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Everything posted by bamboozled

  1. I've ventured into that big, green, unknown but it's all Greek to me. I'll give it another go, though. How bad could I screw it up?
  2. Thanks! The SCB app has the icon for paying but goes directly to scan mode...no way to input anything. Bangkok Bank app isn't working correctly yet. New account for me.
  3. Hi ChaiyaTH, Could you elaborate on this, please? I have been paying my electric bill by scanning the QR code but it doesn't work with the PWA water bill. And wouldn't work if I was going away and did not have the bill in hand. I am in Chiang Mai if that matters at all.. How might I go about paying these using your method? I have SCB and Bangkok Bank accounts. Thanks for your help! Bam
  4. UJ put up with us for years with style and class. And knowledge, lots of knowledge. He was the go to man here and once he weighed in on a subject you slept better knowing you had received good advice. Condolences and sympathy to the family.
  5. May I ask why the overstay was required?
  6. I've done a couple at Rajavej but I can't recall the price. It's been awhile but I remember not feeling fleeced.
  7. I think Bangkok Hospital has it on their website and last time I looked it was about 17k But that was a few years ago. I think someone told me 15k at the Geriatric hospital but again, that was a few years ago. I could of course give a call and know exactly in about 3 minutes.
  8. In college I knew a girl with a forked uvula. No joke, no reading between the lines, no innuendo., She really had a forked uvula, split in the middle like a snakes tongue. No idea if she has sleep apnea.
  9. Hey there Capt. I don't have an answer to your inquiry but wondered if you could share what you paid for the sleep test? I've been wanting to get one for years but keep putting if off...one reason being I don't want to pay up. That is, Cheap Charlie coupled with my own diagnosis that I probably don't have apnea. But, of course, what do I know. I just know I am always tired and sleep poorly. Thanks!
  10. I rented an Aerox recently. Fine enough but the headlight coverage at night is horrendous. Sounds silly, perhaps, but it has a very narrow field of illumination. If you are on a windy, mountain road, lots of curves, it becomes very noticeable as you are turning blindly around sharp curves. The headlight doesn't throw out enough to the sides. It might not matter in a lot of situations but you wouldn't want to drive it to Pai at night, for example. You can't see around the curves. Anyone else have this experience?
  11. I've heard they're relocating the airport inside.
  12. Yes....or $10 USD. If you have proof of Covid vax, bring it. I didn't have my proof and they let me in anyway but they do fill out a form about it. Sigh...
  13. I just filled one out yesterday walking back in from Tachilek.
  14. I can think of a few worse things but point taken. Cheers!
  15. The only issue with running off the internet is there are some spots without service. Lampang, I'm looking at you... This is a topic of interest to me. My car is 12 years old so no blue tooth but I can plug the phone into a mini-jack and run through AUX mode on the radio. All is fine until I have to charge the phone via the cigarette lighter. Then I get tons of interference from the car engine and it's pretty horrible. Anyone else have this problem? My workaround so far was to buy a power bank and when on long journeys I power the phone through that and no interference and it's plenty big to last for days, I've found. But....anyone else have this issue?
  16. The mechanic quoted me 5k and insurance said I could claim it if I wanted. Minus the 3k deductible. I'm not sure it's worth claiming to save 2k and perhaps have a premium increase down the road.
  17. Thanks for the reply, Richard. I've never seen a display like that. Pretty nifty and not something I'll have to worry about with my oldie but goodie Mazda. Actually, a mechanic I contacted wants to see a photo of the crack...as if perhaps he can repair it. BUt it's a very large crack and I think will spread quickly. It's already 12 inches long, at least. Cheers!
  18. Thank you both. I will ask my insurance about it, too. I do have first class with a 3000 baht deductible but I know in the US windshields are replaced for "free". We'll see what first class really means. Those prices are not insanely expensive so looks like I won't have to sell the kids if insurance doesn't pay. Richard, what's the "heads-up-display" and what were other differences between the OEM and non-OEM? Or is that the only difference, the distorted display? I don't think my Mazda has that...
  19. Hi-ya good people, I just got a big crack on my 2010 Mazda 3 windshield and I'm sure sooner or later replacement will be necessary. Does insurance usually cover this here? If not, anyone have experience on ballpark costs for such a thing? Many thanks, Bamboozled.
  20. Wororot market you will find them. Also Makro. Wororot for the native experience....
  21. I don't know the requirements but remember your visa, if based on marriage, is voided pretty much immediately, if I'm not mistaken.
  22. I did the "break it all up and put in bags" method. It's still sitting there at the end of my street but eventually it will go. It wasn't as bad as I had predicted. Thanks all for the input!
  23. Thanks folks. Yes, I might do the cut up multiple bag thing. My soi is only 200 m long so lot a lot of vacant lots. I'd like to avoid doing something like that. Looks like I'm in for an upper body workout: 1000 reps of sawing.
  24. Hi folks, besides the obvious side of the road, where might I properly dispose of some refuse that I need to get rid of? Mostly old rotten particle board (from cheap furniture) and bamboo pieces that are too big for the normal bin. Thank you.
  25. You need a one-block high wall around that infection!
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