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Posts posted by carbine1125

  1. In Bangkok they prefer the embassy letter, not sure if Immigration even issues letters in BKK.

    Elsewhere the immigration letter is the norm in case you don't have WP or Yellow Book.

    How does one go about getting the yellow book?

  2. Wow! What a bunch of happy guys you are! Happy someone is in hospital, because it is "the enemy"? Too bad it's only food poisoning, huh?! You should be ashamed of yourself, to go that low!

    Grow up. Six hundred dead, thousands in filthy water up to their waist for weeks and she complains of a few skid marks in her panties! Fine way to lead the country.

  3. It's a sad situation there. My girlfriend comes from the south and they have to put up with these floods every year. They do this without constantly bitching and fighting about it, they just get on with it. Bangkok floods once in fifty years and everything goes tits up. The people in Bangkok and the government by the way could learn a lot about their own selfish nature by observing the southern people!

  4. May I suggest to the Malaysian court an immediate prosecution of Captain Kangaroo.

    BTW, while I am no fan of Bush/Blair, virulent anti-semite Mahathir Mohamad has even less credibility on the global stage.

    What has anti-semitism got to do with the story ? By introducing this subject, it kills the 'debate', as anyone who is in favour of this tribunal is judged, by your statement, to be anti-semetic. Nowhere in the OP is there a mention of Israel, it's people, or religion. As for Mr Mahathir Mohamads' lack of credibility, have you proof of this ? Or is it just anti-muslim bias on your part?

    The sad truth is, that instead of a mock trial of Bush & Blair being held in Malaysia, it should have been held for real by the International Criminal Court, and the pair of them, and many of their political associates, should have been charged for real with Crimes Against Humanity. I sincerely hope that this "mock" trial in Malaysia will lead to a real prosecution, in the future.They both deserve to be tried, on behalf of the thousands who have died, been injured or who have suffered because of their evil deeds.

    Well said and needs to to done sooner rather than later!

  5. Have the paperwork from the school before your visa expires in December and do a visa run, everything should be ok, you have some time. Whether a letter from the school will help or not, that is up to the embassy that you go to, Vientiane or elsewhere. You have to do a visa run anyway it can not be converted in the country.

    Tourist visa can be converted to Non Im b if you have 21 days left on it and the proper paperwork from your school

  6. ...and he practically not saying anything of value. He is just telling us, whet we know: nothing! All speculating and tea-leaf- reading!

    Can I write an article in THE NATION, too?

    Yes please enlighten us with your pearls of wisdom!

  7. Are you for real or are you just hammered?

    name='hammered' timestamp='1320737408'


    Rubbish like this doesnt need reporting at this time based on a single unnamed source. The government-military cooperation has been good. You wont find any Thai person who doesnt think there are a certain small minority people loving the floods and seeing at as a great opportunity to overthrow the government. The military are very unlikely to be in that group as they remember only too well how incompetent the government after their coup were, how slow, corrupt and ineffective the Abhisit government they manouvered into place were and of course they arent stupid enough to want to run a recovery operation after this especially bearing in mind the above or to try any weird stuff when a lot, a real lot of people think the floods are being used to try and change government and the military have through cooperation with government in flood relief recovered at least some if not a lot of their reputation. To now toss it straight away rather than enjoy the ability to get back to barracks leaving the elected government to sort out the mess would be to say the least a silly manouver

  8. I am sure that are there are many here who think they could do a better job, and I am sure there are many there who think they could do a better job- until of course it comes to doing a better job-then those here and there find out just how difficult it is and wished they had kept their mouths shut.

    If Thaksin was my brother, I would do a wonderful job don't you think?

    I don't think anybody from any country would have done a better or worse job, this was mother nature wreaking her havoc in a way nobody anticipated or knew how to deal with. The perfect storm.

    There will plenty who will say this should have been done or that should have been done but it is simply lip service.

    Hopefully lessons will be learned by ALL sides,parties,colors etc and that action can be taken to reduce the problem in the future, because it will happen again.

