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Posts posted by TEFLMike

  1. My brother is coming in next month. Can you explain to me how you get the 1,000 baht price please? Does that include tolls to Pattaya? I would rather email my brother telling him how to pick up the taxi at the airport, rather that having one from here run up there and wait for him. That way, there is no worries about the plane being delayed, etc. TIA

    I use a regular 'big car' company in Pattaya. Admittingly, I do get discount for highly regular and frequent usage. I travel from Chonburi to Pattaya every Friday teatime for 500tb. I leave Pattaya for Chonburi at 5am every Monday. When I travel to the Airport from Pattaya I pay 1000 tb and no toll charges. If for any reason I do not use my regular car company, I make my way to the ground level desk at arrivals and tell the girls at the desk where I am going, either Chonburi or Pattaya. I never use the meter in the roving taxis. I refuse to use the Limos' or people carriers, who usually ply their trade at level 2, immediately on leaving the airport arrivals building,t hey want the same price no matter where I am going, BKK, Chonburi or Pattaya.

    Some peole go upwards to level 3 and obtain transport at 'Departures, from cars already dropping off at the airport. They say this is the cheapest method. However, I have never used this way so I have no idea what the costs are. I tend to be dubious using the cars from level3 departures, as there are potential problems with insurance if anything adverse accurs whilst travelling, ie, an accident.

  2. Thailand needs to overhaul its entire public education system, from anuban (preschool) to university, in a process that might cost a trillion baht and take ten or 200 years, along with a minor cultural upheaval. Actually, Ken May wrote an insightful review of Thai educational history in the Learning Post of the Bangkok Post about ten days ago. Ken's excellent article pointed out lots of major improvements through the recent decades, by royalty and commoners, much of which I didn't realize. Yet, for all the efforts at reform and money invested in it, the changes have been slow.

    Thais don't just need to learn English. In fact, most Thais don't need more than 200 words of English. They need to learn to question authority, ask embarrassing questions, think for themselves independently, and give good essay answers to open ended questions. Maybe in the year 2595, if Thais are still alive.

    I agree wholeheartedly with you as regards the questioning in class and thinking for themselves

    When I first dtarted teaching in Thailand, I really believed it was I 'not getting through' to the children. I soon learned differently.

    Now? Approaching the end of the school year, I find that a few children recognise, through my voice sound, that indeed I am asking a question and that I require a reply. At least I am now ascertaining that all is ok to ask me a question.

    I have now reached a situation with at least 3 or 4 in each class and managed to get them to 'put there hand up in the air' if they would like to answer a question I have asked the class. This too, is seen upon by many students, that to put one's hand up , that the pupil doing so is a creep or referred to by other students, as a teachers pet. Now, many students accept that it is OK to answer a quesion and guess what? They have started to like the involvement and some students gaining a little confidence that results from doing so.

    A bigger problem for me is mobile usage in class.

  3. Is that a DK Bookshop almost on the corner of Central Road and Beach Road in Pattaya? It is next door to a Pizza Bar about 3 doors up from the corner of Beach Road.

    If so, then it is not listing of addresses of outlets within in the above weblink.

    Ca nanyone advise please, as I have been attempting to locate their website for ages.

    Many thanks


  4. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Diazepam is a prescription drug in the UK but I know for a fact it can be bought at any big chemist in Thailand. My friends use it as a way of taking away the boredom of long flights to and from Thailand to Europe. Well, it certainly worked for this bloke. He certainly wasn't bored.

    6 months! Wonder if he has any previous.

    Bored? I wonder why? Ther are plenty of good books to be purchased prior to a flight. Plus there is the well arranged in-flight entertainment system. Music, Films, Games, News and Radio. The guy should have got a 'grip' of himself?

    Irresponsibilty of the highest order. He is devastated at what he managed to accomplish. Too late now

  5. I expect to move to Thailand very soon and I would like to take my Yorkie (dog) with me. Looking for advise. i.e. Documents required. Will he be safe?

    Will he be safe? Hmmmm. :o

    He may take a liking to the street dog s' packs. develop a liking to chase motorcycles, and suffer the consequences and the wrath of the motorcyclists.

    Many dogs I see here, spend all day lay down sleeping. Far too hot for them.

  6. r u a troll? she is your X remember that, delete the number mate.

    Not a troll. This is genuinely a summary of the conversation she had with me today.

    Just when you think you've heard it all they come up with something totally out of left field!

    Put the squirrel somewhere safe, lay down some rat poison, remembering to hide the squirrel's bowl, so the rats will miss thier food and then eat the rat poison?

  7. I found a good site where you can call from the UK to the 'Land Of Smiles' :o from only 1p/min. Why not check it out. I've been using them & all seems to be ok with my last BT bill. Call Connexions is the place to go. Hope this is of help. :D

    Can you please attach the link to your message? :-)

  8. Any advice welcome :o

    teach subjects which they find interesting, thai songs, pop stars e.g. and translate scripts, names ... into english : )

    Try to get them to learn songs in English?

    Something simple, not too 'pop' orientated. I find that they like to sing and many Thais have natural good vocal cords.

  9. post-6192-1199522059_thumb.jpg

    You want one of these? Haven't seen them in Thailand. If that is what your friend wants, I say: 'Go for it!'

    When I first came to Thailand I brought heaps of Australian souveniers: cuddly toys (kangaroos, koalas etc), stickers, playing cards with Australian motifs on them, Aussie flags etc. Now I have quite a few friends I try and discretely find out what they like and shop around accordingly.

    Thais like shopping - but they also like gifts. Best of luck.

