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Posts posted by ukrules

  1. This is their country.

    We are their guest.

    If I don't like a rule I must conform or leave.

    You miss something off your list.

    You can always choose to break the rule if that's what you want to do, it's not just conform or leave. There's a lot of people out there who do whatever they want and to hell with the rules, there always will be.

    There may be consequences for doing this but never forget - it's a route which many will take.

  2. Do your mother living in germany?

    No, she's in the UK. She decided to go with the 'Thai Tourism Authority' offering for now, it appears to be a policy issued by Allianz.

    When you read the policy documents they're all very similar to each other.

    Allianz is the biggest insurance company in europe very serious, is not the cheapest but had never trouble when I needed them.

    Als long I know zhey having a relation with ayuttahya bank in thailand.

    Any cna you tell me what 7ß+ costs for 60 days?

    On the website is says they offer insurance from 1 year old to 70 years old so I think once you're over 70 there's no insurance available.

    Person age between 1-70 years is insurable

    I guess that means a 70 year old will qualify for the policy

    Here's the prices, they have two plans depending on what cover you want : http://www.tourismthailand.org/ThailandTravelShield/

  3. She has no bank related insurance, I asked her about that when we last spoke.

    I checked out compare the market and it does bring up a few options which are much cheaper.

    I'd appreciate any feedback on good policies for the over 70's.

    I always read the smallprint and some of them exclude pretty much everything that could go wrong if you've even been to a doctor or consultant recently. She saw a consultant who sent her for an MRI for a back pain issue. This is not something which will suddenly cause an issue, it's more of an annoying pain thing. However, reading the small print I suspect that if she fell down some stairs and broke her back this would be excluded due to visitng a consultant during the past 6 months for a back related issue.

    Some of the exclusions I've read about would leave a lot of people with almost zero cover apart from random accidents.

    Do your mother living in germany?

    No, she's in the UK. She decided to go with the 'Thai Tourism Authority' offering for now, it appears to be a policy issued by Allianz.

    When you read the policy documents they're all very similar to each other.

  4. Thanks for the replies. I'm only 42 so this has been an eye opener for me.

    If you're 70 or over things are certainly tightened up - they don't want to pay for anything.

    I have come to the conclusion that if you had high blood pressure, uncontrolled cholesterol and left it untreated and undiagnosed you will get cheap comprehensive cover which will pay for treatment of all forms of illness. The more reckless and irresponsible you are over the years the more cover you get and the cheaper it is.

    If on the other hand you've been careful, had regular medical checkups and sought treatment for things like high blood pressure, etc over the years you no longer have cover for a heart attack or stroke. Even if the high blood pressure has been successfully treated so that it's not actually high any more and hasn't been any higher than the normal levels for decades - you're considered a higher risk and excluded from lots of issues.

    I've come to the conslusion that people should take out some kind of permanent cover when they're young and keep it up throughout their lives whether they really need it or not, this is the only way to preempt 'existing conditions' which can sneak up on you over time.

    Also the less your doctor knows about you the better, once something goes in your file it looks like it will be used against you at every opportunity by the insurance industry.

    One major problem here is that a lot of people in the UK don't have any permanently ongoing private health insurance due to the NHS so most people take out policies only when they need them which leaves them without the cover they need. This whole industry in the UK is pretty screwed up.

  5. Well the UK joined the EU's predecessor (EEC) in 1973 at the same time as Ireland and Denmark.

    The conservatives took us into 'Europe' and Labour promised a referrendum if they won the election. They won the election and there was a referendum about continued membership in which most people (67%) voted yes.


    The voters of the 1970's have chosen and they voted yes.

    I find the recent crap that's published in the newspapers in the UK almost unbelievable. You have people who are actually campaigning for the removal of their own human rights based on a few cases of convicted foreign criminals or 'the foreign unemployed' demanding the same rights as everyone else.

    What they don't realise due to a high rate of ignorance amongst the electorate is that this human rights legislation is the only thing holding the government back and preventing abusive practices by the government in lots of different areas. There are many cases dating back decades where the UK government has been forced to do something which turns out better for everyone despite their many multi year long appeals against these rulings.

    On the subject of residence in other EU countries there are a lot of British people living and working within the other EU member states and this is enabled due to the same legislation which allows people from Poland and any other EU country to move to the UK.

