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Posts posted by TEFLMike

  1. She is looking like a WINNER!

    The potato snack menu did not go down well with all the residents as they worked their way through 6,250 grams of crisps.

    They were challenged to sort them out into four different flavours by tasting them with their tongues.

    Wearing hair nets and blue lab coats, the housemates tucked into a giant heaped bowl of salt and vinegar, cheese and onion, Worcester sauce and ready salted in the garden.

    Big Brother allowed a 5% margin of error for each flavour to be in with a chance of winning an extra token.

    But the housemates were informed that cheese and onion exceeded this safety buffer by 8%, while 11% of Worcester sauce flavoured crisps were inaccurately licked and picked.

    Sylvia Barrie was among the first to express her displeasure at failing. She said: "How dare they? Straining my tastebuds, confusing my tongue. How dare they?"

    After two hours of licking, some of the housemates complained they were suffering. "I can't taste them any more," Jennifer Clark said.

    But Thai massage therapist Kathreya Kasisopa had a different reaction, saying: "I don't have a problem with this task at all."

    So far, only one housemate - Stephanie McMichael - has been evicted as the 15 remaining participants compete to win the Channel Four show.



    There is a LINK there is a POST somewhere. I have it in My Favourites. But can I locate it ?

    I too, am in Panic .

    PeaceBlondie has the link somehere.

    Stand by, I will attempt to locate it. maybe Peaceblondie will locate before me.

    Please PM me if you wish. I would like to make contact with you, if I could



  3. Mine starts with 1-462 and have had it for 15 years. I did have problems with the on-line system this year but was due to a required change in password. Whoever generated the initial application for on-line screwed up my birthday and no combination would work to allow me to submit for a new password. Have to start the on-line application from new. :o

    My number is off my Till/Payment Receipt. The more I think about this , the more the situation points towards,. Province, Tax District's and whatever else? I could be correct or I could be incorrect. Anyone else thought on those lines please?

    I did get a little white CARD, off the school,which is not with me at this present time. sent towards the end of the school year, and we had to pay it almost immediately, the same day, even. Lucky for me the Tax office was almost right opposite the school .

  4. Have you perchance been to Khon Khaen recently? The reason I ask is that a number of my friends contracted a fungus based disease (a type of 'clubfoot' if you will) which has since unapolagetically spread rife throughout our organisation.

    No, I have not been outside Chonburi Province, only to the UK and back twice in three months. I was not in the UK long enough to find out if it was the heat, here, or not. I have been using the Dettol soap a lot, and my leg seems to be drying and scabbing more now. And not as wet beneath the scabs , after the scabs peel..

    and, my left hand, now appears, to be not as itchy. as it was previously, maybe because it has been cooler , in recent, weeks, I am unsure.

    Thanks for all your help.

    If it is possible could one of the Senior Mods please PM me, or indeed, email my Primary Email Address, in a week or two, as I have something to ask?

    Many thanks.


  5. I got the UP TO THE MINUTE BLOG from the House on the final run down in the house. Kathreya, certianly has the mood of the film crew and all the rest ...

    Finally, I wasn't aware that the porky 1980s tap-dance troupe, The Roly-Polys, were big enough in Thailand to have inspired a one-woman tribute act. I'm writing of Kathreya, of course, who is 30 years of age yet claps her hands like a toddler during a carol concert and screeches about her jar of cookies as though they've been laced with PCP. Maybe they have been – it would explain plenty. But is there room in our hearts for the Club 18-30 Nancy Lam? Well, I certainly hope so. After all, 60 Minute Makeover would never be the same again.


    She is really good, this girl, she is keeping her nose clean, my opinion anyway. :o

  6. Phone turned off.

    Not in an area that has coverage.

    Busy with other things.

    Add to that..

    Extra SIM card (different phone number) in her phone right now. .. The real number we are not allowed to have.

