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Posts posted by phutoie2

  1. Are there any specific charges or is this just a hunting expedition?

    Duuuh... Do you shoot first and then go hunting? Of course they have to find evidence, by 'hunting' for it, before any charges are laid. A sophisticated criminal syndicate known as Puea Thai Party (headed by a fugitive, convicted felon) has methodically concealed the truth for several years. Their criminality is not on display and must be thoroughly researched if you want justice.

    Yes and the military junta will do just that. Calm down, nothing to do with you.

  2. Many on here wouldn't bother about evidence , procedure, trial. Pronouncements of guilt already made, just move straight to the penalty phase. True proponents of fairness and real democracy.

    I think most people see the evidence.

    • 1 million farmers not being paid!
    • Fake G2G deals.
    • The first year of the rice program rice went missing with no explanation.
    • Non transparency in the policy.
    • Withholding information from the public. Sorry playing stupid and pointing fingers is no excuse for not providing information.
    • Government moving the finance auditor who first brought the irregularities.
    • There are also formal complaint filed with NACC that has yet been reviewed, but there are some damning information about corruption in the deal.

    But let me explain to you about fairness and real democracy. Fairness would have been turning over the paper work for more competent people to review. Fairness is not to lie to the people about the fake G2G deals so that they can get more loans over the set cap. Are all these signs of fairness. And even what you spout as real democracy. I don't even think you are in the ball park on this. Funny you say no one bothered to consider the evidence first, when the govt. withholds information, how can we consider it? Another unfair thing and the most undemocratic action ever. In the USA, you know that would never happen. Subpoena, especially when a project goes over budget.

    Sorry, need to go back and look up those two definition again. It is what you do best again, just trying to disseminate information to steer people away from the truth. And the scary part are the likes.

    In the USA,

    So sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this is Thailand, but I first spilt my beer when you wrote " fairness and real democracy".

    Not to worry about anything now as the junta will look after us all.

  3. Funny that he was promoted by Thaksin's unphotogenic cousin from being lowly consul-general is a small country to be ambassador to London, one of the most important positions in the Foreign Ministry.

    Ambassador in London is hardly one of the most important positions....

    Its the hub of shopping, well judging by the amount of Asian faces I spotted yesterday in Harrods.

    "......the amount of Asian faces I spotted............."

    Love those Asian faces. Good shoppers too.

    So speaks ratsnatcher, Thailands UKIP spokesperson. Piss poor effort at humour too.

  4. Funny that he was promoted by Thaksin's unphotogenic cousin from being lowly consul-general is a small country to be ambassador to London, one of the most important positions in the Foreign Ministry.

    Ambassador in London is hardly one of the most important positions....

    Its the hub of shopping, well judging by the amount of Asian faces I spotted yesterday in Harrods.

  5. Wow to be worried about corruption is not the same as it being a large problem. Just read some Dutch newspapers.. oh i forgot you lack language skills like most native English speakers. Come back when you can Speak at least 3 languages.
    No we prefer to study history. How long did it take you lot to surrender in the last big bust up in Europe??
  6. For Thaksin, the Thai police were like the Gestapo, acting as his enforcement arm and revenue

    collection. Clearly Prayuth knows this, and will start trimming at the roots of the tree....

    If he is able to rein in the cancerous mafia of the Thai police, Thai people will indeed sing

    his praises.....

    I invoke Godwin's Law ...


    Haha nice one !! I learn something every day. However my point of view is still valid, as

    the police were doing whatever Thaksin wanted them to do. I personally witnessed one

    of the executions by the police during the " war on drugs" program instituted by Thaksin,

    so perhaps I have a dimmer view than most people here....

    big deal, we had a soi of the scumbags taken out in this town by the BIB, the place has been never better.

    Please do not include me in your amateur survey on who is supporting who. Looks like we are all going to be living under the junta for some time.

  7. LivinLOS

    Hate to break it to you, but thats what 2 opposing viewpoints are...

