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Everything posted by bamboozled

  1. I had seen his name from years before, Bannakit, and was hoping to locate him. I had wondered where he had ended up A shame he's not seeing patients.
  2. I'm imagining it's similar to a colonoscopy, in some ways., which I've had a few of including taking out a benign growth or two. Hey, if you got both the colonoscopy and cystoscopy at the same time and they met in the middle, clipping and snipping the whole way....what fun!
  3. Thank you, Sheryl, for the help. I did see that thread though it too is pretty dated. I had this ultrasound at Rajavej and at this point I guess I'll meet with their urologist on Sat., if he shows up, that is. I have no idea how difficult a biopsy is...which I'm assuming will be the next step. I would think t's fairly straightforward. If things turn out for the worse, I will certainly consider my options, Bkk included. Thank you, Bam
  4. Thanks again, Lop. I was waiting to see a urologist the same day they did the ultrasound only for him to pull a no-show. Now I'm scheduled to meet with one on Saturday.....I don't know the Doc's name, however. At a local hospital here in CM. Yes, no symptoms of anything yet so, of course, I'm hoping it's nothing but will do what needs to be done to make sure that's the case. Glad you got it sorted....? Scary stuff, no doubt. Cheers, Bam
  5. Thanks, Lopburi. I did check that section but the pickings are pretty slim and it's dated. You refer to Bkk hospital in CM, correct? Was Bkk hospital there 5 years ago? My how time passes! I appreciate the info and looking forward to the camera. Fingers crossed it's nothing....ugh. Cheers, Bam.
  6. I feel I've read countless recommendations over the years for urologists but search is not turning up much now, strangely. ...Just discovered I have a nodule in my bladder (via ultrasound) and wondering who I might bother for further investigation. Cheers, Bam
  7. loose or dirty/corroded battery connections. Take them off, clean them up, re-tighten.
  8. I have eaten at the Swan 5 or 6 times and I think the food is very good. Last time I ate there was probably 4 months ago, however. Maybe something changed.
  9. ...I just meant instructions on what to do, re the TM30. It's been awhile since my last one and I don't recall. Thanks for the info!
  10. Strangely, I did all that was required to get the visa and thus it was issued. How in the heck, if not for coming on here, would I know I need a new TM30? I passed through immigration, too, and got my stamp. Nobody told me about the TM30. Lunacy. Dr. Jack, can you point me to the TM30 online form that must be kicking around somewhere? Or I suppose I can dig it out on the immigration website. Thank you!
  11. Well this is timely...I just re-entered the country with a new Non-O. Guess I better see what's up with the TM30.
  12. Yes, I guess that's what I should have said./asked: one year extension based on marriage. More to the point, I will have to go through all the paperwork: bank statements, photos, witness, etc...? Thank you.
  13. UJ, if you please, is the 90 day Non-O visa (marriage) I obtained in the US online (per your advice) extendable or do I have to get a whole new visa and go through the process? thank you, Bamboozled.
  14. Yes, Savannakhet can be dull and not as easy to get to as Saigon. But if you lean into it, that can be part of the charm. Nice to drop out for a little while and slow things down. Like things used to be around CM not that long ago, too. So nobody has an answer to this question, I guess. That's what I thought. Only time will tell. Probably getting it at Immigration here is not so bad now with less crowds but I'm always worried something won't be right, bank statement, witness, photos, etc.... My monthly transfers have been with Wise and who knows whether they will be accepted or not. If not.....that's a problem I don't want to confront. The witness thing is a PITA. And the home visit, which I was lucky not to get my first and only time going this route, just kind of freaks me out. Might I add a question to this question? I got a new Non-O based on marriage while I was in the US (on advice of Ubon Joe and some others) and I just arrived back to Thailand. It was very easy and all done by email to the NY consulate (if I remember correctly). It is valid for 90 days after which I am again without a visa. Or can this visa be extended at the 90 day mark just like the ones acquired at Immigration? Or do I have to go through the aforementioned new visa process? Thank you!
  15. Forgive me if this has been mentioned recently... Any crystal ball vision out there about doing visa runs to the cities mentioned in the title like days of old? More precisely, I used to go and get a new Non-O visa based on marriage at these two places. I found it a good excuse for a trip and fairly easy re-paperwork was less onerous. All in all, I liked this method. With Covid restrictions hopefully lessening, do we know if travel to these two places will be open again and the visa offices offering the same services? Probably a known unknown but thought I'd ask and add a bit more "edu-tainment" to the mix.... Thanks!
  16. Sumalee is stil practicing? That's good to know. I thought she had retired.
  17. Does anyone have insight into having this done in Chiang Mai, to fix a deviated septum and (possibly) associated sinus infections? Where? Cost? I will do some consultation first with doctors, surely. I have a deviated septum and have recurring sinus infections and restricted breathing. Not sure if the surgery is correct for me but interested in doing the research. Thank you. Bamboozled
  18. The search function is pulling up Thai airways bankruptcy news so I'm asking anew. My current Sharp vacuum is not really sucking so well any longer. It's not all that old but I don't think they enjoy vacuuming in 40 degrees, for starters. Anyhow, has anyone had good luck recently with a vacuum purchase? I'm not going to go the Dyson route, that's way over my head price-wise. I saw a Phillips Cyclone which "looks" cool and I would hope/would imagine it is a good machine because the price tag is 13k. Not really keen on spending that much either. Is it a necessity, spending so much, for a decent vacuum? I guess I would be comfortable up to 6k but more than that seems, I don't know, a lot of bottles of beer or fish sauce. Any advice? Thanks all! Oh, I live in a mid-size house that is all open windows so very dirty, up here in Chiang Mai with all the soot in the air. I don't have carpets but a lot of things that collect dust on all sorts of surfaces, not just floors. Thank you!
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