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Everything posted by Deserted

  1. Maybe she just ran off with the money?
  2. He will be doing quite a bit of time for that and he won't like it once he gets inside, I bet.
  3. The Luton manager thought you played quite well but fans said the stadium was half empty and had no atmosphere, which was disappointing. You should really have beaten L.Orient if you want to go up automatically.
  4. Their customer care needs improving for sure.
  5. Yes thanks, that's what we are planning next, seems to be the most obvious solution.
  6. None of the above is relevant. What I asked for is a website where such people can be found.
  7. Greetings, my daughter is in Pratom 5 and falling behind in her classes at school. I am looking for a tutor who can meet her at the weekend and help her with her school work, must be a Thai person. Where do I find such people? Is there a website I should go to? What's the going rate for that sort of thing? Most tutor sites seem to be based on Engiish studies but that's not what I am looking for.
  8. It could have been one of the Thais called one of the Indians a bud-bud ding-ding.
  9. I think it was over an argument about whose food is better, Indian or Thai.
  10. It could have been over which country was better, India or Thailand.
  11. Only in your dreams
  12. If you know Pattaya and go to the bars and chat to the girls almost all of them will tell you the guys they avoid the most are the Chinese and the Indians for many reasons, one of them being they like to slap women about.
  13. What was it over I wonder?
  14. Why did it take 28 minutes and not 26?
  15. Seems a bit strange.
  16. Depends on what you are used to.
  17. Hi there, I've googled this already and have noted there are a few options but I wondered if anyone had any personal recommendations or can suggest something I may have missed. I am looking for either a dirtbike or something around 300cc. Do such places insist you have a license?
  18. Doesn't look like there is too much room for complaint here.
  19. What is they've got with lucky numbers?
  20. They will extend the no-fare period I suspect. They will want to improve the trains image again after this.
  21. They certainly are pushing on with their skytrains. Before we know it the whole country will be accessible by them. But the big questions is are you allowed to bring balloons onto them?
  22. It has a few sights here and there yes but personally I always thought the place was overrated.
  23. I have to say the whole thing didn't exactly look like a rush job. They spent years on it. Many times I went buy it and saw no more than one or two working on it, sometimes no one. They clearly weren't in a hurry to get it finished fast. So they shouldn't really have encountered problems so soon.
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