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Posts posted by phutoie2

  1. Not too mention the golf - shoosh. That one that belongs to EGAT about 60km NW of KAN. That has to be one of the toughest course's in Thailand. You need to be a mountain goat on some holes. Cheap golf too and worth a visit just to say you finished it.

    Hellfire pass and the museum is a good day out as well.

    • Like 1
  2. Never worry about fuel consumption as diesel is cheap here at 30 THB a litre. My D4D 3L auto averages out at 13kpL. That's the normal truck, not a Pre runner or 4x4.

    Started using the PT diesel now, seems good stuff.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    That is a pathetic attitude. Diesel prices are subsidised by higher taxes on gasoline fuels. The junta are studying the need to reduce the subsidies on Diesel and LPG and, although it may hold below 30 p.l. for a while it will rise. 'I'm all right Jack' shows your environmental colours!

    Listen you tree hugger, I am only a guest here and my attitude has b*gger all to do with fuel prices. Take it up with the junta.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. Boom time is over for these farmers, although it doesn't seem like much of a prosperous time was had by many. Now it's time to pay for the creator of this scheme's recklessness. Rice prices are down, and the countries reputation for high quality rice is shot.

    One of the biggest election blunders of all time, but it can be said the blunder is not what it seems ---self greed of government was behind this scheme.

    Not many apologists on this thread, not a lot they can squirm out of now the scheme has been exposed.

    This post may tempt a few on.

    Surplus monies now can go to improved -education-hospitals-handicapped/disabled and children's homes.

    All that's missing from your ridiculous post is a few cords from a violin.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  4. Just how many of the posters on this thread are actually farmers of any sort, let alone living on a farming income.

    Are foreigners allowed to be farmers in Thailand, is it not on that list of jobs only Thais can do?

    Not all farmers are dirt poor, bloke across the road from me has 600 rai of sugarcane. Owns a nice Isuzu truck, has plenty of Kubota stuff and sent his daughters through university. I know only one example, but my Mrs has a favourite saying "Thai people have money too"., when I'm going off on one.

  5. Some good stuff going on in the UK again about TV and radio commentators. Most TV channels use ex pro footballers as co-commentators, Phil Neville who the BBC threw in at the deep end, England v Italy came in for a bit of abuse. Low tone mono voice and informing the nation that Manchester is in fact pronounced Man ----Chester.. He took it well and has replied on twitter.

    Other gems, Alan Shearer - "Messi is special because he can go both ways"

    "on the back foot" & "on the front foot" getting a frequent airing, and " _______ has always got something in his locker"

    Perhaps if England were not carrying those lockers about we would have beaten Italy.

    The great Lord Colmansballs will be looking down in admiration.

    Edit spelling

    • Like 2
  6. Just got my appointment date/time. Says on e-mail 6 - 9 weeks, not exactly a good advert for Brit efficiency. Means overnight stay in Bangkok for me, anything to do in that place??

    If you need your passport within the next 10 weeks and it expires within the next 7 months, then make an appointment with the British Embassy to go there and get the free 12 month extension stamp that's now on offer - don't apply to renew as this option is then closed.

    If your passport is full, then wishing you good luck for an 8- 9 weeks turnaround or start planning for an ETD, else travel to the UK to renew.

    Welcome to the fiasco!

    Cheers, did not know that. I was recently back in UK and looked at the Post Office's service but you have to send off current passport for renewal which was not practical for me.

    My annual retirement extension is due in July at Thai Immigration and my UK passport expires in March (4th) 2015, take it I will not receive a full years extension this time??, and when the new passport arrives, current extension stamp need to be transferred?.

    Is a letter from the Embassy verifying the new passport a requirement too?.

    Finally on VAS's e-mail there are a few lines on birth certificates which has confused me a bit!.

    Thanks for your info on here, it appears a big game changer. Many Brits in my locality are not aware of all this, not everyone has a PC and on TV.

  7. Personally I'd say it's a load of shiite .

    "Prayuth's key task is, therefore, quite ironic." On what grounds? No it's not. Irony is not even involved. His task is deliberate, pragmatic, and involves finding resolutions to garbage strewn across the country by the ousted government.

    'Irony'... Ha! Did a reporter just discover the meaning, and try to incorporate it into a story to appear clever? whistling.gif

    Irony is a difficult concept for foreigners. Most Americans think it is a country in Africa.

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  8. After all you said in the reply to ROB, I can ask you why was not there an outcry from you everytime the PTP/Yingluck regime slipped up ???

    That's an easy answer, I've wasn't a member of TVF when the Yingluck Regime were running the country into the ground, I joined here after they become a caretaker Government, I then started to do more reading and research about all the various issues, like the rice pledging scam, and the more I read about all sides, the more I became "interested"

    Yes absolutely I said that the best way in which to remove Yinglucks authority was through elections, and I'll say it again, if the claims made by so many here that the majority of the Thai people wanted her out, then there's no way that she could win, and she and the PTP would have been removed through one of the democratic processes, but it was never given the chance, again I supported what Suthep was doing about the anti corruption but questioned why he of all people, who has been involved in corruption was championing that cause, I also said many many times that it was right up until they prevented the rights of those who wished to vote, that made me change my views and opinions of his cause, they become more radical and militant.

    I don't believe I have ever said that Yingluck was a good PM, or Leader, or that the PTP/UDD were the right choice to follow, you see, I follow, nor support, nor have ever supported either side, as they're not worth it.. I just don't know how many times I've said that if anything, I'd support Abhisit,but all that the you see are the citicisms against the things and the party you follow, when watching a football match, just because I want one team to beat the other, doesn't mean I support either, as perhaps the reasoning for wishing them to be beaten will be good for the team that I DO support will benefit from their rivals dropping points wink.png

    If there is a prize for the longest run on sentence, you win. Jesus, did the punctuation keys fall off your computer?

    Normally I do'nt support the grammar polizie, but verbal and dia....... springs to mind, and get out of that gingags hoop man. You did'nt really fall for that 35 years stuff.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  9. Got most of the info on tv coverage now, still the main court case outstanding (decision today) on whether RS will allow free tv channel coverage. I read that channels 7 & 8 wil be allowed to show 22 matches free too.

    All 64 matches should be shown free but, this is the land of change you set top box every few months.

  10. Any update on the tv coverage in Thailand?, I have just been on FIFA website and looked at the match schedule, you can set the times to Thai local time.

    I have just a true vision receiver in the house and just have the basic stuff.

    Apparently the TV shop in town have called my Mrs and asked her do I want the footbon. ??

  11. Stop the deforestation in Northern Thailand

    They're working on that. Found a bunch of logs in just the past few days. You'll never believe where they found them!

    Thai news reporting more logs found today at the house of a guy named Somchai. Seems they already found some at his wife's house. Must run in the family...

    Your point being?, 42%of Thai males are called Somchai, but you would know that being a bit of a smart a*se on here.

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