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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. Coming from a school background, the important thing is for a school to communicate immediately if there is something going around.  Hand Foot disease, lice, whatever.  Get the nurse in there with the thermometer and checking all palms and feet, informing all parents, and closing for a couple days to thoroughly sanitize all classroom and school equipment.  The last thing you want to do is try and cover it up and not inform parents.  They might think their tyke has a regular fever then things can get serious.   But to do things right the school 'loses some face', and lots of Poo Yais who own schools don't want that.

  2. 18 hours ago, DMC1 said:


    Yes, I've still got my 2011 MB Pro which now has an SSD. Still blows away my newer company windows laptops for my work stuff.

    You can't beat iPads for media consumption though, especially when lying in bed on an oil platform watching Netflix! Or if you're a regular traveller. Very convenient bits of kit.


    Yep I would have to agree with that.  Plus games, don't forget games!  :)

  3. 1 hour ago, JSixpack said:


    Agreed. However, TVF Posters will complain about just facebook, demand a website, and accuse the company of being too cheap. For example,



    But for a target audience of normal people, should be fine. :smile:

    Better to have both I think.  Get your website set with all pertinent info, then use FB for the social media with link all over to your website.  Once set up it's pretty easy to manage.


  4. Wix and Weebly are both great do it yourself website makers.  It's all drag and drop, everything is automated, just come with your content.


    I also agree with what above people say about Facebook - essential to have a Facebook presence in Thailand as well.  Plus you can spend a little money boosting your products or services.  We spend about 15,000 a month in our targets and it pays off well.

  5. 1 hour ago, Jimi007 said:

    Give me a MacBook Pro over an iPad pro or any other "device" any day! 

    I would have to agree with you.  I actually have a 2013 MB Air that is still going perfectly strong.....I get a good 6-7 hours out of it as long as I'm not playing a bunch of media or hitting Logic Pro too hard.  I have a couple iPads, but for sure my next device will be a MBP.  Machines that are a pleasure to use and are made to last!

  6. On 6/8/2017 at 9:13 PM, Gary A said:

    I'm not an Apple fan but I can tell you that a cellular tablet is very handy. I use prepaid Internet and being able to top it up and not having to depend solely on WiFi only is great. I live in the boonies and WiFi is not available anywhere around here except on my air card at home. The tablet also makes a nice big screen GPS with an Internet connection. If you use Google Maps you need the Internet connection.

    You can use your phone as a hotspot and connect via that.  But it is handy to have the cellular built in.

  7. 56 minutes ago, ratcatcher said:


    Is it not conceivable that she was apassenger on the motorbike? It didn't actually say she was driving it, although, knowing the number of teenagers under the legal age who drive motorbikes, I wouldn't be surprised.

    The middle school across the street from me has about 200 motorbikes parked in front of it every morning.  And in the afternoon 3-4 students pile on per bike and race off.  There is a police stand right in front of the school as well.

  8. 1 hour ago, ratcatcher said:

    Indeed it seems to have.

    I'm wondering why the insurance company/ies have not paid or offered to pay some compensation to her family. Isn't that why we carry insurance..........just for these occasions? Of course, I am being bold in assuming he even had insurance. I wish her well and expect P.M. Prayuth to say that the government is cracking down hard on uninsured drivers. No insurance, we takee your vehicle or your home..

    Well if she was underage and no license or insurance for her to drive the motorbike I suppose they are not required to pay anything.

  9. 34 minutes ago, jwest10 said:

    Nothing will ever change, will it? And yes I get told off for using my horn, which they would not know just a warning in case asleep at the wheel and yes with often the case with Family in car.
    Deserves severe punishment, but will not get it for sure. Even if a number plate seen and noted, probably a false one. Appalling

    I agree, he was trying to show he owns both lanes.  His very fragile ego was so easily bruised,

  10. 21 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

    Your last few lines prove to me that you are a very sick person.Orrifices oozing? seriously? As for being an elitist,  I cant claim t be that, however i can tell who is playing the violin solo to Vaughn Williams, The lark ascending,be it Tamsin Little or Iona Brown.You are a foolish man and you speak like one. And if you want what you say you want, what the hell are you in Pattaya? Oh yes i forgot, you only mix with hi so people. I think you are full of BS.I think that you are a pretender who has reinvented himself purely for this forum. My wife and i had two bars in Patts for 5 years, and i met your kind every day.

