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Everything posted by Deserted

  1. Without a shadow of a doubt, the BTS is one of the best things to happen to Bangkok.
  2. Yes, my friend does that.
  3. Some places do allow it yes but many will not, and if you are a foreigner, they will assume you have money and probably not allow it. Depends on what type of bar it is really.
  4. I'm pretty sure that's Rangsit not Prathum Thani.
  5. Yes I think you are right.
  6. Don't go to bed the night before you fly, then you will sleep on the flight and you should be fine.
  7. Oh dear, off to the clink it is for them then. Was it really all worth it I wonder?
  8. Not the first time that's happened.
  9. I bet earlier in the day she smoked drugs.
  10. Yes helmetless riders put others at risk. Yes I agree, I've always thought girls who ride bikes are more of a danger than men. And as we know, every man has a helmet!
  11. We've known each other for almost 20 years and worked together a few times. It's the first time I've seen him lose control of his own situation before and he seems to think it's no big issue. It helps if I know how things stand myself in case this comes up in conversation again.
  12. 15-20 years ago there were even makeshift offices in Aranyaprathet that offered such services. Many did it back then, I am not so sure now though. It used to be on the Khmer side they would just check for exit stamp before stamping you in, it was a lot more open than it is now.
  13. Frankly, I rather think his wife will be glad to see the back of him for a while.
  14. Yeah thanks, it was my feeling that he is in much more trouble than he thinks. I can put all this to him but whether he will listen I don't know. I don't really know what's going on inside his head tbh.
  15. Yeah but that's a different story. They can't prove you use it or even have it still.
  16. I've told him already he may be able to sneak out with fake stamps and whatnot but won't be able to sneak back in. I thought that was the case all along but never really said anything until he started telling me all he has to do is pay a 20k fine and that's it
  17. I suspect that is the case yes.
  18. I told him that but because he has a wife here he kinda sees Bangkok as home. There must be ways to get out of the country, fake stamps at the border and so on. I think he could get out if he put his mind to it but I am not sure he could get back in though.
  19. Oh yes, fingerprints, forgot that. Oh dear, he is in trouble then.
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