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Posts posted by carbine1125

  1. I have been looking for them as well, but without any luck so far! However, I have a Krups GVX2-12 coffee bean mill, which can make extremely fine coffee. It is a "real" mill, with two ceramic stones grinding the coffee beans. It has seventeen settings from coarse to very fine, but I'm still not sure that the "fine" mode is fine enough, and since mine is used for coffee, I'm not gonna try using it for flour. By comparing the finest coffee it can grind with the average wheat flour it seems like it might be okay. I brought mine from abroad, but I know you can buy them for around 4,000B in most Centrals, Paragon, Emporium... you might wanna check it out.

    Thanks for the info, it might be a good alternative. Is your machine fast? and how much can it grind at a time?

  2. I have not actually seen one. But if they are sold here, there are kitchen supply shops at the end of Yaowarat Road. Near the klong. Which is the bottom end of Chinatown. About 1/2 a kilometre before Chakraphet Road.Quite a few shops selling gear there.Also some Indian cooking gear shops in Chakraphet Road itself.

    Cheers for that. I will look there this weekend.

  3. Hi have just started to make my own bread and now I want to mill my own flour. Does anyone know of or have seen a grain or flour mill for home use for sale around Bangkok?

  4. RIP Aziz Sergeyevich Shavershian.

    Sympathies to the family.

    Regarding the sauna/spa identification: would it not be nice to know if you're possibly visiting where a guy died? Not so much to ask is it? It's irrelevant about the sexual nature of the place and its customers, and what goes on there, but wouldn't it be nice to know if someone's spirit might be lurking?

    Don't know about spirits lurking in any sauna but going by the posts, there are a few muppets lurking around here!

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  5. And the The times, they are a changin...

    In 25 years Thais will be going to England for cheap holidays, drinking , whoring etc, they will all get 30 days visa at the airport, Farangs will have to go through a rigorous means test to be able to get a Visa to come to prosperous Thailand, many will have their Visa applications rejected. laugh.gif

    As long as Thailand doesn't make the same mistake as western countries and have uncontrolled immigration, and whole sections of people who are happy to live off of the welfare state, want more money for beer and drugs, have another kid, the government will give you more money etc etc, Thailand will do good.

    That's one thing about being a developing Nation, they can look at the total mess that developed nations have found themselves in and try a different approach.

    In this thread I expect to see the usual snide comments aimed at putting Thais and Thailand down, look in your own backyard first, see what a mess it all is and how can anybody do any worse.

    Well said! I suppose it would be to much to expect a bit of encouragement from the muppets, who seem to be in the majority at times, on this website

  6. I have a thin one , not strong and one side magnet ( excess from making car window's mosquito nets ). If it's what you are looking for , I can give you some.

    I need quite a bit of it as I am setting up magnet whiteboards at the school were i work. Where did you buy yours from?

  7. Not sure which ads you are referring to, can you post a screenshot, it's possible they're not TV ads at all.

    This one indicated by my arrow. When you accidentally touch it with your cursor it fills the screen.


  8. All you people who are cheering this are absolute scum, you know that? At least people who use ED visa's are trying to do something to stay here legitimately.

    Some of you lot forget that we are essentially all here for similar reasons, it's just that not all of us are lucky enough to have a job or be over a certain age so that we can get the visa we need...

    You might laugh now while you have your comfortable retirement visa or whatever it is, but one day they'll clamp down on those as well - then perhaps you'll wish you weren't quite so gleeful about the struggles of the rest of us to stay here. Morons. Shameful

    Well said. This site has more than it's fair share of muppets!

  9. So are you selling your bread maker and if so how much?

    Although I enjoyed our bread making machine, I gave it up when I read about the health risks of teflon. All bread machines have teflon-coated inner containers. Teflon breaks down into toxic and carciniogenic gases. It was originally estimated that the gases were only produced at temperatures of 500 degrees F and higher (making teflon-coated frying pans unsafe), now it is believed that harmful effects may occur at 392 degrees F, which is close to bread baking temperature. It wouldn't surprise me if the level of temperature at which the risk occurs is subsequently lowered.

    My own bottom line is that I have discarded the bread-baking machine and will soon learn to bake bread the old-fashioned way. It's too bad because the bread machines offer a terrific convenience. Your level of acceptable additional health risk may be different, but mine is zero.


  10. Surin islands? I don't think Surin has any islands but if you mean Samui and Ko Phangan then you would head down to Surat Thani and then south east to a place called Don Sak and this is where you would get the ferry. Maybe 11 hours steady driving then 2 on the boat. Boat is around 600 baht for car + one, one way. Roads are good the whole way but drive carefull as the lorry and van drivers in particular are idots!

  11. If you go into control panel on your pc, click folder options, click view at the top then click show hidden folders you should then be able to see the music files on your ipod. Just drag them to your pc. Not sure if it keeps the original names though.

  12. Tourists don't need 4 Tourist visas.

    Good to see them cracking down on people illegally abusing the system.

    Should really make it a limit of 2, not 3. Or even a limit of one in neighbouring countries.

    Ignorant posts like this really get me going. It is quite reasonable for a tourist to have 4 tourist visas in a 3 year period. As long as these tourists are not working and have the funds to support themselves it is in everyones interest that they are granted a visa. I take it your over 50 and have no issues with your visa.

    Na he is a Muppet! don't suppose they need visas.......

  13. Skilled work force? Don't robots put cars together these days and the 'workers' - for want of a phrase - merely feed the robots? I suggest that Red Robbo could do the Thai motor assembly industry a power of good. :D

    Doesn't the UK now have a policy of allowing only those who have special skills and can make a contribution to the economy to enter the country? Growing rice hasn't taken off in the UK and I'd be surprised if it did. In any event Laotians, Cambodians and the Vietnamese are much better at it as shown by the yields per acre. On the other hand the UK could show the Thais how to build a barrier across the Chao Phraya River and no doubt the Dutch could teach the Thais a thing or several in that area.

    If Abhisit doesn't know that he was wasting his breath then I suggest that Oxford University should disown him. Thailand and the UK are in competition. Both countries are trying to off load their surplus idiots.

    That could be true, after all Thailand did end up with you.........

  14. ... where the water level was up to 5 meters high - Compared to what? 5 metre 'rise' would be 2012 come early!!!

    One person was electrocuted when a tree was uprooted and fell over the power lines - was he hanging from or in the tree or the power lines? Maybe the roots, when ripped up catapulted him up to the power lines.

    Such intelligent journalism. rolleyes.gif

    Such sympathy on other peoples misery!

  15. {"We find the potential release of a man responsible for countless deaths of innocents in Africa and elsewhere simply astounding," said the group, led by House Foreign Affairs Committee Howard Berman, a Democrat.

    "More so as there is little doubt that he would return to his deadly trade, arming those targeting US and Thai interests around the globe," they said in the letter, which was delivered to the Thai embassy on Wednesday.}

    I find it offensive that a country that has caused as much death around the world as America, the land of the free, has the balls to wave it's big stick at Thailand!

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