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Posts posted by lothda

  1. Alright . They voted themselves in power thai style with a little help from the courts .

    Its perfectly legal .... in Thailand .

    Coz havent heard of any other democratic country IN THE WORLD where such thing have happened .

    Anyway whats the point to argue now .

    PS Edit : If anyone here has heard of a similar story outside Thailand please provide a link .

    Germany 1982 http://motherearthtravel.com/history/germany/history-20.htm No new general election, but a new coalition formed. A normal democratic process.

  2. Here is a less than professional review - the guy seems to like it. His info is complete nonsense, though - this is a 16 bit device, CD quality sound. The surround output is headphone surround. This may give a cheap and cheerful sound boost to older machines (USB 1.1!) but newer ones have much better sound cards built-in or available as upgrades. Not for 900 Baht, though.
  3. The shipping agent is correct. The Non-Immigrant O-A ("Retirement") visa does not allow you to import your personal effects duty-free. In my case an estimate was made, a list of more valuable items was hand-written in my passport, including items I didn't bring (e.g. TV) Obviously they didn't even bother to look at the inventory list - they just wanted to collect a lump sum, maybe based on the volume of the shipment. And that's what they did.

  4. Avatar = Pocahontas + Dances With Wolves + Special Effects :)

    You must have been reading some reviews because I read that somewhere. Film critics always try to compare current movies to some movie in the past.

    To be fair to Avatar, it cannot be paralleled to any other movie in history. It is revolutionary. A ground breaker that will send movie making to a new level. It is also the most expensive movie ever made, at $300 million.

    A common criticism by some critics is that the story line and dialogue were a bit thin. I disagree.

    This movie was produced to be watched in 3D. I wouldn't recommend anyone watches it in 2D because you will lose too much as the production relies a lot on depth. I've already heard complaints about the 2D version.

    I watched Avatar before I made my remark. I don't have 3D vision and I thought the story was weak indeed. Just impressive design, all flashy and no substance. That's what I think...

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