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Posts posted by TEFLMike

  1. Hi Mike,
    I have had it over 12 months.

    Have you had anything like this before 12 months ago?

    My doc in the UK prescribed some cream etc.

    Did he suggest what it might be and what the cream he prescribed?

    I also have dry skin on my arms and elbows.

    Is this similar to the knee?

    Are there any other family members with a similar problem, did you a particular nasty or stressful experience one year ago?

    If any of these ring a bell, it could be psoriasis, a picture of the elbow might help.


    I posted two of the creams I have, and now it has uploaded to Thaivisa,. Can I locate it ? No :D

    The information was precise.

    No, None of my family have problems with this. They are both old. They will be celebrating there 58 wedding anniversary in July :o

    Maybe a stessful experience coming out here to reside, to teach, maybe. After 3 years marriage. Alas I took that in my stride. I was here two or three years on monthly hols ,before I decided to come to the land of pittance lol

  2. It started out as a couple of Mosquito bites.

    I have had it over 12 months. I have been to the doctor'd and clinic. They cleaned it up in March. I have had many anti-biotics and creams . My doc in the UK prescribed some cream etc. I also have dry skin on my arms and elbows.

    One doc suggested bacteria , but I shower every day. My arms and elbows are nothing kike this on my lower leg though.

    When I took the pic of my leg, I had just had a shower and covered it in cream, maybe I should not have done that prior to taking the pic, either,

    It was not as wet as it looks , priot to the cream application. It is not sore unless the skin/scabs dry really hard, then they stick to my socks. Ihave to wear shoes and socks at work etc

    It does not help taking a pic of yourself. lol. Any help on identifying this problem , would be truly appreciated .

    Here is the pic

  3. It is A OK!

    The other Michael, (I did say there were two of us, both teachers' name Michael: Mike and I), is now, as I type, at the Silom Centre.

    I? I am sweating it here, in Pattaya, attempting to complete a Uni Assignment, that was due in on the 29th May. I have until the 7/8th June, otherwise. KAPUT!

    It is the laptop keyboard and wireless connection,to blame honest! Wireless is not easy to operate with!


  4. It is A OK.

    The other Michael, (I did say there were two of us, both teachers' name Michael: Mike and I), is now, as I type, at the Silom Centre.

    I? I am sweating itheee, in Pattaya, attempting to complete a Uni Assignment, that was due in on the 29th May. I have until the 7/8th June, otherwise. KAPUT!

  5. That's a large blister, I don't know what bit you but suggest you keep a close eye on it or even better see a doctor.

    For me I don't react to mossie bites and sandfly bites itch.

    I don't know if it's the same but the wet season is a time when I get what I presume are flee bites around my ankles or feet that come out in small watery blisters. The puss appears to be infectious and causes more blistery sores to appear if it leaks onto another area. These bites look like mini boils rather than the huge area you have.

    The worst was when one of these blistery sores turned into a tropical ulcer. Within a few days I could fit the last joint of my little finger in the hole. I needed doctors visits and some serious antibiotic injections to fix the problem.

    I am willing to take a pic of mine. It would be tomorrow now. No rush. it is quite dry at the minute and starting to get itchy again. big lumps of dried skin are falling off. Sorry if you read this whilst you are eating peeps

  6. We are a friendly, established language centre in Silom Road near the BTS and underground. We URGENTLY need 2 native english speakers to teach at our centre and at a boys school near China town. Up to 25 hours per week available. Email us at dos (at) excel-english if you are interested.

    The email address is INCOMPLETE. No phone number.

    Sorry, however, I could be interested if you furnished us with the full path. remembering to you the (at) in your correctly entered email address.

    I have just attempted differing variations of your email address.

    I have received a MAILER DAEMON straight away to my primary email address.

    It is certainly not any of these addresses >>


    (reason: 550 Host unknown)


    (reason: 550 Host unknown)


    (reason: 550 Host unknown)

    No notification, as yet, as >>



  7. We are a friendly, established language centre in Silom Road near the BTS and underground. We URGENTLY need 2 native english speakers to teach at our centre and at a boys school near China town. Up to 25 hours per week available. Email us at dos (at) excel-english if you are interested.

    The email address is INCOMPLETE. No phone number.

    Sorry, however, I could be interested if you furnished us with the full path. remembering to you the (at) in your correctly entered email address.

    I have just attempted differing variations of your email address.

    I have received a MAILER DAEMON straight away to my primary email address.

    It is certainly not any of these addresses >>

    [email protected]>

    (reason: 550 Host unknown)

    <[email protected]>

    (reason: 550 Host unknown)

    <[email protected]>

    (reason: 550 Host unknown)


  8. We are a friendly, established language centre in Silom Road near the BTS and underground. We URGENTLY need 2 native english speakers to teach at our centre and at a boys school near China town. Up to 25 hours per week available. Email us at dos (at) excel-english if you are interested.

    The email address is INCOMPLETE. No phone number.

    Sorry, however, I could be interested if you furnished us with the full path. remembering to you the (at) in your correctly entered email address.

  9. My previous school allowed 3 days sick leave , or more regardless of recovery days or holidays. It stated on the contract that we were supposed to get a doctor's note, however, the school was not enforcing that rule

  10. Oh dear,

    I am pleased someone has come with this topic. I am at al oss what to do. A year last June, I too developed a arash,then purple coloured skin, at the bottom of my left leg. I have had it cleaned at a clinic, via a doctor, I have cems of numerous sorts. Even creamprescribed by my GP, in the Uk.

    Today, it is still the same. It seeps, skin falls off when it has dried. It is sore at times, it will just not cure. Also any other bites I get, whatever bites me, causes a rash and dryness to the skin. My skin surface is tender and raw at times. I am fed up with it now. I have even had 2 lots of injections, anti-biotics and God knows what.


  11. I love it here, really i do.

    i love the climate and the people.

    the ladies are very beautiful but i am missing something.

    it's cricket, god's own game.

    i miss it badly, the feel of a gray nickols, the smell of my pads.

    just needed to offload.


    Chin up Quandry. Chill! :o For your information, it is Whitsuntide School Holidays (Spring Bank Holiday, yesterday). :D

    You know what happens on Bank Holidays and holiday weeks for school kids? Come on! You remember!? It *is*es down! :D

    Just been in AOL UK , they are all at home, on their PCs', It is raining now, as I type, in much of the UK.

    You would be in a situ of 'RAIN STOP PLAY' :D

  12. Hi all,

    I had trouble accessing this page/post. I am am sorry I have located it. Is there a better way to earn money Thailand, and spare us the problems and the headaches, that are following us around? Maybe taking up a corner of a Soi playing a :o ? :D

    On a more serious note, I have a horror story to tell. HINT: Take a 30 hour return bus ride to Suratthani, only to find out that there is no available position at the school, in the first instance? TIT :D

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