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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. None of you would post on this thread if it was a hetero couple, in the same situation, in such a horrible way.

    Arggh, total crap.

    The thai laws were changed in the first place mainly thanks to a nasty little australian hetero couple that left a twin with down syndrome behind.

    Designer babies, being able to choose the sex, bypassing the laws of poorer countries if you have enough cash

    All why many countries have banned this stuff outright, including Spain.

    Plenty of hetero couples that were left in the lurch in the same way when Thailands law changed, but dont get any attention becuase they arent gay, just aint newsworthy

    Can you back that claim up with sources?

  2. Giving money to poor villagers !! Bulls..t !!

    Trying to buy villagers support.

    They are trying to do the same as mr T did in the early 2000s

    You, and others, obviously have no idea what goes on in rural Thailand. We have 17 Villages in our Tambon and only 2 do not use these grants appropriately hence their infrastructure is crap, dusty roads, poor drainage, no town water etc.

    Under the 'SML' system (the bi annual village grant) strict audits take place and the value of subsequent grants are assessed on these audits. HOW do I know? TW has the ATM card and heads up the local works committee, the Puyia Baan has a say BUT does not have direct access to these funds!

    The extra 200K WILL be put to good use in most Villages AND it has NOTHING to do with buying votes!

    EDIT: If you don't know what SML is the acronym for I'll rest my case!

    ;;;;;SML;;;;; Screw My Life;;;;; ??

    Sorry, no Money Left

  3. It not Yabba so who cares

    Look at all the disposable income my country United States of America is making per month 1.7 million dollars that's hust Colorado

    Sincerely Kevin Wall

    What a novell idea - The Tai Govt should sell all confiscated Cannabis to Colorado, generates money for both sides.........but No, they will stupidly burn it all in an incinerator. cheesy.gif cheesy.gifclap2.gif

    Nah, Thai stuff is dirt weed.

  4. Medically supervised diets using potatoes or rice have been around since at least 1920's-30's. The subjects could eat as much as they wanted and they still lost weight. Here we are literally decades later and people are still saying it's the starches that are causing weight gain. Even today, I've seen people on the internet go on potato diets and guess what? I gave up using either the glycemic index or load years ago. I find the more I stick to foods lower on the calorie density scale the easier I keep my weight in check. As soon as I start eating foods higher up on the calorie density scale, my weight starts going up. My own diet is centered around starches so items like brown rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, oats, beans and lentils are my main go to foods. These starches fill me up and add satiety. Add in some fruit and vegetables and that's basically all I need.

    PRetty much any kind of mono diet will make you lose weight. The problem with eating lots of carbs is that they are usually coupled with fat, which is a bad combo.

  5. Morality? Nothing against gays, nothing against marriage of same gender couples.

    But when it comes to very young children who can't make their own decision, it's a completely different ballgame.

    But in my humble opinion, having two gay men as "parents", gives me a strange feeling in my stomach that i want to throw up.

    Once the girl gets older, will she have a shower together with both moms? Or are they both dads?

    Will the "giver", or the "taker" bring her to school and pick her up? Did anybody even think about the girl's feelings when she's older?

    Oh, and the girl will have to lie about her real mom and it's pretty obvious that she'll sooner, or later want to have a mother.

    I think it's in our nature. No laws will ever change that.

    Please call me what you want. An old fashioned idiot, an arrogant assholle, anything you want, no problem at all.

    But when two gay men want to "buy" a baby, it makes me feel very sick. And their lawyer can be as confident as he wants to.

    He's only doing it for the money and he gives a rat's ass about the little girl.What would she say once she's a little bit older?

    Mom sold me to some gay guys?

    And that's exactly when her problems will start.Where's your mother? Aehh, hmm, well, she sold me to them many years ago, but i love them as my own mom and dad.?

    I hope the girl will stay with her mom and her feelings to the baby are genuine.

    Fact is that the little girl can't make a decision, so anything that's going to happen should be in favor of her and not of two gay men who just thought, hey let's buy a baby. wai2.gif

    Please change your Avatar to " lostinspace'

    It's my own personal opinion. Your reply only shows ignorance. There's no "Freedom of Speech" here. Thanks for the flowers.

    You spoke freely, he spoke freely. So suck it up or shut the duck up.
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