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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. Has bluesky site been shut down?

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    No... watching it now.


    then select Bluesky from the little dropdown menu above the video screen.

    I like the demos protest music more than the reds.

    It's amazing that many people out protesting and Bluesky is the only one covering it. All the other channels are showing soap operas and transvestite comedy shows.

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    An adult drinking beer with two minors......oh dear. 



    Now why would an older guy be having beer with a 15 and 16 year old boy, before trying to get them to come to his apartment?


    My thoughts exactly on reading this. The guy doesn't sound like an innocent party.



    Perhaps your powers of presience are better than my own, but "The two offered to ride him to his hotel as he could not get his motorcycle started." doesn't say anything about him trying to get the boys to his apartment.


    This being Thailand, and with them not being shy in any way about outing foreigners for all the bad things that they do, do you not think they perhaps would have mentioned that if it happened?


    Sounds like "they" have not been caught yet. Maybe they will say he is  a perv.

    I'm definitely not condoning what they did to him, but I'm also not going to rely on his word as the truth of the matter.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  3. BANGKOK: -- The United Front for Democracy which is bringing 30,000 red-shirt supporters to Bangkok this week promises that they would not embark on actions that would lead to the confrontation with anti-government protesters.

    Meanwhile, lest you forget how "peaceful" the red skirts are:





    I thought it was the size of your cake box that influenced Thai courts not the size of your support.

    And that red shirt in the top photo certainly seems to have a very large cake knife. sad.png

    It's weird, the mods deleted my original posting but your reply is still alive. I wonder what offended them about my post? At least it still lives in some capacity! :)

  4. I like how she supported the witch that had her son in law killed. Sure he was a bastard, but the law is the law and legal means should have been used. People can't be killing other people and just getting away with it. Who knows if that was the only reason she had him killed. And Pavena cuddling poor mother in law, the victim. crazy.gif

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  5. I was at Central World a few Xmases ago. They were having a little puppet show and all these kids were sitting on this carpet they had for them to watch the show. They were getting ready for the show, and lots of kids were sitting there. On both sides of them they had these massive speakers that were blaring at ear-piercing volume. I was a good 40 feet away and it bothered me. But these kids didn't even seem to notice it.

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