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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. "He said Thailand has economically expanded in the last few decades with outstanding tourism"

    Guess he did not here that Thailand is now in recession

    and tourism thrives on scams, ripoffs and mafia controlled zones

    Hope Yingluck gives him a discount on rice at the airport as he leaves

    Well the tourism has recovered unlike during the period under the previous administration where it collapsed. They didn't care.

    We have record numbers visiting Samui for example and hotels in Bangkok have customers again.

    Good governance. Good business.

    Neither good governance nor business.

    Better economy abroad now allowing people to travel more.

  2. "They creep into my house when they see me sleeping, they go into the kitchen and take cooking oil, sugar and even the medicines that I hide in a cabinet," said Chaluay Khamkajit, after years battling with pesky primates who are thought to have been drawn into Khlong Charoen Wai village by habitat loss.

    "They took my snacks, I can buy new ones, but the medicines are important to me," the 72-year-old said, as she and her husband demonstrated a variety of anti-monkey devices including a homemade lock for the fridge and the more direct deterrent of a sling-shot.

    replacing the missing door of the house is not possible? huh.png

    A little high tech for villagers....

  3. Here is the itunes link for vlc https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/vlc-for-ios/id650377962?mt=8 should be able to search for it through the app store as well.

    With vlc you dont need to convert just add the files to the app which makes it really nice and easy. I use it on both my iphone and iPad. Here is a tutorial that should help you.


    For playing any type of file on the iphone/ipad I like Cinexplayer. It is $2 but is great for organizing your stuff into folers, creating secret folders, playing subtitles, etc.

    I play stuff on my TV through my Apple TV, so I need to convert to an apple friendly format if I want to do that. I'll just throw everything into a folder on my com and bulk queue them through handbrake to convert. Then pop them into my ipad and I'm ready to airplay.

    For just watching on the device itself though, yes, VLC is good, though I prefer Cinexplayer.

  4. UGH! Yet another one? This is stunningly bad news and reflects very poorly on the country. I took this train not 6 weeks ago. There have been I think 3 derailments since then. Such an acute problem should be addressed with urgency. Urgency . . . not something I would anticipate will happen though.

    No money for keeping up the tracks, gotta subsidize the rice first!

    • Like 1
  5. Squats and sit-ups will not make you lose weight unless you crank out hundreds.

    Running is the most efficient way to lose weight. How much should you run? Simple: enough to have a calorie deficit. Keep in mind that most people vastly overestimate the amounts of calories they burn; a mile is less than 100 calories (or about 50 grams of steamed rice).

    I'll agree that jogging (I'm assuming you mean jogging) is one of the best ways to lose bodyweight, but the OP wants to lose fat, not muscle. Running is rather catabolic and a good way to lose muscle too.

    High Intensity Interval Training (AKA HIIT) works well for me.

    1. Walk 20 minutes (warmup).

    2. Run as fast as is safe for you for 30 seconds.

    3. Walk one minute.

    4. Repeat steps 2 & 3 up to 10 times.

    5. Walk 20 minutes (cool down).

    Great for burning fat.

    • Like 2
  6. Now an awnser to the OP, you are eating too much you just have to eat less. If you can substitute rice with vegetables you will win a lot.

    Its not feasible to expect to burn it off it should be a two pronged approach eat less and get active. Its real hard to burn off a big amount of calories so your biggest win will come from controlling your food intake. The exercise will help however.

    One 'trick' I found, (I read it somewhere,can't remember where), is to substitute mash potatoes and rice with mashed cauliflower. I'm a cauliflower fan anyways, so this was a very easy switch.

    You can buy a cheap cheese grater and grate the cauliflower into rice sized shapes. Takes a second to toss in a pan and heat up, doesn't need to cook much. Tastes great, has a nice rice 'feel', and of course is a 50th the carbs. Plus this takes no time to do, it's actually way faster than making rice! :)

    • Like 1
  7. I think you answered your own question...it is a very specialized item, and probably nobody else is looking to purchase such items here, or they do online where it is relatively hassle free.

    There's a fairly large professional audio/video shop at Crystal Park, but I don't know the name of it. I have never gone in but I thought I saw what looks like a lot of portable audio paraphernalia...you might want to check it out. It's around the corner from the Boots, facing the back parking lot. Next to the pet store.

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