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Posts posted by TEFLMike

  1. I thought it was great Ta22. Thank you.

    Ya but its full of <deleted>, if you read his other post you will see he bought his wife after knowing her for 6 days... ya thats true love for you right there. I knew my noodle vendor at the corner better than he knew his wife.

    Well, bless my little cotton socks. Was he better than the wife? :o

  2. better to move to the pattaya forum or classifieds


    Yes, sorry for that. But now i can't figure out how to move it, or even delete the post :D

    I am sure a Mod will move your post for you as soon as one comes along. :o

    A year or so ago, I too, would have been interested in one or two items.

  3. After spending 15 months in Thailand and then a weekend in Hull City Center waiting for the Consulate to open the reverse culture shock was that much I wanted to throw myself under a bus! (apologies to any one from Hull)

    :o i used to visit Hull as a sales rep and it was the first time I had witnessed a retail shop that kept its front door locked and only opened it once a customer rang a bell. Scary place Hull.

    back to op.

    No plastic bags on peeps head when it rains in the US?

    I used to work for a Hull based Multi-National Company, in the 70's. Hull seemed OK then, similar to everywhere else in the UK. How the UK has changed for the worse.

    I had to return back to the UK for 10 days duration last year. I never unpacked my case. The plane back out could not come fast enough. Even the local town centre pubs, which I used to frequent, had all closed down. :D

  4. We are lucky to get told we are needed or not needed. My initial school did not advise me that I was not required for the following year. Was it a case of 'saving face'? I never put a foot wrong in the entire year, always early, never late and work pro-actively. They ensured that I completed my contract. If I had done anything incorrectly, then obviously, I would have been terminated at an earlier time?

    I was left in the dark, completely.

  5. I can sympathise with the OP, primarily because until now he had a good record of receiving mail, from his father in the US.

    Registered mail might be perceived as a red flag to some Thai postal workers & sending cash was a huge mistake.

    It was probably opened, cash stolen and the contents binned.

    I have a pocket sized Nikon and 2 small, pocket sized, GPS units I need bringing over by an honest tv member, currently in the US, not to save a few dollars but to actually get what I paid for.

    I have no trust or faith in the Thai postal service or HM Thai Customs.

    To the OP:

    Insist on the return of whatever is left in the envelope & take it from there.

    Lets go further. There are misfits in every postal system worldwide. The UK is no different.

  6. I just tried to discuss with my wife the 2 dead in the riots which she was apalled at and the 220 deaths on the road which I was apalled at. Sadly as I have found with many discussions like this she was disinterested " up to them" her comment, I mentioned how about the folk walking on the pavement that get run down by them who didnt choose to drink and drive, " I got pain my tummy" came next and frustratingly this is how many of our "serious" chats often end up or with "u correct" which means she doesnt want to talk about this anymore.

    Anyone else get these type of responses? I get disheartened at times by it.

    All the time Why else do you think we are having "sensible" conversations on here?

    Excellent summary! Maybe we can start a new thread on marital conversations.

    I wouldn't marry an Essex Girl but I married a Thai one

    Best "Quote of the day!" :D

    I wouldn't marry an Essex Girl but I married a Thai one

    2nd best: :D

    If you want to get rid of your husband, buy him a motorcycle!

    Dumbest: :o

    Australia has a population of 14 million....etc

    & The point is Aussie's are (still) really, REALLY crap drivers. :D

    Enjoy ! :D

    101% for this post! :wai:

  7. What is the penalty for Treason - if found guilty?

    as you likely know, most of Thai law is based on English law and treason was a capital offence

    although hanging was abolished in 1965, treason remained on the statute as a hanging offence

    i suspect it still may be, but i am not 100% sure

    certainly its not been used as a punishment for treason for many years

    i would guess its still on the thai statute.

    No, the death penalty no longer exists in Europe. The Human Rights Act, ensured it was abolished.


    In England the death penalty has not been abolished.

    There is still a working gallows at Wandsworth jail.

    And presumably there is still a hangman on a retainer.

    The death penalty has been abolished for murder.

    The death penalty is still there for treason.

    I think. Please correct me if I am wrong.

  8. I have never seen very bad toes on my ladies. I must say though, that my ex in the UK, had such long big toes, it was untrue.

    But maybe evidence is needed to decide who has ugly toes and who has not? :o

  9. Proof? Well it depends on what you call proof. If you are looking for a smoking gun forget it he was way too clever for that. But, to take his war on drugs, he gave the order and, as I recall, coined the term "war". Those 2,500 or so deaths didn't occur overnight but happened over a period of some months. Now he orders this campaign against drug pushers/dealers and suddenly people start dying in almost daily shoot outs with the police. Innocent people, it was claimed, including at least one child were dying. He knew it was happening as did everyone who read the newspapers but he did nothing. You would think he'd stop one day and think "hold on a minute someone's going a bit over the top here" and start making some enquiries and tell HIS boys, remembering he's ex BiB, to take it a bit easier and take a few prisoners. But no he just let it ride as they were his boys and could do no wrong but in reality they were using the campaign to settle old scores and remove the competition in the drugs trade and being who he is he must have known. He was the boss, nobody did anything without his say so.

    So is he responsible for the deaths? Well, again from memory, when he came to power he was going to run the country like a business and I believe he used the term the CEO premier or similar. Well in business the buck stops with the CEO, it's called corporate responsibility and he ducked it.

    As for the other stuff, well that depends on how much you believe in the impartiality of the Thai judicial system. It was certainly not impartial under him as he appointed all his chums into positions that usurped the checks and balances. It's probably not impartial now as the elite are out to get him but they are a little more circumspect in how they do it.

    One thing he has succeeded in doing is divide Thailand into two camps. Either people are for him or they are against him, no middle ground. Similarly here on TV there are two camps, well three in reality. There are the Thaksinettes for whom he is the shining knight on the white charger and then there are the anti box head lot for whom he is the devil incarnate. Then there is the third camp who are sick and tired of all the eternal bickering between the two warring factions and wish they'd all go to hel_l.

    But do we need concrete evidence or irrefutable proof? Well obviously in a court of law the answer is yes but in our minds we can form opinions on people based on less tangible evidence after all would you say Robert Mugabe is a good man?

    Enough, 11:15 and I'm off to bed. Goodnight from me and goodnight from him. :D

    I applaud your post. Magnificent.


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