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Posts posted by tominbkk





     *Deleted post edited out*


    I never said that anybody needs to respect him. I never said that you must have any pity with him. 


    However, it is just cowardly to kick a man who already is on the floor. Do you guys also belong to the group of farang who believe themselves superior to the Thai and know better how the country should be governed? Are you members of the "we-farang-are-treated-so-bad-here" group who complains about everyhing from Visa process to address reporting to double pricing to Thai not respecting you (which I agree all exists)?


    and now read the comments... "superior" farang wishing somebody to die slowly and painful and rot in hell... superior... my ass... 

    He's a dirty scoundrel guilty of many dark and evil things. That's why people hate him...

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  2. Not the brightest Shinawat in the box is he? But then we knew that already.

    Of course all politicians are concerned they will lose any political 'game'......... that's the essence of politics after all. whistling.gif

    Could you imagine any grown up country giving 2 hoots what the son of someone has to say about something like this?

    Shall we interview Tony Blair's son on tax policy in the UK, or bush's daughters on where they think the fed maybe going wrong with qe ?

    Grow up Thailand and stop this dynastic political style on all sides of the spectrum.

    Maybe Oak should meet Chelsea Clinton. Two of a kind.

    Except that Chelsea Clinton is extremely intelligent.

    • Like 1
  3. The two countries have agreed on a barter trade of Thai agricultural produce and China’s high-speed trains, he said.

    So, no bidding, no costs revealed, no feasibility studies to know if it´s actually worth it, no nothing.

    Scratch one for PTPs lack of transparency.

    Yingluck is so happy and excited about the deal, she went on an Emporium shopping spree!!!!! giggle.gif

    Plod zipped around in a long tail boat, without a care about making sure the water went downstream faster. w00t.gif

    A very happy day for PTP!!! clap2.gif

  4. I don't see the government suppressing the people's right to protest.

    Some do protest at the very moment using these rights, so where are their rights suppressed?

    Everyone is free to join the protest sites.

    Even you or anyone posting on this forum.

    Who is willing to drop by the protest sites? If anyone feels so strongly that something must be done, just go there. Alone, or with a TV brigade smile.png

    I am sure that the protesters would welcome a few farangs among them. The stars of the day smile.png

    Those who don't dare to show their face can even hide behind a white mask, so I heard smile.png

    It requires a bit of "balls" though... (To mention the words used by another poster) and a very strong conviction that you do the right thing...

    Those here who so strongly support the rallies are free to leave the safety of their keyboard, join and sit together with the protesters, even for an hour or two (that should be safe). To show real support, bring a tent and sleep there for a day or two. You can make lots of new friends who have the same point of view smile.png

    If the future of the country you love (well well, many here seem to hate it apparently, but ok) is at stake, go on. Do what you feel is right!

    Great photo opportunity for sure smile.png

    If you rely on your visa to stay in Thailand a long time, I would advise you to stay way clear of all protest sites. Your picture will be taken and you can expect a knock on the door from your local PTP Red Brigade handing you your deportation papers and escorting you to a taxi on its way to the airport. Bye Bye Thailand.

    If you are a tourist and are ready to leave, up to you.

  5. Stop slagging off the best thing to happen to Thailand and it's people!

    Viva the rightful elected leaders return!


    I totally agree 100%

    Drop all charges and let him come back to Thailand.

    Because there will be an absolute riot in the streets in BKK and probably all over the country, it will be the end of this government and he and his entire family will likely flee to distant lands.

    Hurry up and bring him back..... sooner the better.

    Better yet he may face similar consequences as Sae Dang.

    • Like 1
  6. Good coffee has been around Thailand for a long time it just depends where you go and who you know as they have been growing coffee for a long time and many know how to make a good cup

    True, but before the Starbucks phenomena it could be very difficult finding a real cup of coffee, if you were outside the city. The best you could usually get was some awful coffee that was hyper sweetened. Now everywhere there is a coffee hut within walking distance, with a real espresso machine.

    Thanks, Starbucks!

    • Like 2
  7. This article is outrageous and unnecessary.

    We foreigners are vaguely aware of certain cultural anomalies in the behavior of Monks and their novices in Thai Buddhist Temples.

    It is not our place to judge the Nane (Novices) or their Teachers (Monks). It is normal for a Nane (Novice) to be assigned to an individual mentor(Monk) when he first enters the temple. Usually a Nane will remain in the service of his master for some years.

    However to accuse a deceased monk of habitual improper behavior is unfair and unreasonable.

    You think it better to turn a blind eye to the situation and let them continue with their sordid little 'traditions"? What if your 12 year old son was initiated into the "tradition" by that creep?

  8. This is a very, very bizarre topic. First of all, is 17 years old considered a child? Secondarily, is it considered abuse, when the 17 year old consents to do the old man for a fee? Of course, there is a violation of some sort that takes place when the freak decides not to pay. But, does it rise to the occasion of abuse? That is a very strong term to apply to this situation, where the circumstances are murky at best. And lastly, does the fact that he did not pay warrant him being murdered? Punished maybe, but murdered? I am in no way condoning anything the abbott did. He is supposed to be a moral authority, and supposed to be a celibate, and an example to his people. He quite obviously fell way, way short of that mark. But, if what is reported is representative of the actual facts, I do not think we got the straight facts, perhaps?

    Yes it is still abuse if a pedo use his position to rape a child. paying money doesn't make it right.

    the monk novice relationship is similar to are teacher student relationship. that isn't like to use the service of prostitutes.

    As a clarification, a pedophile refers to men or women who want to have sex with pre-pubescent children (as in haven't entered puberty yet). This would be children I suppose up to the age of 12-13? Not sure what you call somebody who has sex with a 17 year old, but I would assume the boy was well past puberty.

  9. The only ones, that should be arrested here, are the bosses of Starbucks for overcharging the brown liquid, they call coffee!!coffee1.gif

    I'm grateful for Starbucks. Before they arrived in Thailand it was very hard to find a good cuppa. Now there are great coffee huts with fine espresso all over the place, for a third the price. Thanks Starbucks!

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