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Posts posted by phutoie2

  1. Unbelievable!! It is time for the Army to arrest all the PTP for over throwing the Country. First it was Charlerm then the PTP telling the Court does not have authority and they are just going to ignore it, Then it is Surapong saying he is not going and even saying he is still representing Thailand at the Summit? Under what authority??

    The Army do not arrest anyone, Prayuth is on record as saying so.

    But like most Thais he could always change his mind.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  2. Pathetic!

    The world is laughing at the elites and the low, low levels they have had to stoop to because their extreme unpopularity prohibits them from legitimately coming to power via elections.

    It's business of the Thais, the world please stay out

    Can you please show us a link to any western country where she even got a mention

    Have tried all the Australia newspapers and they not give her dissmissal 1 line

    Im my world western countries believe in the rule of LAW

    You have internet in your house - well use it

    Coverage on the BBC and Guardian online paper.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. Wow the TVF yellow cheerleading squad have progressed from being small-minded keyboard warriors to being able to denounce legal opinions from professors of law.

    Ditto, most of the TVY 's have bar stool diploma's plus I was threatened by a yellow loon on a previous topic

    Signed up for a Chuck Norris refresher just in case.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  4. Yellow?!

    Yes, Monday is yellow in Thai culture - just in case you aren't aware of this fact.

    Something to do with having a clue - Ok.

    Rubbish, you just came here and saw loads of folk wearing yellow on a Monday.

    Next you will be telling us about tipping barbers.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  5. Surapong.... You probably set up that soldier to be beaten to justify the extension of the ISA and the reduction of troops.... so go on.... Send Poo to order this troop stand down and wait for the refusal..... just adds to embarrass her and yourself a little more and show that neither of you are in control the way you think you are.

    Strange how the top brass of the army never came out to condemn the attack on one of their men isn't it?

    That's because they probably suspect the same as I do....... You paid the guy........ Purely based on the fact that there is no sane and logical reason why he did that.

    Ever watch Thai TV ?, that incident has been covered extensively. Even the mad monk has apologised and PDRC guards have been sent to the hospital to visit the Officer.

  6. Never mind the never ending last battles. I want to see pictures (of the actual rally), they claimed just drew tens of thousands of reds. For some reason, those stories never seem to be verified by pictures wai2.gif

    Here you go.

    The rally at Chaiyaphum, 26th April 2014


    The rest you can find at the official UDD site, bit of an obvious place to look I would have thought http://thairedshirts.org

    100% photo shopped and not very well.

    Covered in detail on channel 3 morning news show this morning. I suppose that was all photo shopped too.

  7. Maybe you should ask who the hell Thaksin thinks he is? What right as a convicted criminal fugitive fraudster, a fugitive with 15 serious outstanding charges waiting for his return, got to speak to economic advisers or anyone for that matter on help for Thailand? He isn't a member of the caretaker government, hasn't be elected or appointed to any position and is responsible for this current shoddy mess. His clumsy attempt to secure a whitewash for his crimes and charges and place himself and family above the law sparked this all off.

    Just shows what a complete joke Thailand has become and exposes the myth that he has nothing to do with running the country yet again. Yingluck has no power and no one believes her anymore. Thaksin will do anything to get the power he craves so no one trusts him (which he's shown them to be right over and over again).

    Abhisit may have his share of flaws but he's still a better bet for leading Thailand to real reforms than the egotistical megalomaniac or his actress intellectually challenged sister.

    How many more times do we have to read this familiar tripe here. Clearly you have been out in the sun too long today.

    Go and have a lie down in a dark cool room. The panda up in Chiang Mai zoo has more chance of leading this country than old chubby chops Mark. If TS is such a nobody how come he wasn't off our TV screens all last week. Oh and get an avatar jobby, over 4000 posts, worrying. ph34r.png.pagespeed.ce.GOH20nhrx_.png

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