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Everything posted by bamboozled

  1. I don't think there was ever anything more detailed on the website about multiple-entry Non-O. And to the point, what more would they need to explain? It's pretty straight forward, you pay...unless they verbally tell you it's not available. I don't think they would take $200 and then give you a single entry. Someone soon will give it a try, I'm sure, and hopefully we'll hear about it. I've spoken with someone who schooled me on how to get the Wise transfers validated so I will be doing that. In the meantime, I think I will inquire about getting a 60 day Covid extension since my wife is unable to attend immigration with me for the next few weeks as she's in the hospital. Her presence is required to get the Non-O extension.
  2. I had read it might be difficult to get the CE extension because I entered with a Non-O but I thought I might convince them explaining the situation that my wife is in the hospital and cannot attend to get the Non-O extension. I might head down there today to inquire.
  3. Maybe it was in my reply to you but I realized a trip to HCMC will probably run me $1000 USD if not more. And in the meantime, I had a new idea....to try and get the Covid extension...is that 60 days? In that time frame, we might have more info on HCMC and the insurance/Covid testing might fall away. That would be nice and save some money. Also, my wife might be in a better place to help see the visa through here in CM thus negating the necessity of going to Saigon. Just an aside here....I usually try to say Saigon as the Vietnamese tour guide said they prefer to call it Saigon and not HCMC. Of course, that was just the opinion of one guy but it stuck with me.
  4. Hi Khao Yai, Thanks very much for your long and detailed response. That took a lot of time, I'm sure! I have had all of the above mentioned visas at one time or another. The confusion is in some of the details which you touch on and which no one seems to know the answer to but can make or break getting the visa. Case in point: can I get a ME, 1-year, Non-O in HCMC with no financials? We're not sure. And I don't know if that bit about showing "adequate financials" was on there before, or not. I know I didn't show anything when getting a previous ME Non-O. For the extension here in Thailand, I have been transferring 40k every month. The issue is whether immigration will accept the Wise transfers. I have to speak with my bank about that today. The other problem is my wife is unavailable currently to see through a Non-O here in Chiang Mai (or 60 day extension) with me and I'm not sure she will be back in action in the 3 week window I have until my visa expires. That's why I was thinking of going to HCMC. My newest thought after sleeping on it last night is to look into a Covid extension which I believe they are still granting. That would give me 3 months and hopefully my wife would be in a better position to see through the Non-O with me and/or we would have new info about feasibility of a ME in HCMC.
  5. Gee, that all sounds so wonderful and easy and not really expensive. I'm in Chiang Mai. The agent that was popular via a previous thread is also reported to be a bit expensive though I don't have a figure.. What's to prevent me from doing this in Pattaya? I have some homework to do re-agents and also about my transfers...if they will be valid or not. I'll keep the thread going with new info. Thank you very much!
  6. Thanks for your input, Sandy. Ubon Joe mentioned 20,000k which is what I suspected. How would I know that nobody knows the answers without asking the questions? Somebody will be the first to do it and may be there right now....that's why I ask. It certainly won't hurt to talk with an agent, that is true. I've never gone that route so it feels a bit....peculiar. Good point about insurance to enter Vietnam. I hadn't thought of that. It probably would turn into a pretty expensive little trip in the end.
  7. Well borders are just opening up and more onerous regulations such as PCR tests before/after and mandatory hotel stay or melting away. It wasn't possible and/or worth the risk until May 1st. I'll bet some reports start to trickle in this week.
  8. The multi entry is listed...or rather the option is there on the Non-O visa based on marriage. Whether they grant it or not, that's the questions, I guess.
  9. Borders are open and I'm considering giving it a go in HCMC . I have written to the consulate today but so far no response. It SEEMS doable from what I can ascertain. But we need pudding. Where's the pudding? There in lies the proof. I will call the consulate soon if no email response. Cheers!
  10. Why? HCMC is open....so it seems, at least. Savannakhet is tiny, of course. Not surprised it's closed. Saigon, not so tiny.
  11. Are you positive on that, Joe? The insurance requirement is posted under the visa guidelines on the HCMC site. It doesn't mention Thailand Pass. In the end, it might amount to the same thing at this date and time since for Thailand Pass you need the insurance. If they drop Thailand Pass and the insurance and they don't take out that wording from the visa requirements....anybodies guess. I'm not trying to be difficult, just thorough!