    Wake up boy, for everybody’s sake. I will try and explain it to you again. I made a statement, you responded with your pitiful remarks, thus it was you that wanted to debate or discuss, however you then lecture me on the need to gain debating experience or the like. Is that plain enough for you. Disagree by all means and even state why, but don't keep on attacking all and everybody in sundry when they post as you consistently do. Is it beyond you to use your grey matter to actually post something original? Just to reiterate I don't want to debate with you - got it.

    Thats good, stay off this topic as you are contributing diddly squat. I am enjoying LivinLOS taking on the coup warriors.

    • Like 2
  8. PDRC, TV anti-Thaksinistas, Suthepistas and Yellows wanted reforms, out with YS, block elections and abolish the government, senators, the house et al.

    You clamored, ranted and wished it:. There you have it and then some.

    Are you guys happy now?

    not as happy as I would be if the army summarily executed any politicians guilty of corruption. I would deem guilty being any that accumulated great wealth whilst serving

    Marcusd. Via tapatalk

    Great idea, why not have them on lottery days too. All the nutters out on this one.

    • Like 1
  9. Could be very inconvenient to tourist's who's laos visa would expire that day,or had onward transport to Bangkok for a flight,just more nails in the coffin that Tourism to Thailand is becoming.

    If you have their names, I will send all six persons inconvenienced a nice letter of apology.

    BTW "...the coffin that Tourism to Thailand is becoming." Tourism is not dead/dying, and certainly not turning into a coffin.

    In any case, I think he means, "Tourism Authority Of Thailand" and NOT "Tourism to Thailand." Perhaps "marko kok prong" as he calls himself, should take a look at what the various Tourism organisations in other countries do. I think he will find that the TAT is one of the World's leading promoters of tourism and wins numerous awards world wide, from the travel industry.

    Well why not travel up to Kok Prong and have a word with Marko?, its in Phetchabun, take Rambo Soul with you too.

    Its deep red shirt country so best to go in daylight and hold hands, or take a few young Army conscripts.

  10. Thos posters advocating the election of senators should pause to think after it was revealed some flew to meet Thaksin in Singapore.

    Senators are supposed to be neutral, a check and balance on governmental power.

    So what do some do? Fly to seek advice from their master.


    and what do those that have been "appointed" by the Yellows/Dems and Ammart do?

    Defend the interests of the nation, not a criminal on the run.

    you jest...

    Yeah he JEST means it.

    You and Siripon should form a comedy act, your both far to funny for TV.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  11. That's brought 11 of you out very quick, just up your street, another thread about government blunders--no one.

    Spot on ginjag, 11 of them led by #1 resident troll "phiphidon" himself.

    So obvious the cowards trawl through the forum looking for easy pickings. And their silence is deafening on the many topics focusing on Chalerm, redshirt atrocities like children being killed by the red scumbags, rice farmers being ripped off etc.

    What a pack of gutless trolls !

    Another keyboard tough guy. Pathetic. Atrocities indeed, total BS.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  12. I find it difficult to understand where all the poisonous bile towards Yingluck comes from on this website. I mean, most of the Yellow Einsteins who contribute here must come from (judging by the low level of English) places like the UK and USA, where the standard of education has plunged over recent decades.

    So, why are people from countries like that, people who have NO SAY in the voting for governments in Thailand, why are they so violent in their opinions? They reduce politics to schoolyard shouting. Or to the kind of Pavlovian response to slogans you get in Orwell's


    Yellows Good, Reds Bad. One Suthep good, two Sutheps double plus good. One Yingluck double plus ungood.

    So, why the fuss over business that is not yours, brothers and sisters in mud-slinging?

    Please don't throw us Americans in with the fascists on this site. I assure you that most of us are as appalled by the moronic vitriol against her as anyone else.

    As for why the posters here act as they do? Some might be involved with the PRDC like I theorize our resident spambot Scamper is, others might just like the feudal system in the country because they feel it gives them power and a feeling of authority they failed to achieve back in the west.

