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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. i wonder how many thousands pounds, the british couple have to fork out at the hospitals?

    and how many they wouldn't have if they had just walked away..if the son didnt FIRST push they guy, she didnt slap the guy FIRST, son didnt grab the guy in a head lock FIRST, dad didnt punch the guy FIRST.....but forget about all that!!, yeah, OTT what happened after..but lets just forget the first part aye.....

    out of curiosity, how many fake accountS do you have on thaivisa????

    because we all know that you are certainly one of our long-term resident thai apologists....

    The post above yours gives a clear picture of what happened--which is what it looked like to me as well. The drunk Thais who showed themselves later to be utter thugs were the aggressors. Not the Brits who did get physical but showed themselves to be clueless about street fighting i.e. not the types to engage in it. The Thai thugs sucker-punched and kicked the old lady when down, then ran away. Gutless low-class cowards of the worst sort.

    frank and the other guy trying to put the blame on the victims and take it off these creeps, read the above analysis and then decide if you can face the truth.

    Well i just watched a full HD movie about it. For me it seems like its self defense from the Thai, but my opinion is it was to much no need to stamped on the head and so on, See for you self here

    Tease tigers enough and you may end up their dinner!

  2. Thank goodness Thailand has now banned surrogacy and this sort of thing won't happen again here. This whole surrogacy business with the renting of wombs, buying of eggs and sperm, often where women in poorer countries are taken advantage of, is a whole can of worms, and IMO should be banned everywhere.

    I see, the renting of the wombs of women from poorer countries should be banned because they are taken advantage of? What about the renting of vaginas? Is that any different??

    I'd like to like this post about ten more times please.

  3. Thank goodness Thailand has now banned surrogacy and this sort of thing won't happen again here. This whole surrogacy business with the renting of wombs, buying of eggs and sperm, often where women in poorer countries are taken advantage of, is a whole can of worms, and IMO should be banned everywhere.

    No, actually, it is good money for her. Probably made more renting out her womb than a couple years working in the factory.

  4. And do hope the mother will file a countersuit to the surrogate agency and these two characters, for getting her to sign a document under false pretences and withholding information which would have been crucial to her decision making. They revealed they were gay on the day they picked up the baby. She would never have agreed if she knew. She had a right to know. They deceived her and used her body knowingly and deceptively.

    Shame on them.

    She could fly to their country and start legal proceedings I suppose!

  5. I hate being followed around the store by the agents just looking for the commission, not helpful at all or really there to answer any of my questions, they don't know anything about what they're selling. They stare at me impatiently as I look the product up on Amazon or some other review site, really having no idea what I'm doing, just standing next to me looking at my phone. When I finally make a decision on what I want they literally grab the item out of my hands when I could just walk it over to the cashier myself. I rarely shop there now anyway because of that. Plus the tops supermarkets are way overpriced compared to what you get at Foodland.

  6. Whatever happened to hobbies? Maybe it's me just getting older, but between my instrument practice, songwriting, gardening, and photography I have more than enough to do at home. Most Thai people I know watch TV all night. I turned the plug off UBC over 10 years ago and never looked back. Unless I am going somewhere spectacular, why should I rent some room in some hot dusty Thai hotel?

  7. Honey don't fruit don't everything don't . No word on what type of honey was used? Probably a variety from a plastic squeeze bottle. It is a well known fact that honey has antibacterial properties a certain type of honey reduces inflammation.

    You need to get organic unpasteurized honey for that. There's one brand here in Thailand from Australia i think. Pasteurized honey has been stripped of anything good in it.

  8. I will be giving Thailand a big miss now i understand what Thainess really means, this country make me sick.

    I suppose if you hang around places where cheap hookers and men who drink like to gather you may expect to see this type of behavior. One reason I choose respectable things to do in the evenings and in twenty years have never had a problem. I'm sure if I hung out night after night in hooker dens in my hometown in the west I would see just as bad or worse.

    well because you have never had a problem i guess no one does, ive never had a road accident in thailand guess that means thai roads are safe

    Just saying the chance of witnessing or becoming a part of something like that escalates exponentially when you choose that type of environment to hang out in.

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