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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. Well, it has a little bit more fiber and a trace of some minerals, but just as many carbs.

    According to the Livestrong site: one cup of white rice contains 0.6 grams of fiber, while 1 cup of brown rice contains 3.5 grams of fiber.

    That's nearly six times as much.

    Nobody quite seems to agree how much fibre is needed per day for a healthy diet, but 12g per 1000 calories is about a ball park figure.

    Personally, I thought brown rice contained much more than that. Not so wonderful after all.

    I know that people want or sometimes need the carbs, but choosing some veggies over rice will give a lot more fiber! :) That's just me though, I avoid most grains. YOMMV.

  2. One of the reason to choose brown rice over white rice is because brown rice is more solid and takes longer time to digest..hence it will make you feel full longer ... And it will help you to eat lesser ...

    When the body works harder to digest that burns calories.

    That's why rare meat actually is in effect lower calorie than the same portion well done.

    So, generally speaking, Stick to brown rice, over white rice and have the portion size moderate?

    How about the red and black rice i see around?

    I have heard Sticky rice is not so good

    Sticky rice has a glycemic index of 100 - the same as table sugar. It's pure starch.

  3. Diet wise if you could cut out the fries and have something less carby, like using sweet potato instead, that would help. Also, processed oils aren't great for you, I would recommend using coconut oil for your oil.

  4. Diet wise if you could cut out the fries and have something less carby, like using sweet potato instead, that would help. Also, processed oils aren't great for you, I would recommend using coconut oil for your oil.

  5. Coconut oil banana (1/2 banana) shake in the morning with a spoon full of coco powder 100% coco, and a coffee. Meat or eggs with lots of steamed greens for lunch swimming in butter and maybe a salsa. Whatever the wife cooks for dinner but instead of rice I mash up some steamed cauliflower. I snack on full fat yogurt, eggs a few brazil nuts a day, coconut meat, cheese and sometimes a carrot salad. You need lots of electrolites and fat. The wife cooks with olive oil.

    I like to steam cauliflower, and then add a little cream, a little butter, and then whip it with my blender wand. Better than mashed potatoes!

    • Like 2
  6. I suggest you check out http://perfecthealthdiet.com/ The author is a scientist and excellent researcher. His diet is inherently fairly keto: Mostly veggies, healthy fat, some meat, fish, egg, etc. But the difference is that he gives very good evidence that some amount of "safe" carbs are ok, and in fact very beneficial long term. He always backs up his advice with good reasons and evidence.

    I like to have some pumpkin or sweet potato once in a while. Other people have some oats sometimes.

    • Like 1
  7. Much more important to look at how foods affect your insulin levels, which in turn affects whether energy is burned or stored as fat. I suggest reading or listening to Gary Taubes' "Why We Get Fat". He's a great writer and his book is pretty much irrefutable.

    Agree 100% - speaking only for me.

    The article noted that 'calories are reduced when you put cooked rice in the fridge.'

    I assume - think - that putting the cooked white rice in the fridge reduces its GI index. It's a fact that if you put boiled/cooked pasta in the fridge overnight there is a reduction in GI.

    If I eat white rice, I blow up like a balloon. My face, and my gut.

    Same with many white breads.

    I've heard that too. Same with potatoes, eat them cold. But I can't eat that stuff without going out of control. As long as I avoid simple white carbs and get them from dark veggies, I have no problem controlling my appetite and eating.

  8. Just look at the topics in this "im too fat Forum" its among the topics.
    Yep we don't need another GC discussion.

    I found it, you were happy with that cambogia but still need to loose weight?

    Gut bacteria can be cleaned on Samui with coffee clisma's. I've seen a video about that, they have dedicated resorts for it...with nurses who fill your intestines with many litres of coffee....allready tried that as well?

    I tried the colon cleanse before on Samui, but the enemas were self-conducted, no nurse. It cleans you out alright. I prefer now to use the Master Cleanse, if I want to fast. I just got off a 7 day cleanse. No enemas or colonics involved, I don't really think they are that good for you, and I get the same results from the Master Cleanse. You drop weight and inflammation quickly, and it really makes you alert and feel 'cleansed'. Reduces my overall appetite when I go back on solids, and I crave and eat healthier foods overall.

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