    Things haven't always been this way. People from the UK had to get work permits and visas to work in other EU countries not that long ago.

    • Like 1
  6. Can these 'quality' tourists afford it? Euro, GBP, AUD , NZD and YEN all down quite significantly against the Baht in the past 12 months. The Baht remains stubbornly strong and seems to track closely to the USD for some reason, certainly unrelated to economic fundamentals.

    These package tours would help fill rooms but as others have said it's very late in the day and they certainly do not represent the high value, high margin sector.

    It's still way up on 3-5 years back from memory.

    • Like 1
  7. No shots should have been fired. They had the license plate and could have picked this guy up for his traffic violations (his only crime) the next day.

    Traffic violation was NOT his only crime, he committed attempted murder of police officers with a deadly weapon (his vehicle) resulting in injury to those officers and others. In many other countries including America the officers would have done anything to stop him before he killed someone, including shooting him dead.

    In Amerika,

    first they shot you death,

    after they ask you, why didn't you stop at checkpoint ?

    Certainly you are not so mentally challenged to believe this?

    Can you provide supporting evidence please?

    Just google this 'hostage killed after robbery'

  8. Hmmm.... that is disappointing - they should have gone that extra distance and had Thai Elite Ids that were compatible with Thai Id system so that it would act as an ID if some official stopped and asked for one (instead of passport).
    It has your photo on it so may act as some form of ID maybe but the card is to get the privilages that come with the scheme thats all. Its not an ID card

    my card does not have a photo on it (the 500.000 bht card)


    Mine does, it's on the back of the card. It's also the 500k Easy Access card.

    • Like 1
  9. She has no bank related insurance, I asked her about that when we last spoke.

    I checked out compare the market and it does bring up a few options which are much cheaper.

    I'd appreciate any feedback on good policies for the over 70's.

    I always read the smallprint and some of them exclude pretty much everything that could go wrong if you've even been to a doctor or consultant recently. She saw a consultant who sent her for an MRI for a back pain issue. This is not something which will suddenly cause an issue, it's more of an annoying pain thing. However, reading the small print I suspect that if she fell down some stairs and broke her back this would be excluded due to visitng a consultant during the past 6 months for a back related issue.

    Some of the exclusions I've read about would leave a lot of people with almost zero cover apart from random accidents.

  10. My mother's coming to Thailand for just under two months and I'm wondering what her options are for travel insurance.

    She's getting a 60 day tourist visa so there's no problem there as the trip is less than 60 days.

    I believe things change for insurance once you hit 70 years old, her 70th birthday was this year and she's finding that most of the insurance quotes she can find only provide cover for one month or they are much more expensive than she's paid before.

    For example she went to India at the start of the year when she was 69 years old and the insurance amount was pretty cheap.

    One website (Saga I think) quoted her about £270 for a trip to Thailand which will be less than two months, only about £30 cheaper than their annual multi trip policy.

    The flight only cost about £450 with Lufthansa when she booked it a few months ago so it seems a little unusual that the insurance would cost so much.

    She doesn't like wasting money and probably isn't going to do much in the way of travelling for the rest of the year.

    Does anyone have any ideas where a 70 year old can get a good quote for travel insurance for a trip which is just under 60 days in length ?

  11. Well this is the country where someone picking a few wild mushrooms can be sentenced by to 30 years in prison for their trouble by a fully educated and probably still serving judge.

    I agree with you about the mushroom pickers... but they weren't going to bring down an A-380 or disrupt traffic at a major airport doing that.

    These lanterns aren't going to bring down a jet either. Any disruption is introduced on a voluntary basis by the airports.

    The lanterns are 'crap' and a complete waste but they've been in use for many many years now. I remember seeing 1000's of them drifting across the sky on Phuket once and I haven't been to Phuket for what must be about 10 years. I don't remember airports being closed at any time since then apart from when the 'crazies' take over them.

  12. Incidents like this have been known to be common place throughout history, especially in this area.

    I was speaking to my girlfirend about this (she's Thai) and she was disgusted about the way this guy has been treated but wasn't too surprised when I told her where it happened, it's been going on for hundreds of years. She's not from this area but is well aware of previous incidents.

    It obviously has nothing to do with 'magic' but magic is used as a cover story for the age old crime of poisoning.

    From what I heard 'black magic' = poisoning and 'white magic' = treatment by herbal medicines.

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