerners. Thai police are probably the worst in the world, reports of petty crime are greeted with laughter.

    8. Visas; no problem; 3 weeks free, two month advance tourist easy and cheap, extentions no problem upto a year, chest X ray and Doctors for one year plus extentions.

    Yes, I'm leaving Thailand next month, for the Philippines. Thailand does have some great things to offer a tourist, but not so a long stay visitor, ALL my friends say the same, they have been here since the 'good old days' and they are all leaving and going to:

    1. Cambodia

    2. Philippines

    3. Japan

    4. Panama

    I wish I had been here 15 years ago when I have heard (Thailand) was wonderful.

  14. My bank charged me $50 to send my new ATM/Debit card to Pattaya. So far so good, until I discovered the package was left at the internet cafe next door and was on the table for anyone to take.

    This was DHL Express document.

    1. The courier did not call me on cellphone (they had my number)

    2. The signature was the girl in the internet shop.

    3. No I.D. was asked for.

    Conclusion: The card came in 48 hours and was left with a total stranger who just signed a bit of paper. I was lucky.....however I checked the small print on the DHL website and unbelievable.... They only have to deliver at the address and get anyones signature. So really DHL is no better than post except a) faster :o delivered to your address or 'friendly' neighbour.

    Thank God my card is valid for two years!!!

  15. Here is a quick question:

    My credit card is up to its limit, no surprise there and every month I pay direct debit minimum payment.

    If I need cash, I cannot use ATM because it knows I'm up to my limit.

    Is there any way I can draw cash on the credit card, with I.D. etc. This is not fraud, just going over my limit on purpose, sure I'll pay it back, when the time is right.

    Most shops, perhaps all stores and shops swipe, yet years ago a credit card used to let you go over a certain amount because they knew it meant more interest and fees for them.

    Are there any places I can use a nearly up to limit valid Credit Card?

  16. Some girls in massage places have asked me to use two condoms, I have always refused citing the fact that this is actually more risky bacause breakage is more likely. There is poor education in Thailand on this fact, perhaps this fact should be printed on condom packets.

    My opinion is: if having sex with a stranger use a condom with lots of lubrication, and breakage is rare.

    However I truly believe, and I apologise in advance to people who disagree, the main reason I use condoms is to prevent myself from easily transmitted sexual diseases, which are a real pain.

    The chances of a man contracting H.I.V. from ordinary vaginal sexual intercourse with a women are slight, unless she is menstruating.

    It is an unpopular thing to say, but I shall stand by it, and I do not condone sexual relations with strangers without using a condom.

  17. Several good points from Johnny Moron, I stand corrected on the 'Type D' skid mark. I welcome the new Type E and shall relay my personal encounters at a later date.

    Meanwhile I would like to share an underwear moment with you all:

    I was enjoying a performance in a Pattaya Go-Go on Walking Street, I don't know the name of the establishment, but it is all chrome/blue lights and two tier.

    There was an attractive young lady dancing provocatively, with bra and panties, which is rare because 90% are top and bottomless, when I noticed a damp patch on the rear of her panties. It was impossible to determine the shade of colour but I suspected that in white light it would be brown/yellow.

    As I gave her the eye she chose to sit with me and my drunken friends, and tried to cadge a lady drink, her spoken English was good and I asked her, perhaps a little too familiarly, why she had a visible skid mark on her panties that could be viewed by all.

    She stood up, witha face like thunder, thrust her arm behind her back and I was completly off guard when she gave me a 'dirty sanchez' ;much to the amusement of all my friends.

    I concluded that she was a 'Type B or C'

    I still can't get the smell out of my head, I've washed my upper lip one thousand times.

    Beware this girl/go-go.


  18. O.K. I have done that (I think) here is what I do...

    1.Turn Notebook on, everything boots up,

    2. 5-6 minutes later, no warning alarm just off, instantly

    3. Leave it? Is it still discharging?

    Why would this change from 90 minutes use switch to 5 mins overnight?

    Are there any tests I can do?

    If I need a new battery, are they cheaper in Thailand? (than U.K.)

    It's not a major problem because I use mains adapter, but I thought batteries sort of wear out slowly like mobile phone batteries, eg. 7, 6 day 5,4,3,2,1 then need a charge.

    Could it be an internal problem rather than the (little used battery)?

    Why does power say 100% then after blackout, with A.C. adapter suddenly say 5%?

    Thanks computer boffins out there.....


  19. Her is some advice about LBP (lower back pain) and sciatica down a leg.

    I have suffered from this on and off for four years, I am now trouble free.

    1. There are no miracle cures, in the old days removal of a disc was the idea, however in the old days bed rest was recommended, this is all wrong now.

    2. Cope with the pain and discomfort with painkillers and NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Don't worry, even if you have to take painkillers for 6-12 months.

    3. Get a hard bed, not ridiculously hard but very firm.

    4. Do exercises, to strenghthen lower back muscles (any psyotherapist can advise).

    5. Drink lots and lots of water, dehydration is a leading cause of lower back pain.

    6. Don't waste money on chiropracters/osteopaths and acupuncture and aromatherapy. They appear to work at first, then you WILL relapse.

    7. Watch your posture; sit upright. Lie down to watch T.V. don't slouch. Be aware of your posture at all times. Keep the back straight. Lie down whenever you can.

    8. Don't worry, 99% of bad backs and sciatica right themselves within 6-12 months.

    Believe me I've been there. Stay cool, read above advise again.

    Good luck.


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