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Posts posted by carbine1125

  1. Give me a break.......What are they trying to do by extending the already insane holiday longer?? more chaos on the streets, paralizing the already crippled economy even more>>

    Hopefully that stupid proposal will only be confined to BKK and let the rest of the country get back to normal.....what ever that is anymore.

    [go home moaning farangs, just go home]

  2. From what I heard it aint easy for paddies to get jobs teaching as they mostly look for native English speakers.

    Might be worthwhile shelving that plan for a while.

    typical labeling everyone paddies!

    Bahookie is talking a load of the old Shiite! very easy to get a teaching job here mate whether or not you would be wanting to working with racist idiots like bahookie or not is another thing. good luck whatever you decide to do

  3. i wonder why all you " farang" living here in this "dangerous" country don't stop bitching and accept that yeah maybe it is a bit like closing the stable door after the horse has gone but maybe instead think, ok well maybe some good will come out of the tragedy and stop this happening again! maybe you should go back to your safe expensive big brother controlled countries and live happely ever after. give the Thais a break. if it was not so of the cuff in Thailand you would not be living here in the first place......

    "stable door", "horse" and "bolted" all spring to mind :o
  4. i wonder why all you " farang" living here in this "dangerous" country don't stop bitching and accept that yeah maybe it is a bit like closing the stable door after the horse has gone but maybe instead think, ok well maybe some good will come out of the tragedy and stop this happening again! maybe you should go back to your safe expensive big brother controlled countries and live happely ever after. give the Thais a break. if it was not so of the cuff in Thailand you would not be living here in the first place......

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