     Bother me no more.

    Where did you get I live in Pattaya?  I'm in a Bangkok suburb, drive into work every day to downtown BKK, to my professional gig in one of the skyscrapers.  Why am I sick?  I'm not the one dipping my wand into the gooze.

  11. 21 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

    Yes, but do you not agree that Thais have very impressionable minds and very immature personalities that are open to believing that what they see on the box, is real life?

    There is certainly that level of society that is easily impressionable, just like the loswer class in many countries.

  12. 14 hours ago, Get Real said:

    If you cared to read my previous answer on another quote, you would have realized that it was just a sarcasm.

    However, when you go down that lane. It has been fairly proven that what I related to, is changing many peoples way of looking at reality. When that is proven almost all over the world, how do you then think it affects people in countries that have developed a serios problem with education?

    Oh sorry, I don't think I was making a comment about what you said, just what the perp had mentioned.  I'd say social media has changed people in fundamental ways in how they interact, but just don't buy the whole "Child's Play made me do it" excuse.

  13. 6 hours ago, chilli42 said:

    Watching this girl on the news last night and the casual way she explained the murder to the police ... all very matter of fact, no shame, no remorse and cleRly enjoying the celebrity status.  Very clearly a psychopath or sociopath.  

    Yeah certainly seems like that to me.  

  14. 17 hours ago, Get Real said:

    That´s what they have been saying about video games, movies and too much looking at the digital world for decades. It has been pointing at children, though. Now it´s appearently reaching the "adult" stage.

    It's just a feeble excuse.  99.9999% of people watch horror movies, read Stephen King, and play video games fully realizing it is for fun and entertainment.  You can't blame entertainment media for your own sick minds.

  15. 8 hours ago, fatdrunkandstupid said:


    Hard to say what he is.  A gay person is attracted to someone of the same sex.  If it is a feminized man who has breasts and still has the penis, I just don't consider that gender as 'male'.  Just like you wouldn't be attracted to a woman who had no breasts and a hairy chest but a vagina.  Or maybe you would?  Anyway, I'm not sure what you call them, because they are not attracted to men per se.

  16. 7 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

    I can see your point, but when a guy meets a girl and a relationship starts, and he takes her out of the bar, that's when their lives together begin.When it begins, there is no past, for either of them. How long it lasts is up to them.I have a few friends that have married bar girls and are very happy. They generally move away from the area that she worked in, because, as one guy said to me "i know she has had customers, but i dont have to meet them" I can see his point.The Thing about the "getting the shivers thinking that she has maybe had 100's of customers" Well, my friend, that could be your own insecurity, due to the fact, that you may not be endowed in the tool department.

    Haha, yeah I suppose that you would want to get them as far away from that environment as possible.  I would assume too that they may have some street smarts, or paddy smarts as it were.  I need someone that is open to literature, good music, documentaries, and intellectual pursuits.  I met my partner in a master program in the states, and we really hit it off.  I'm lucky, the whole family is educated and generous.  We get along very well.   I don't think I could be happy for very long with someone that wasn't interested in the higher pursuits of mankind.  I know I sound like some elitist, but if I had to dumb myself down in words and ideas so I could relate to my love, it just wouldn't work very long for me.


    As for insecurity, well, I have never boasted about having the biggest pepper grinder on the shelf, but on the other hand I've never had a complaint as well!  :)  My shivers come from thinking of all the diseased goo being squirted into the hoes day in and day out, all orifices oozing and goozing.  I guess some guys would find that a turn on, to know their girl was well used by dozens or hundreds of strange men from around the world.  All I can say is, they're all yours!  :)

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