    I am seeing a girl that does this all the time. She makes the excuses, but I've been here long enough to know the game. Putting up with it is a small price to pay for admission. Everything else is free. :o

    Kyb???? She certainly is not with me! DUH! :D I don't even know where I am MYSELF!




  7. As anyone read the news in the UK? It is like scrolling through a HORROR Movie Credits

    As for Thailand, there is no country going to escape from this. What does it boil down? It is usually greed. Greed by whom, is the Big Money Question?

    Looking at past posts, of which, there have been numerous, the last few weeks,. The situation suggests that ASEAN, and indeed, Middle Eastern Countries, will have an easier time of it.

  8. Nice one Katere !

    Brillinat , in fact! Better than all the spoilt brats who get on the show. I never watch, it but I may have done this time, with Katere in it

    If they decide to 'Kick Her Out', I bet she says, 'Up Toooooo Youuuuu!.


  9. There are two reasons that they are looked down on in my opinion.

    Number one is that hardly anybody teaching here is actually qualified for the job, including people with "degrees" in all kinds of subjects that have nothing to do with teaching English. Even with a good TEFL certificate it takes a few years to get good at teaching what you have learned, but few teachers take a decent course and even fewer last that long.

    Number two is because a good number of child molesters have been caught teaching in Thailand.

    Your reasons are false. Out of the foreign teachers in my school I am the least qualified, and I have a PGCE which is the legal requirement for countries like the UK, all the rest of the Western teachers have at least a masters. I had many interviews in the early part of the year and I saw the same thing elsewhere. My degree is in Nursing Studies, but as I teach health studies it is very appropriate.

    There are teachers with less qualifications, but they remain in teaching because their schools believe that they are great at their job. Their lack of paper is made up for by their practical ability.

    As for your comment about child molesters. Weren't you recently bleating about how its occurrence was exaggerated? Funny how you are prepared to jump on the bandwagon when it is against teachers though.

    Down Fido!

    This is a great example of how people totally misunderstand someone else's post on the internet and fly into a rage.

    I was a teacher, so I have a pretty idea of typical teacher's qualifications in Chiang Mai, if not in Bangkok and I would say that, in general, you are wrong. However, I have nothing against teachers anyway as I know how difficult it is and that the pay is usually terrible. I am talking about what the general public thinks.

    I am not "against" teachers, and I think that – at most - a handful are child molesters. We are talking about what society thinks.

    Who is flying into a rage and why do you have a pretty idea?????


    I have just finished teaching for a two hour session in a Language Centre. for about , well lads, you have an idea. Still attempting to get back into a school after 1 year's full time in a respected Girl's school... need I go on? With all respects Sir, (OP) he has not got a clue what it is like teaching in Thailand. This is the first time that I have referred to anyone, in any Thaivisa Forum. since I Joined . Alas, it has to be said, that I believe that the OP is a 'Troll'.


  10. From what I have heard on internet forums, and from a friend who tutors international students, the upper tier is very insistent that their teachers be certified and experienced from abroad, before they come to Thailand. Exceptions are made for subject specialists, and other instances in the lower tier schools. They need very few ESL teachers (and I do mean English as a Second Language) as remedial instruction for new students only. Those ESL positions are sparse, often occupied, and poorly paid compared to the fully certified staff.

    But garro, once you have both PGCE and an M.Ed. and experience as a tertiary instructor, you should be far more employable. You could get into a lower tier private school, a good EP program, etc. Oh, and speaking of half-Irish babies, did I tell you I have a new grandchild named Aoibhean? Is that a girl's name?

    Congratulations Peaceblondie. I think you will find it is definitely a Girl's name .

    Just seen this online. I am not going into Girl's sites. Personal facebook sites etc I am not going in there , but here is a clue:...'what type of guy is ment for you (girls only) - take this quiz! .... well hows u, aiobhean is gonna win hands dwn was lookin 2day at d 1s in and none of dem ....

    As for your question Garro. Peaceblondie is correct I am still having to go back to the UK every October to sit a 3 hour exam in an actual Uni building. Otherwise I would fail the course.

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