    I am sure you won't have any problems bringing in your pasta maker. Just watch the dreaded excess baggage charge. Weigh your luggage on your bathroom scales to before you leave for the airport to avoid any nasty surprises when you check-in.


    I managed to bring in my own PC Printer in November, in it's original box. No questions asked at BKK, no problem at Manchester Airport, even though my luggage weight was approaching 40 kilos. They let me through without having to pay excess charges

  10. Actually, I have met plenty of Thai woman with high paying jobs. 150000+ per month, cars, houses, great apartments etc. Who are looking for a farang boyfriend. They always ask me if I could hook them up with one of my friends back home. The only issue they have is that their parents would probably not approve. Many of these woman have been burned in relationships with Thai men and feel that Farang men are more on their level.


    I reside in Chonburi, any ideas of address and contacts for me please ?? :o

  11. The 24th is a government holiday. Govt universities, schools (some private also), etc., will be closed for business. This new holiday was proclaimed by the Cabinet several weeks ago. Other holidays are 12/30 12/31 1/1 and 1/2 (choy chuk, or in lieu of).

    Correct. December 24th is a National Public Holiday. Declared by the government a while back. This is to allow Thais time to return to their places of work if they have travelled far to the home province to vote.

    Why some posters such as TEFLMike and Ignis make statements that are clearly incorrect is beyond me.

    I was ansewring the question as to what was occuring in my school as regards holidays. Obviously now, I learn that some schools are closed.

  12. Lets turn the table. In the UK recently, a new rule has been sanctioned that ALL children from Primary school (early years) will have to learn a second language.

    More imprtantly, The UK Government have announced , only this last week that any non-european immigrant will HAVE to learn English, prior to them coming into the Country, if they are seeking life in the UK within marriage etc. They already have to do an exam for basic english. Many colleges of further education are offering courses for immigrants. If they fail to do this course then they will lose their visa. Other countries within Europe, generally, is sure to follow suit.

    I set out below an article in this week's news >>

    Britain tightens immigration requirements

    LONDON: -- The British government Wednesday outlined details of a points-based system to "manage" immigration from outside the European Union (EU) under which unskilled workers would have little chance of entering Britain and spouses would have to pass an English language test.

    Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said the proposals, devised along the lines of the Australian immigration system, were aimed at providing a "robust machinery" to ensure that only those migrants "meeting the needs of the UK will be allowed to enter and work."

    Applicants would earn points for their skills and the "potential" they show for economic success.

    The government would also in future "block the privilege of citizenship" to applicants with a criminal record and offer greater protection for people being pressurized into forced marriages.

    Under the proposals, expected to come into force next year, the minimum age at which people can come to Britain for marriage will be raised from 18 to 21.

    The five-tier immigration system is aimed at attracting highly trained and skilled workers, according to Britain's economic needs, while low-skills "will only be used if specific shortages are identified that cannot be filled from the UK or European labour force."

    Last year, about 12,000 unskilled migrants from non-EU countries in Africa, America and Asia came to work in Britain.

    However, the opposition Conservative Party, and anti-migration pressure groups, have said the new system will have little real effect as the vast majority of migrants coming to Britain were arrivals from new east European members of the EU.

    The Conservatives, who have demanded an Australian-style upper annual limit on immigration, also maintain that the new system would not work without putting a cap on numbers.

    Back to the point in question? Is it not better and wiser for Thais to be taught English by a native English teacher ? In view of the even faster-changing world and approaches to immigration?

  13. Just heard on the 2pm News in the UK, that the Union is not sriking over and immediately after the holiday. Yhe first strike day is the 9th January. Then the 14th, 17th/18th or 18th/19th.

    And the strike days will increas as the managements drag on their heels

  14. My girlfriend always puts my things in the most ramdom places. For example I couldn't find my new trainers. After looking for 5 minutes I asked her if she'd seen them, she just tutted and got them out from under our sink as if thats where all the shoes are kept.

    It get's better :bah:

    Had nice laydee in my Condo from Monday until Friday afternoon a few weeks ago. I return from school, at 3.45pm. Laydee meets me near 7/11, to carry my bag (methinks this is unusual) :D . Gives me a kiss, turns to me and says 'Loom not same darrrrlink, loom no same'.

    One shudders, imagining how a fire started :o I say to her ' Why? Has there been a fire?' 'No, darrrrlink', she says, as we go at at more speedy walk, than prior to her opeinng her mouth., ' Youuuu see darrrrrlink, loom no same!.

    (One shudders some more), .......steadily and surely ,edging up the floors in the lift to the 8th floor, all I hear is 'Loom noooo same darrrlink'.

    As lady turns the key in the lock of my condo door,, once again, I hear those words, 'LOOM NO SAME DARRRLINK!,(turning to me, with even a bigger grin on her face, (as proud as punch), the door opens, I peek in the loom (sorry, erm.... ROOM).

    What do I see. The 'L' shaped sofa and chairs gone! Removed to the verandah, apart from two chairs! The wardrobe moved, to the far corner of the loom , (sollee... room), (only the left hand side door will open), the right hand side door, SLAMMING into to my newly acquired Epson Printer! ;)

    I said , 'Where is the plug socket?' She say ' Behind lordlobe. It beggared belief! :D

    I say 'Wha yoouuuuuu doooooo?!%*&! :D She say 'Look, more loom darlrrrink ,more looooooooom! :bah:

    Result? Ended up with more dancing area than xCite Disco :D in Pattaya!

    Why did she do this? Anyone able to tell me ??? Pretty please?? :o

    I left it as it was, no time to start furniture moving............ until I return on New Year's Eve :D

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