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Posts posted by carbine1125

  1. Before people start peeing all over the Thais, please note that the helicopter is reported as a Eurocopter AS350, A quick check of equipment indicates that the Royal Thai Airforce uses an AS350 B2 as an observation helicopter. Eurocopter is owned by EADS. Perhaps you have heard of Airbus.

    Considering the weather and the the intent of the overflight, I do not think it is fair to start dumping on people until the investigation is completed. Those were heavy duty people on board and they weren't there for site seeing. They were working and had to look at the area that was under review. It is inappropriate to even comment on whether or not a variant of an ELT was operational, since one doesn't know if it wasn't operational. Recently, an irplane carrying several prominent Americans including an ex Senator and the former head of NASA went down in Alaska. It took 12 hours before the dead and injured could be evacuated. It is not easy to locate a downed aircraft in a forested remote area. It is even more difficult to get to that aircraft. Please be reasonable and use common sense.

    This is the most sensible post I have seen on Thai Visa for a long time! I totally agree.

  2. Will the landowners agree? Will the leaseholder (Central) agree? And can we have another memorial to those killed and injured by non-military personnel?

    I don't believe there are allegations that any great number of people were killed by non-military personnel. There were on-duty military and off-duty military, but all of the snipers were military.

    Oh ye with the crystal ball so you know that for a fact do you?

  3. Why so many idiotic, hatred and childish comments here??

    The people are REALLY affected. The busineeses are REALLY need support. And all of those workers are not the ones who made problems - now they just need to survive after the terror right below their windows. Those who dislike the red's actions - please just come and sue them, it is ANOTHER story for ANOTHER topic!

    Talking about "bangkok should be back" - but very ironic in every step on this long way...??

    A very nice "support" from all of you, yeah, who dare to call this land "a home"...

    Shame on you all. Get back to your holes and dont bark on the wind, if unable to say something more meaningful.

    I couldn't agree more !!!

    the typical pathetic Farang moaners, whose brains have been severely damaged by consuming too many CHANG and SINGHA every day !

    many of the vendors at Silom today are supposed to be from the SIAM SQUARE area, and there are a lot of STYLISH and UP-TO-DATE fashion shops or art and artist's products to be had usually.

    Apart from that, today is one of the very rare days where I am even receptive to buy some "knick-knack", just to support those people affected by redshirt-hooligans.

    I am OFF to Silom in less than one hour, stopping at Queen Sirikhit Center for the BANGKOK POST TRAVEL FAIR on the way, and I would be more than happy to see very few of those ridiculous Farang moaners, instead see many smiling faces of local residents, visiting tourists and of course, vendors, all with a "YES WE CAN - REBUILD BANGKOK AND IT'S REPUTATION" - attitude.


    Quite right! I couldn't agree more too! But let's not forget that some of the workers were involved and the rest did nothing to dissuade the protesters. It's great to think we can help rebuild the slightly damaged city (and for goodness's sake - it is slight) - but wouldn't it be nice if the whole world could rely on others to repair their countries when they themselves wrecked it in the first place?

    Could not agree more! Send all the moaners home to their wonderful countries. Beats me why they stay in such a hellhole anyway

  4. Nice to know this woman is happy that poor people in Bangkok (many of whom actually come from the same kind of background as her) have lost their jobs thanks to all the burning she is happy about. Seems nobody is picking up on all the poor that are suffering because of the red arson and violence. There is a big irony in that albeit a sad one. Bnagkok is not full; of only rich people and it is the poor who are suffering most from the attacks through lost work.

    I am sorry to say I agree with the woman from Chiang Mai, the Abhisit government is not legitimate, it rorted the normal electoral process.

    It is also cynical, shameless and unprincipled. I believe Abhisit's objective is simply to hold on to power and he doesn't much mind at what cost.

    Flowerpot or maybe full of pot? you talk the biggest load of sh1t!

  5. Some tourists/expats should know that they are guests here. If the country feels it is necessary to enforce a curfew to restore peace in the country they have the right to do so without asking your or anybody else s permition.

    Exactly so. And tourists and expats have the equal right to take their money to countries which are not in a semi-perpetual state of virtual siege and where they are general more welcomed by the local populace. Thailand R.I.P.

    Don't bother coming back!

  6. Completely absurd! I am an adult with little to fear from the Red Shirts, or anyone else in Bangkok. Once again, the Thai government chooses to treat its citizenry and the others living here as if we are all 12 years old. Why is it that every "solution" from these guys tends towards the lose- lose category? Incidentally, I walked around last night at 10PM. It was quiet, but there were still normal people out and about. One taxi even tried to pick me up for a fare.

    Why don't you try working with those in charge and stop bitching about things you can't change. If not maybe it's best you clear of home to! Everyone is trying to do their best in a difficult situation.