    Wake up and smell the <deleted> man

  9. The PM also denied claims that she discussed the flood crisis with her brother, former PM Thaksin Shinawatra, via Skype.

    Find that a bit hard to believe dont you ? but she is most likely telling the truth....she hasnt been talking to him on Skype, but talking to him to via telephone/email :rolleyes:

    I presume her reply / comment is in response to a useless question by a useless journalist. Who gives a flying rat's ass who she has been talking to about the floods? A totally irrelevant point, except to try and score some cheap political points. And guess what? Some TVF posters did not disappoint. The first reply to the article picks up on this totally irrelevant point followed by the usual gaggle of posters who can think of nothing better to do with their time other than to waste bandwidth. How much more intelligent we farangs would seem if we would instead discuss the priorities as laid out in the report.

    Well considering the lame ass attempts she has shown so far, she would need to be talking to someone! maybe she could call you for better advice?

  10. I'll save Macwalen the time.

    Walen school - always trustable

    Seriously though, it might help if you said what city you want to study in?

    Thanks mate

    you mean of walen is www.thaiwalen.com ?

    I want study in bkk

    I did search on google and i c few schools say visa up to 3 years and some say up to 5 years , so i confused

    also u know about tlslanguageschool.com ? they want just 50% deposit not full

    any advise?

    Also try Ola language school they offer cheaper visa than walen I think from 12.500 to 14,000 Baht

  11. Gee, maybe things would have gone much better with an aircraft carrier as logistical support.

    As soon as they finish painting the carrier red and putting a large 'Mission Accomplished' banner with Thaksin's picture on it they'll be back

    Are you insinuating that the U.S. military is in the pocket of Thaksin? If so you've really gone over the deep end.

    stranger things have happened! :-)

  12. Thailand surely has the most incompetent Prime Minister in the world, the people voted her in... and got what they deserve... she says natural disaster when we all know it was a human and political disaster.. she knew big rain was coming but other things were much more important... what an idiot..!!!

    I think the real idiot is her wonderful brother for putting a novice in such a high position and also her idiot cabinet members who will not work together and follow advice.

  13. Typical "baffle 'em with bullshit" attempt for extra buget funds.

    How pray tell is a radar system going to provide a weather forcast??? :blink:

    A radar sysytem tells you what is actually happening - now, and may indicate what might happen in the next 1 - 24 hours, not next week.

    Fail to see how the lack of radar facilities can be blamed for not accuartely predicting the floods in time to actually do something about it.

    so it's not really a radar, it's a crystal ball?

  14. Another reason to not leave your home/not to live in Bkk.

    Quite.. in fact this has made me think of moving out of Bangkok. In the number of years living in Thailand I am in perpetual fear of being stopped searched by the BIB while walking down Sukhumvit rd. In fact I'm starting to suspect there is only one place on this planet where issues like this do not occur. The problem is, I suspect too many retards already live there...

    we can always squeeze in one more!

  15. Hi, I am always surprised by the difference in salaries in this country. I am a full time teacher at Rajabhat University, 150 km.north of Bangkok.I The job is great, the students very friendly but the salary is only 27,000 THB. How come a kindergarten teacher can make 35,000 to 40,000 THB a month?

    You should know kindergarten teachers have to put a lot more effort and thought into getting the lesson topics across to young students. Do you think because your students are older, maybe near adults that you should be getting paid a higher wage?

  16. Hi there is a school in the Minburi area that needs a K1 kindergarten teacher. Preferably young and female. Not to much emphasis on qualifications but needs to be comfortable around young children and have a lot of energetic lesson ideas. The job is initally for one semester beginning the middle of October and running to the middle of March 2012 with possibly an option to sign on for another year. Salary would be around the 35-40,000 baht range. Please PM me if you are interested.

  17. A friend of mine works at a school near Minburi which needs to hire a female teacher for kindergarten. The position is for one semester starting mid October and could possibly be extended for another year. If anyone is interested please pm me.

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