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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. 2 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

    I turned the tube off for now. This is a sad night in too many ways to express myself.  What an incredibly historic moment in Thailands and the worlds history that millions who want to respect the King can't view even a part of after such a long time.  

    I guess something the pleb not allowed to see?  Be nice if they informed people beforehand.  But then many would not watch.

  2. On 10/15/2017 at 12:59 AM, geriatrickid said:

    I have been waiting for someone to state the obvious, but apparently, no one cares or perhaps some are too considerate to be the cause of some lonely chap's heartbreak.


    Here's the reality: The man you see on screen is not the man in real life. He benefits from several centimeters of cosmetics including foundation, blush and shading. He benefits from complimentary lighting and camera angles and the generous use of a filter. Basically, what the OP has fallen in love with is an image, a vapor that does not exist in real life.  This is played out daily online through various  popular websites where people post images of themselves which make them look like  top models with brilliant white teeth and a face free of blackheads, blemishes, scars etc. When you see he people up close  and in person, you can be shocked to  see their  facial craters, oily skin, acne scars etc.


    The takeaway is that one should not fall in love with a picture of someone. Save it for a real life encounter and you won't be disappointed seeking out a beauty and desirability that does not exist.


    Haha I appreciate a few well placed scars.

  3. On 10/22/2017 at 7:18 PM, attrayant said:

    Oh I had forgotten about this thread.  


    I didn't even go to Zeer, I went to the local Big C where there's a few dozen phone vendors in the basement and some of them have technicians.  The guy said he didn't have the part on hand and would have to order it.  ETA 3 days, repair estimated at 2,700 baht.  


    The very next day he called and said it's ready.  Turns out that it hadn't broken "deeply" and he could salvage the display module and therefore he only replaced the overlying glass.  This reduced the cost of the repair to 2000, which was a pleasant surprise.


    Now I need to find a case for this antique.

    Good news!  

  4. 27 minutes ago, noahvail said:

    Ain’t fluid dynamics great, folks? Of course it makes a difference...initially. But unless the entire volume of water is being moved - shore to shore by surface to river bed = the effect will be quickly absorbed, and the water will return to the speed at which the rest of the river is moving - within 50 to 100 meters. Now getting my popcorn and waiting for the replies LOL...

    Thanks, that is what I was thinking more or less but was unable to articulate.

  5. 58 minutes ago, hackjam said:

    Is it possible to unblock?

    Or is there any other way for me to download music?

    I would suggest downloading them to your com.  https://www.onlinevideoconverter.com/mp3-converter does a good job.  then just go into itunes and throw them into your library.  You can adjust their label if you want.


    Also I believe that Spotify is available now in Thailand, for sure Apple Music is.  It's like 250 Baht a month for all the songs ever (well, almost).  And you can download what you like to your phone, or just stream.  I was a bitorrenter for a long time for my music but the online service available now are great and I consider essential.

  6. 1 hour ago, Get Real said:

    Are you serious? What words do you see as acceptable as a reason for that kind of treatment and violence? Please share with the rest of the forum. :clap2:

    No justification of course but you get too close to the tiger's cage, stick your arm in etc. you are asking for trouble.  We don't know the extent, but he must have done something to piss them off.  Playing with fire.

  7. On 10/1/2017 at 10:09 PM, cheeryble said:


    Can you tell me a good podcast app to change to.....one with big buttons for start stop and forward/backward jumps ......hate trying to poke around and pressing the wrong thing at the traffic lights


    I personally like Downcast.  It is a few bucks but does a great job finding and downloading and organizing things.  Not sure if it would be what you are looking for though.

    • Like 1
  8. 4 hours ago, skippybangkok said:



    I switched her to Mac a few years back. Transition was tough the first few months,  but happy I moved 

    Yep same here.  At first I was frustrated a bit, but after a few weeks totally got it.  Now 6 years after my conversion I still find new things that just make my workflow even better.  I feel macs are for people who have had enough with fiddling around and want to just get to work.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    I hope he's totally over. A "gay" British trumpist super TROLL .. who needs him? 


    Don't get me wrong. I support his right to free speech. Not the same issue. 


    But he's not a serious person. He's a troll and nothing out of his mouth is intellectually honest. So, OK, if there's a market for his CIRCUS act, similar to the potus turd that he worships, so be it.


    People that make a big do about stopping him from speaking are actually his only hope to keep his troll clown career alive. So they really should stop it. 

    Yeah exactly.  The very things he complains about or rails against are the things that keep him in the news.  When the attention whore loses his attention he just becomes another tired old whore.

    • Like 2
  10. On 2/22/2017 at 6:39 AM, thai3 said:

    Wonderful speaker, intelligent, funny and usually right about most topics. His condemnation of PC stupidity and anti man feminism along with his withering attacks on the slogan led liberal hystericals  as been great. Before he came along nobody said much about idiotic safe spaces and trigger warnings on campus grounds, he said any student needing either should be expelled, he was right you go to university to be challenged to new ideas, not to have your prejudices protected. On the Bill Maher show he was against so called trangender men using bathrooms alongside girls, the PC idiots on there actually supported the idea, mm seems a bit 'pedo' that.

    'He's a pedo' is the 21st c equivalent to she's a witch lets burn her, Milo is neither a pedo and has never supported it. It's what you do and how you treat people that counts, not slipping up over the way you said something that is important. He will be back of course, his book will get published and will be a best seller.


    His views on Islam are correct



    So far he has not been able to 'come back'.  And people did not have to misquote him on what he said.  He was very straightforward about what he thought in regards to age of consent.  He just misjudged how what he said would be taken.  He makes his living on being the 'shock and awe faggot' that feels he can say anything he wants because he considers himself a minority.  


    I actually like watching and listening to him.  His appearances on Joe Rogan's show were my favorite, though in the 3 hour discussion format many holes and contradictions start showing up in his philosophy and practice.  Very smart and bitchy.  As much as I disagree with many things he claims, I would love to see him live.

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