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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. If something is given to you for free you are the product.

    Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Bing use your personal data. They give you their product for free. As long as you remain a customer the company makes money. Of course these entities support data protection.

    Customer loyalty accrues from marketing. Marketing creates an illusion. Marketing is a strategy to make money. If you read the press releases it's clear as day it is an illusion congruent with the marketing strategy.

    Hey Snackbar, what phone will you be using now?

  2. I would like a digital radio tuner that I can use to listen to the radio through my home WiFi. I struggle to find a good quality device to do this. I know I can hook up a laptop or phone to speakers, but I want a solution where I press a button whilst making a coffee and it works, like a VHF radio from the 70s.

    Could Thaivisa offer its readers these on sale? Or does anyone know where I can get one, around the 3000-5000B range.

    There's a great app for Android or Apple called "Tunein Radio". Pretty much any radio station in the world with a digital feed is there. Pretty brilliant!

  3. I'm so sick and tired of the beer mafia here. A couple families controlling the law on who can and can't brew beer here is a nice way to corner the market and not allow competition. What are these families afraid of, a little competition of better tasting beer. Beer choices here suck................

    I go home to the pacific northwest every summer for a few weeks - I visit my parent's local mom and pops every night grab a couple craft beers from their massive beer cooler with about 400 local varieties. Man it is fun!
    Try Wishbeer in Suk 67, or any of the Brew bars, they have a huge range of beers from all over the world.

    Haha I avail myself once in a while to a wishbeer order. I'll get a mixed 12 pack of rogue beers. Kind of a spendy luxury though.

  4. I'm so sick and tired of the beer mafia here. A couple families controlling the law on who can and can't brew beer here is a nice way to corner the market and not allow competition. What are these families afraid of, a little competition of better tasting beer. Beer choices here suck................

    I go home to the pacific northwest every summer for a few weeks - I visit my parent's local mom and pops every night grab a couple craft beers from their massive beer cooler with about 400 local varieties. Man it is fun!

  5. I do weights but am doing mainly core strength weights, just a 30 minute routine 3 times a week. The other days I go for long walks or ride my bike. I am enjoying the rowing machine too. They have a coupe Concept 2s at my club and 20 minutes on that is more than enough for me! smile.png

    Oh my workouts are build around compound exercises.. so squat.. deadlifts.. benchpress and then a few extra ones. So 3 times a full body workout of 45-60 min inclusive warmup and abs.

    The rowing machine.. if i hook it up to the computer I can go for 30 min.. heart-rate monitored.. visual stimulant of watching myself row. Some good music on my Bluetooth headset. Still i do get bored after a while but when I am committed i usually finish.

    But I have learned from when I was going to extremes that too much can really make you crazy and forget about it all. I am not easy on myself but try not to overdo it.. its a fine line between not being easy and doing too much.

    But stuff like badminton is fun and a good workout too. Though I am now nursing a sore forearm from playing. (funny for someone who lifts so much weights to get a sore forearm from a bit of badminton)

    In the end its all about finding something you like and sticking with it. I feel that working out helps in a way also with my diet.. if i workout a lot i watch my foods more too.

    Its all in tune and all inter connected.

    Exactly...finally a Fitness First opened on my route home from work so I am regularly going 3 days a week. Weight training is such a good exercise and stress burner, especially when followed by a 20 minute steam. Off days I do a 5-7 k. walk at a fast pace with intermittent 30 second sprints to get the sweat going. Swimming is great and I love my bike too. Used to love badminton but haven't played in awhile.

  6. I counted calories for several weeks and then in occasional 2-week periods for a couple of years afterwards.

    It was by far the most effective way of losing weight/reducing fat.

    As Rob states in his final paragraph, it is time-consuming under all circumstances and almost an impossible task if others are preparing your food.

    Using the MyFitnessPal app it isn't too hard. But I agree, I tend to like to cook on my own or see exactly what i going into my meal. As I don't do fruit, sugar, beer, bread. rice. pasta or noodles though I can have a pretty good idea what I'm eating any given moment.

  7. I prefer to look at macros, Protein / Fat / Carbs, in conjunction with a caloric range that I know I can lose in. On heavier workout days I'll have around 2000 cals, on more sedentary days around 1500. I try to keep my macros around protein-20%, carbs-10% and fats-70%. If I do this I consistently lose. Once you get keto adapted its easy to stick on. Every couple weeks I'll have a cheat day and have some pasta or a couple pieces of pizza, some chocolate or such. Then back to keto. I find it resets me. Also I don't miss 'cheat' foods much because I know I can have them on my cheat day.

  8. An inspiring story, Happy Joe.

    It's always great to hear of cases of major weight loss maintained for so many years.clap2.gif

    I think the addiction aspect of foods is something all of us are familiar with.

    Of course with addiction and food, it's different than addiction and other substances like illicit drugs. We all need to eat some foods.

    Completely cutting out, 100 percent, certain food types can be done, but cutting out all nutritional intake, can't.

    There are different approaches to that, but clearly the approach you chose and stuck with, has worked for you.

    I agree with you based on talking with some people who have had bariatric surgery that it is no panacea but sometimes the last resort for some people. The risks can be both psychological, physical, or both.

    I limit my carbs, but a couple times a month have meals with everything I have cravings for, then go right back to my diet. Works for me. Cheat days are too much for me but cheat meals are fine. :)

  9. That shitty bar area was a disgrace and he did a public service ripping it down and replacing it with a park

    Do you mean Clinton Plaza? The brainchild of a Dutchman and an American, began as a collection of beer bars in 1998. The following year it was named after then U.S. President Bill Clinton. A number of lively go-go bars appeared in 2000. Many of the names were tongue in cheek jabs at the president, including Monica Beer Bar, Bill's Coffee House and the White House.

    I doubt any of you fellows ever saw the place.

    I never went in, but I remember its logo was a big lit cigar.
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