  7. What a shame....these animals didn't get a tenth of what they deserve.

    How dare you call these people "animals". So what did they deserve?

    Your type were burning wiches at the stake 800 years ago in the name of God.

    You cannot accuse the entire body of protestors of arson just because a few bad eggs decided to start fires.

    The army were using their directive to shoot on sight looters and arsonists as an excuse to kill innocent people. It is not a difficult task to clear 5,000 unarmed protestors with live amunition and tanks. This was no victory.

    innocent people my hairy ars_e and you need to get your head out of your own!

  8. "Please heed my call for an end to the rally so that we can continue fighting to advance democracy for the future," he said.

    PRICELESS quote......continue fighting to advance democracy, yeah right. PATHETIC attempt. next?

    Funnier still, this government boycotted an election, most probably will get caught out for electoral fraud shortly, are responsible for killing dozens of unarmed protesters and unarmed foriegn reporters, muzzle the media, got into power via a parlimentary deal rather then through elections , and only because the opposition was disqualified for a cooking show. And the most ironic thing of all, is that these people call themselves the DEMOCRATS !

    To come out with verbal sh1t like this you really must be an American!

    At least the foriegn media for the most part knows that this goverment is full of sh## , pity some of the expats are still clueless though.

  9. I just emailed these people with the link showing the execution of the army truck driver on May 14 at Din Daeng

    so far all 36 shot are civilians, no any military.


    the guy on the picture might have been only injured, wounded, knock down or passed out, there is no blood on his uniform

    Let's start by stop calling those red thugs civilians as they are far fom it! This is a war zone at the moment thus no place for children or women. If they choose to stay let them face the outcome

  10. A couple of weeks ago I saw a couple of Thais wearing t-shirts with large swasticas on the front. I can't believe they had any idea of what that symbolizes.

    actually if you reshearch the SWASTICA you will find the real meaning of it...

  11. Would you call that boy looking over the tyres a human shield.I suggest you print something factual.My thioughts would have been,he is showing the boy to the soldiers to show that he is there.


    If someone had said the boy should not be there i would have agreed but dont spout crap on here

    That's what a human shield is - "don't shoot at us behind standing behind the red barricades because we have brought our children here."

    For sure i totally agree, whybother should not bother spouting crap of his own....

  12. Yet another brainfart idea by this government. Public holiday I suppose means banks will be closed as well? I have a wire transfer coming in for my 1-year visa extension. Carefully planned to arrive 1 day before the seasoning requirement by Thai Immigration. Now it will arrive 1 day late and I won't be able to renew my 1-year extension without leaving the country, paying for the airplane ticket, the new visa, hotel, etc. What a joke.

    Instead of FIXING the problems, they are RUINING the country even more, since stock exchanges will also be closed.

    Way to go, clowns.

    Nice to see that your not worried about yourself and have the state of the country in mind.....Semms to me the only clowns are the farangs

  13. the only result of such a partisan opinion is to divide more deeply and to drive more certainly to Civil War.

    The situation is now far more difficult to handle.

    1- A conscrit army is not a block without cracks. I have told from day one that the law enforcement was a Police operation more specifically Anti-Riot Forces.

    2- The fact of double standards (PAD Airports) has destroyed a fair utilisation of Police and Army

    3- Abhisit is acting as a Partisan Leader not as a Stateman: he failed to adress directly to root people and fix their issues, defusing the situation at the roots: it is a well known tactic to defuse a social unrest by adressing directly the issues, overpassing the leaders.

    4- Now we are on the verge of the insurrection. If there is a bloody crackdown, the risk is the Civil war, just waiting than some Army sections join the insurrection. IMHO, Anupong has well understood the danger and this is why he cannot act as Abhisit want.

    Thats a great post and the Army is indeed split.

    In the past, the Elites have bought elections and where they could not buy them, they have (through the salaries of the forces with missused Tax Revenue) PAID for coups and PAID the soldiers to do their bidding. They have somehow brought Newin in on their side this time to prop up Abhisit. This can only mean they have promised him PM if he maintains status Quo. When PAD have a problem with Newin in the future, they are going to pray that the "good old days" of Thaksin could come back. A PAD rally under a Newin Gov. will not happen. Crocodile farms will have a good day though.

    Is it any better to be paying army conscripts to keep you in power all these years than Thaksin buying a bit of land and dodging a bit of tax? Obviously to the PAD its ok.

    PAD's rank and file interestes are closer to those of the Redshirts. They just don't know it yet as they think they are part of the upper classes. They are at best, part of the lower rungs of middle classes and still very poorly paid in a world wide sense. This despite their party being in power forever.

    Of course nobody would confuse Taksin as being one of these elite's would they?

  14. The so called "terrorists" are demanding for an Independent Investigation into April 10th.

    PTP party have called on the UN for an Independent Investigation.

    The government refuses for an Independent Investigation.