    Have you considered the possibility that some people don't like to see the country they live on and have some degree or another of investment in ruled by a band of self serving corrupt crooks? In particular a band of self serving corrupt crooks that seem to be quite content having followers keen on committing acts of terrorism for the "cause".

    The Thais care little for your investments!, you cannot do anything about it but continually gob off on this forum, along with other intellectually challenged half wits,. Solution - pack bags/ leave.

    • Like 1
  13. Yea well keep up the Yingluck bashing..

    btw who was the Defense Minister again? oh right Yingluck is still the defense minister, the CC's ruling does not ban her from caretaker DM or for the upcoming quorum, where she will face an impeachment hearing in the senate once the election is over and she is party list candidate#1 and then the impeachment process will fail to get 3/5s for impeachment, then she will be PM again with full powers, so might as well hold onto that DM portfolio, since she aint goin nowhere

    ............and then she can carry on trying to bring your wanted criminal dictator back from Dubai.............Seems thailand has a great future in your eyes!!

    It will as long as you have FA say in its future.

    • Like 1
  14. Case in point from today:

    Two M79 grenades fired at rally site near Government House, injuring two

    BANGKOK: -- A man and a woman were slightly injured with bomb fragments when assailants fired two M79 grenades at a rally site near the Government House late Saturday night.

    The attack against the rally site of the Students and People Network for Thailand's Reform happened at 10:30 pm.

    The first grenade fell behind the rally stage, injuring Naronchai Seesirirungrot, 52, and Isarawan Sriklai, 55.

    The second grenade fell in front of the Rajvinit Secondary School, damaging three phone booths and three cars.


    Please point out where it says red shirts fired those grenades, more likely Suthep own para military thugs so as to provoke Prayuth. I expect more of these type of attacks in the next few days as crunch time approaches.

    Its not in the UDDs interests to attack the PDRC.

    more likely Suthep own para military thugs so as to provoke Prayuth

    The "their are shooting at themselves" become untenable when a group of Red Shirts were caught, after bombing the NACC, in possesion of grenades of the same type and the same lot numbers as those used previously to attack anti-government protestors.

    You are peddling BS in support of terrorism.

    My BS detector is highly tuned thank you. Its a slow day in Phu Toei today, please feel free carry on with more of your propaganda.

  15. Seems easy enough, Suthep has only to escalate violence via his thugish guards against the red protest group, and presto, the coup he has always been dreaming about, how convinient

    Another fantasy post. Not once in 6 months has the PDRC attacked the Reds. What makes you think they will begin now? If anything the REDS will attack the PDRC.

    Suthep has done a pretty good job minimizing violence from his supporters. Even though his rallies and supporters have been attacked almost daily. Closr your eyes and go back to sleep so you can dream up more BS to post

    Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    So who was the pop corn bag shooter shooting at, who shot the Red leader in Udon Thani and whose guards routinely beat up anyone who they think may have red sympathies?

    Moving traffic cones appears to be top of the list for getting the crap beaten out of you. Funny how the victims mothers have responded to both incidents so far. Good on them, (the mums that is)

  16. Not very likely because in spite of the histerical exagerations of UDD fanboys here the fact is Red Shirts represent a small minority of the population.

    Besides that they are paid thugs, arsonists, a real rent-a-crowd. Sponsored by an on-the-run criminal who needs someone to do his dirty work. If these idiots went it alone even they know their income would disappear.

    Would love to know how much this latest rabble is costing Thaksin. If they really want to shut the ThaiRouge down it's simply a matter of stopping Thaksin's money getting to them.Cannot work out who is the least sharp, these drunken red scumbags, or the morons who support them. I know lots of every day Thai people who hate them. What does that tell you ?

    It tells me that you know SFA, leave the confines of your bar and meet some more Thai people. "Red shirts represent a small minority of the population" - total BS.

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