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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. That was yesterday I'm also a little puzzled by this story as it speaks of a drinking water supply. Everyone I know gets their drinking water out of some kind of machine which filters it or just stocks up on Singha, Nestle or something similar. There is no 'drinking water' supply, is there?
  2. He picked Pence before, why should this time be any different?
  3. Yet they're busy arresting tourists who overstay by less than a week in some parts. Immigration seem to have got their priorities completely wrong. The country absolutely depends on tourists in order that it doesn't degrade into a pennyless backwater - the pandemic proved this beyond any doubt. They should act accordingly.
  4. Well you're definitely going to have problems breathing and also a lack of blood, even attempting to stand up would likely be problematic - and very quickly assuming an artery was punctured. Blood would be everywhere, like spraying from a hose at high pressure.
  5. Who called them? I doubt he did....it was his fire and he wanted it ????
  6. What's the odds that the victim ends up in prison and/or sued for 'defamation' and forced to remain in Thailand for years while it goes through court?
  7. Yes, the model I had used some kind of 2 piece transmitter and receiver which both took AAA batteries - worked well for about 12/13 years.
  8. I bought some TDK wireless headphones in Bangkok back in about 2010, they recently broke as in physically snapped due to wear and tear, notably they still work. Anyway I bought a new set and will do so again rather than salvage old junk.
  9. Oh really? How do you know that you've never had Dengue?
  10. This is the second police facility to go up in flames recently, that I know about. Maybe there's more, who knows.
  11. Right, zero experience of government but he wants to go straight in at the top. He's going to fit right in here then.
  12. They're there but there's also plenty of things hiding just out of sight waiting to eat anything that moves.
  13. They don't really earn very much do they? I spend more than all of them on general shopping each month ????
  14. Did he get a 'yellow card'? I would love to see a photo of this so called yellow card.
  15. In a long list of incredibly dumb things that I've read online recently, this is the dumbest of them all. Don't forget - we're all tourists even if we've been here a very long time. On a diplomatic level immediate reciprocity should be introduced around the world. There's no way countries will accept the inevitable torrent of deportation for misdemeanours without retaliation. Also, they're going to notify the Embassy for a yellow card? What? Why? The Embassy aren't going to give a shi.
  16. I'd definitely leave the airport and check in to a hotel pretty quickly
  17. I suspect it's going to come down to one thing only, the number of flights operating in and out of the airports. That's what determines the number of arrivals.
  18. So it looks like waste water, smells like waste water but apparently it's not waste water? Yeah right
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