    Why not get the UN in to investigate as happened say in the Bhutto murder in Pakistan ? Why does Abhisit and his cohorts refuse ?

    Well, I think most people around the world can guess.

    Levelhead? more like no brain! Are you for real?

  15. :)

    No matter what you think the reason is to make it harder for the counterfiters, they will need to retool their operation again for the new C bills.

    A $100 bill is the biggest bill in normal use for U.S dollars. It therefore gives the greatest potential profit to the counterfiter.

    Iran and North Korea are still printing large numbers of $100 bills. Iran even had a government established plant to print counterfit bills. They passed them throught the Gulf arab countries, both for profit and as part of their activities to cause problems for the "Great Satan" (U.S.A.) for many years. They may still be doing so, but the business ttook a big hit when the last $100 bill design change was made. Now it's time for a new change of design.


    and you saw their setups (printing presses, etc.)?

    Yeah weapons of mass printing! What else will the world blame on Iran?

    I recently had this confirmed to me by a member of the SS(the U.S secret service, not your fellow countrymen. Although your fellow countrymen did have quite an ambitious operation in the counterfeiting business a few years ago didnt they).

  16. Uhmm, how is it a "joke" and or "business as usual"? I have a very bad feeling about tomorrow.

    They are wrecking their own country. The establishment is sacrifying the children of the poor. These soldiers are childish babyfaces (who have guns), not experienced warriors who could control a delicate situation. Serious incidents are now preprogrammed.

    At least the THB has now a negative outlook: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/fitch-low...tive-2010-04-19

    Meanwhile the rampant revolution will continue. Again: 62 million people can not be kept slaves of 100 000 forever.

    so why are 62 million not protesting?

  17. Bring on the "I can't believe it - I'm moving to another country" crowd again.

    So what if it goes up to 6,000 baht, that's still only around £100.00. Is a £50.00 (3000.00) a year rise for the right to live and work legally in a country really enough to make you leave Thailand? I spend twice that on a good night out - if it bothers you that much then your in the wrong country to start with, get yourselves off to Somalia, it's cheaper than Thailand apparently...

    I agree, far too many farang bitching on this site!

  18. Fellow Travellers,

    Me, my wife & daugther (4) land in Hat Yai early in June for 3 nights, was originally going to 'out & about' with a family friend but they can no longer make it so we now have 3 nights and no where to stay - Songhkla beach hotels are all full - seminar in town :)

    Can anyone suggest a decent beach resort within travelling distance of Hat Yai, even on other side of coast?

    Alternative is to just not go - flights were almost free in Thai promotional deals. Maybe stay in Bangkok?

    not much to do down there if you cant get to Songkla. my girlfriend is form there. best to spend your three days elsewhere

  19. Dead foreigner found floating off Phi Phi Islands

    PHUKET: -- Police on Koh Phi Phi are trying to identify the remains of a foreign man whose body was found floating about 3 nautical miles off the Phi Phi Islands in Krabi.

    The body was recovered by workers from the Phuket Provincial Administration Organization's Tourist Rescue Center, which operates out of Chalong Pier in Phuket.

    The exact time of the body's recovery was not given in the police report, made at 10am today.

    The man was found wearing only green trousers. His left arm bore a tattoo with the words "mother heart".

    Koh Phi Phi subdistrict police are now questioning people on the island and checking missing persons reports from Krabi and surrounding provinces, including Phuket, to try to identify the man.


    -- Phuket Gazette 2009-05-02

    If he is British (likely that or American) all they have to do is stick "left arm tattoo mother heart" in the police computer and bingo... that will narrow it down to only a few. Could be done in less than 5 minutes.

    don't be a wally! are you saying all people with tattoos have a police record? maybe the ones with half a brain like yourself should be on it!

  20. I wonder if anyone has had the experience of applying for a Tourist Visa from the Royal Thai Embassy in Hanoi.

    Is an outbound (out of Thailand) air ticket required ? How much is required to process the TR ?

    Hope fellow members can share information as I intend to take a break from the usual Vientiane.

    not sure about hanoi but i got my tourist visa in ho chi minh. they require you to show a confirmed ticket from vietnam to thailand. if you show an overland bus thicket then they will ask for a valid credit card or 500 dollars cash. i assume hanoi would be the same. the visas are free until 5 june

  21. Someone pointed this article out to me by meteorologist Smith Dharmasaroja, head of Thailand's National Disaster Warning Center. (Isn't he the guy who warned a tsunami could happen but got ignored???)

    Bangkok is sinking

    So, Bangkokians, what to do to solve the problem?

    Move the capital --how and to where? build dykes like in New Orleans? Build it up higher? Refill the aquifers? I am not an engineering type at all and if it really is sinking can't see that there is much of a solution. New Orleans certainly can attest to the efficacy of dykes if not maintained :o

    Let it sink.....................

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