  12. I sent an inquiry to the HCMC consulate about feasibility of getting the ME Non-O. Maybe will get a response.....
  13. I'm under the impression adequate finances is 20,000 baht. I think that's what Ubon Joe said was necessary for the O-visa I recently obtained online (90 day validity) and isn't 20,000 baht also the requirement for a tourist visa? I could try calling the consulate or writing them to find out. This was in my US bank account. I could transfer the 400k if really needed. It would be somewhat inconvenient right now and a bit of a mental block but it's not impossible. Tying it up for 3 months is also inconvenient but not impossible. Yes, I don't know if it's open but I haven't seen anything showing that it isn't. The issue before was the border crossing and though that is still more difficult than previously, I don't think it's still impossible. Here are the current regulations to enter VT: "In light of the recent COVID-19 outbreak, Vietnam has imposed several travel restrictions on those entering the country. As of April 27, 2022, Vietnam had confirmed 10,620,203 cases of COVID-19 with 43,029 deaths, though 9,116,225 of the patients, had recovered. Those planning to travel to Vietnam should be aware of the latest restrictions currently in place: Ho Chi Minh City’s health department has stated that people arriving at Ho Chi Minh City’s Tan Son Nhat International terminal will no longer need to prove their COVID-19 status from May 2. The decision was made as passengers are required to present a negative COVID-19 test prior to boarding, therefore the requirement to check once arriving in Ho Chi Minh City was not needed and will help ease congestion. Authorities also plan to scrap health declarations for domestic travel soon. Vietnam’s Ministry of Health on March 15 released COVID-19 entry procedures for foreign arrivals as per Official Letter No 1265/BYT-DP. As per the Document, foreign arrivals are required to: Take a COVID-19 negative test using the RT-PCR method 72 hours before entering Vietnam OR a rapid Antigen test (no self-test) 24 hours before entering Vietnam. This does not apply to children under 2 years of age; Make a health declaration (screenshot at end of article) before entry and download the PC-COVID app; and In case a COVID-19 test is not taken prior to departure, a test will be taken within 24 hours after arriving in Vietnam. If negative, travelers can travel anywhere within Vietnam; no quarantine required. Tourists entering Vietnam should also have medical or travel insurance that covers COVID-19 treatment with a minimum liability of US$10,000. The e-visa government website link is now open for visa submissions."
  14. I understand the difference between the two. My point is, that small difference doesn't matter much to me perhaps because the fundamental element is the same: that I can stay for a year. They both require something to be done every 90 days. Border run to Mae Sai is no problem and a fun excuse for a trip. Hmm, of course, with Covid that border bounce is not going to be so easy unless things loosen up a lot more. I hadn't thought of that issue! Ugh.....that makes a case for the extension route either marriage or retirement. Agent recommendation in Chiang Mai?
  15. You may be right on the covid extension as the best route to buy time. I don't think my wife needs to be there for that as it has nothing to do with marriage. The Saigon website mentions you need to show adequate finances....first line at top of screenshot. I have gotten a Non-O there in the past without showing any financial statement and in Savannakhet a few times, too. I'm not sure if this is a new requirement and if so what exactly is the requirement or if this was always there but the immigration officers didn't check.
  16. Sorry for that, I don't really differentiate between the two as they both give you a year of stay (15 months for the ME). Either one will work for me. I'm just looking for the path of least resistance. I am more used to the ME entry. For many years, I had a ME B visa....and then once married, I would get the ME O visa based on marriage. I never had a problem with documents and the process was always straightforward. I have only done the extension/permission to stay once and found the process more frustrating and uncertain than a trip to Saigon or Savannakhet. The Saigon website seems to indicate they are still issuing them and the visa form is the same. Of course, there is only one way to be sure which is to go there and try.
  17. The Saigon consulate website mentions health insurance covering the period of stay which would be 90 days. True, when I got my last Thailand Pass, the insurance agent advised I only needed 30 days of insurance even though the period of stay was 90 days and indeed I didn't have a problem. Do you have any input on what the Saigon consulate wants to see for "adequate finances"? I think (hope) they mean 20,000 baht such as was the case for the online visa I recently obtained (thanks to your advice). Maybe I'm silly or stupid but I find the idea of going to Saigon for the visa (or Savannakhet but that consulate is closed), if it is more or less as simple as pre-covid, more appealing and straightforward than dealing with immigration here with the wife out of commission. She is in the hospital and I don't know when she will get out, in what condition she will be in mentally, nor can I speak with her. My visa is up in 3 weeks. True story. <deleted> happens. Thank you, Bam
  18. Dr. Jack, I'm in Chiang Mai. That's not a horrible amount of money to pay. That requires the 800k in the bank or not necessary? What would change for me going from a Non-O marriage to the retirement? I don't quite follow your comment on Saigon. Before Covid, more or less, I went to Savannakhet or Saigon to get my Non-O. I did not at that time have 400k to put into an account and I found it very simple with no worry about extensive documents or financials or TM30s or home visits plus it was a neat little trip. Being in CM, going to Mae Sai and crossing the border every 90 days was easy enough. I was happy with this for many years but Covid nixed that for me and many others. If things are up and flying again, I assume guys will go back to doing that type of Non-O, unless the rules have changed. But it doesn't appear they have though I don't have clarification about "adequate finances" and, of course, even though the visa is granted one could still be refused entry at the border.
  19. Okay, I understand on the marriage extension by agent. It sounds onerous. A good step might be to go to immigration and explain the situation about the wife. Perhaps they'll throw me a life-line and allow me to get a doctors note about her condition and why she cannot appear at immigration. Then I can check if my bank transfers will pass muster or I can transfer the 400k. The thing that makes obtaining visas "confusing" (and posting questions about them) is that there is a specific set of circumstances that have to happen in a certain order and if one is out of whack the whole process fails. And there is often not a one-size-fits-all scenario. Thank you.
  20. Yes, I have a bank account in my name. I went through the whole Non-O visa process about 16-18 months ago...money in the bank, photos, witness, etc... I put 400k in the bank and seasoned it for 2 months by obtaining the 60 day extension to visit wife. This was the around the time when immigration switched their financial requirements. I can't recall exactly but the requirement had been something like 2 months of transfers of 40,000k...that was all that was required. And then suddenly they stopped accepting that and wanted a full year or the 400k for two months. You probably remember. Ubon Joe intimates that perhaps my 40,000k transfers per month can be verified at the bank as international. But all this still requires my wife's presence and that is a big question mark. Any agent recommendations and ball park costs would be appreciated. Again, why not Saigon consulate? Is that not an option? Thank you.
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