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syd barrett

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Posts posted by syd barrett

  1. My notebook computer is six months old and O.K. all round until just overnight the battery power lasts just five minutes.

    Running XP, checked mains adapter, power says 100% then goes to 5% in five minutes, before it lasted for 90 mins and logo on tool bar counted down, 100/99/98 % etc.

    How can the battery suddenly give up? Is that normal? Have I done something wrong?

    Please help. Are there any checks I can do? Surely the battery can't be caphut in 6 months most of the time I use mains power!

    It is an Advent 2.4 MHZ 512 RAM

    Thanks please.


  2. Stray, noisy dogs can be destroyed in a safe and humane way.

    Befriend them, then feed them a fentanyl lollipop.

    Full details on the web about fentanyl lollipops.

    Dogs brain chemistry is different to that of humans and respiritory failure quickly occurs after ingestion of a fentanyl lollipop.

    P.S. Child like candy lollipops don't work.

    Thank you and good night.


  3. When it comes to water, in the L.O.S. , what do you drink when thirsty?

    1. Tap Water

    2. Boiled Tap Water

    3. Mineral Water from 7/11 or Family Mart

    4. Water from the big white plastic bottles (10/15 baht)

    Anyone any ideas how to cut down on drinking water costs, eg. filters, treatment cylinders etc.

    How much do you spend on drinking water per month?

    Am I paranoid about water from the Thai taps, is it safe to drink when boiled?

    Is it raw or does it have harmful minerals? Should I drink tea/Coffee?

    All input appreciated.

  4. Good Riddance! The stuff smelled bad and not a good taste for ladies. KY jelly is a good lubricant but the best is astroglide, I used to buy individual sachets in the U.K. £5 for 100, anyone know where I can buy astroglide in the LOS?

  5. Has anyone experience of getting reading glasses in Thailand. I don't mean the 200 baht magnifying ones.

    I want to go to an optician, have my eyes properly tested and a pair of reding glasses made to my prescription.

    Also, any ideas re price, and any pitfalls or cons there may be.

  6. Regarding skid marks in BG's.

    Type A: Was due to slack sphincter muscles, which cause massive panty soiling.

    Type B: Due to poor hygiene; ie. hurried use of water hose in order to 'catch' the next punter.

    I propose a Type C and D.

    Type C: This would be due to the 'wet fart' as a result of poor diet or a diet of excessive roughage coupled with a watery stool. Although only 5% of ingested water reaches the small and large bowel; this is paradoxically raised when eating food and drinking alcoholic drinks, particularly strong beer or wine.

    I doubt their is a man or women on this planet who has not lost control of his/her bowels after consuming champagne and food at a lively party, where tasty snacks abound. This can be devastating.

    I propose Type D: This final skid mark would be the most disgusting and disturbing of them all: I would label it the 'Don't care skid mark'.

    It is thankfully, rare but does exist in Thailand among the BG community. It belongs to the BG who has lost interest in bodily hygiene and wears the same underwear for days on end. They often just rinse their face before work, after climbing out of bed, they change their outer clothing, they even wash their hair, yet beneath it all is a total scatological mayhem. Beware the Type D. I even know a Type D who serves food in a Pattaya eatery!

  7. I went on a visa run to the Poipet/Arayaprattet border on a bus. One guy was three days over on his visa, we all went through into Cambodia, he was pulled and taken away, I presume a detention centre. He didn't come on the bus back, the driver just laughed and I guess he has to sort himself out.

    I bet it didn't help that he half drunk, swigging beer and looked like a hooligan, skinhead, tattooos etc, for all I know he might have had a heart of gold.

    Lesson #1 NEVER overstay even by one day!

  8. I registered for internet banking and all is well, I can check balance etc. but the original reason I got it was to transfer money to my girlfriends bank account, thus saving the £15 bank charge in England.

    When I opt for transfer money to another account, I get the message 'You are not authorised'.

    Can anyone help. I went into the bank to ask but their English was not good enough to understand my problem.

  9. Only truly sad people marry a bar girl; there is an exception to the rule however, if they are new arrivals, they have a 'sell-buy' date of a month, after that they are ruined. It is interesting to note that many falangs, hover around bars looking for new girls, because they are often unspoiled and can have nubile potential. :o

  10. Bruno; good post; if the people of the world knew how much the Burmese were suffering something would be done. Instead it's a wall of silence. I think British subjects at home and abroad should lobby their MP's and demand action against the evil dictatorship in Burma. I do blame China for their trade links and Thailand is not off the hook either. But as usual the worlds great powers, don't see any profit in it for themselves so they do nothing. A sad situation.

  11. Hey Spree, it's simple, don't get sexually frustrated waiting, go get yourself a girl who wants sex right now. My motto is; 'Jig Jig today is 50/50' If she does not want sex today, one day when you do get it, it will be rubbish. Remember a womans sex drive should be identical to a mans, although they kid along a lot.

  12. Johnny Moron has a point; I have witnessed skid marks on bar girls underwear, but I have concluded that they are incontinent due to excessive anal intercourse, which over time has slackened their internal and external anal sphinchter muscles, so when a watery stool is inhabiting the rectum it leaks causing the skid mark.

    I think skid marks in this case has little to do with the hose pipe cleaning of the anus, unless it is sloppy or hurried.

    I recommend the ablution hose, it is far more hygenic than wiping, particularly for women. And if there are bar girls reading; anal intercourse need not lead to rectal incontinence if adequate preparation before (penetration) is applied.

  13. People from the west are always puzzled about the bum-clean with a water hose and no use of tissue. The answer is simple;

    Just wash your bum with the hose, waggle off the drops and pull up your pants. O.K. it feels a bit damp for ten minutes, but this is a hot country and you automatically dry out. If you tried this in a cold country however you might develop a chapped bum.

  14. I have noticed that older Thai ladies produce a great deal less natural vaginal lubricant during stimulation. Either this is a hormonal oddity or else a 'Bartolin Gland' abnomality.

    I would be grateful to hear from male/females who have insight of this.

    Questions would include;

    1. Why vaginal dryness is more common in Thailand at a younger age than in the west.

    2. Solutions to the problem, including lubricant advice and recommendations.

  15. Has anyone (male) noticed that Thai women have massive pre-menstrual-tension?

    ie. Bad crazy mood before period about 3-5 days before. I am talking really bonkers.

    I believe it is due to lack of minerals/vitamins etc. because of the tropical climate and funny diet.

    Anyone (male or female) have any bright ideas how I can calm my lady? Perhaps vitamins etc.

    All sensible advice required....

  16. Went into Boots today to buy some Tylenol (Paracetamol/Codeine) tablets, was frog-marched to the door and told to bugger off. I've been buying ten tabs. for 20 baht for months.

    So I went to another Boots and requested the same, friendly pharmacy lady said they were now banned.

    What's going on?

    Tylenol are 300mg paracetamol 15mg codeine phosphate.

    Give us a clue......?

  17. I want to buy a decent DVD player in the New Year. So far I am in a ridiculous circumstance;

    I play English DVD's on my PC which is not great because it's only a 15 inch screen with limited sound.

    I play some (very few) DVD's on my Sony PS2 because it is regional and NTSC or PAL or something.

    What I want is a DVD player that will play ANY DVD : PAL/NTSC Any region and my old VCD's.

    1. Can I buy such a player in the L.O.S. ?

    2. How can I be sure the sales asst. is not just nodding Yes, Yes, Yes, when she means he/she does not know anything about what I want?

    Any feedback, received with gratitude...Have a cool Yule.....All!!

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