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Everything posted by Deserted

  1. I hope he opens his own go-go bar,
  2. Right but its a Channel 4 production. It's not another BBC production intent on glorifying our past. Quite the opposite.
  3. Let's hope they employ more staff too.
  4. I think I know what you are referring too. Not interested.
  5. I should add I have read The Damage Done and enjoyed that. Something about the criminal underworld of Bangkok would be interesting as well as the development of the city. I don't suppose there's much chance of me finding a single publication that covers both, so I am happy to part with well-earned cash for 2 or 3 if necessary. No problem. As mentioned, personal,recommendations only, please don't say google it. Nothing about what to do in Bangkok also please, been here far too long for that stuff. No guides or touristic stuff. Just history of the city or criminal underworld but non-fiction.
  6. I should add I have read The Damage Done and enjoyed that. Something about the criminal underworld of Bangkok would be interesting as well as the development of the city. I don't suppose there's much chance of me finding a single publication that covers both, so I am happy to part with well-earned cash for 2 or 3 if necessary. No problem. As mentioned, personal,recommendations only, please don't say google it.
  7. It's a documentary series. You can find it on YouTube. It's cr8tically acclaimed and well worth watching but zI should add it is not a good advert for the British Empire,
  8. Hi there, I am interested in the 20th century development of Bangkok and also crime related non-fiction. Does anyone have a personal recommendation of a book they enjoyed. Could you say why you like it also if that's okay?
  9. Start your own thread on it then
  10. It looks like Sheff U, Burnley and one other out of Everton, Luton, Notts F or C. Palace. Hard to call, who do you think? I think Forest will drop.
  11. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1658557/ Very good.
  12. Drunk on the balcony maybe?
  13. Sounds like a bit of a grey area. She could be genuine and sincere or just a player. Has she got any others on the go? Meet up with her and you'll see pretty quickly whether she genuinely likes you or not I'd say.
  14. thanks guys
  15. Hi there, I am hearing that Saturday Feb 24th is macha bucha day and the sale of alcohol is forbidden. Is this true just for that day or the next day also?
  16. Maybe they could reach a compromise and agree to see alcohol in the shops between 2-5 but only cans of shandy?
  17. Yes that's it. There aren't enough gyms in Pattaya, that's the cause of all the problems.
  18. He drowned in his sorrows it seems.
  19. I would like to report a crime in Pattaya. I saw a tourist steal a chocolate bar from a shop 20 years ago.
  20. Could have been worse, could have got it in the eye or the ear, up the nose even!
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