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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. It's not a 'loophole' if it's intentional. It is most definitely intentional, they knew the situation in Europe and the US yet decided to proceed. They definitely seem to be moving in a different direction to China. I suspect China has been pressuring the zero covid strategy, which as we know is not very deisrable to a country which relies on visitors and once it's here - it's impossible to stop. They appear to have chosen the let it in and now it's impossible to stop route, it would have walked here from South Asia anyway....
  2. Interesting, the ship was doing ok all by itself right up until the moment Navy started meddling with it ????
  3. They're still trying to fight the inevitable. Those field hospitals will be full of people who are not ill at all and used as quarantine camps.
  4. So what? Is this against the rules or something? They can stay where they like surely? Do they not ask for a phone number for urgent contact when the tests are done? I can't believe they don't - they ask for phone numbers for anything here - even if it doesn't need a phone number - it's always on the form.
  5. Agreed completely, that they didn't cancel the test and go tourists who had already booked reveals their plan here. They know it's coming and decided to let it in. Don't forget, they said it's all under control and I do believe them when they said this.
  6. No, they weren't, this was not the first test, it was the follow up test so they didn't have to do anything until the result came in. Normally when I fill out almost any form in Thailand it asks for a movile phone number, are they not simply asking for the phone number in case someone tests positive in which case they could phone you and tell you to report to the nearest covid prison ????
  7. I think you just described the central banking system since we came off the gold standard.
  8. All this talk of zero sum games, etc is irrelevant if the 'game' lasts a 1000 years. The fiat money system has been around in one form or another since its origins around 1000 years ago when they ran out of metal and shells, I wonder how long that game will last for ???? How much are those shells worth now?
  9. UpBit Thailand - they're a Singaporean company but operate from inside Thailand as well. There is one caveat, when you use it the first time they do make you wait a few days before making any kind of withdrawal so you should bear that in mind. Personally I would use a Thai exchange only to buy, never to sell for various reasons related to taxation.
  10. It doesn't matter, deaths are expected - there's a pandemic of a relatively new virus going around. Things are moving in the right direction in the medium term, just compare right now with last year - there's a big difference. Jan 6, 2022 UK Deaths : 232 Jan 6, 2021 UK Deaths : 1043 Of course the vulnerable can only die once so perhaps if the COVID virus hit for the first time just a month ago the figures would be the same, there's no way to tell though.
  11. They were never in control, the virus is in control and it's spreading, all they can do is react and perhaps control how they react although I have my doubts. They will implement measures which prove completely ineffective and then it will be pats on the back all around no matter how many cases there are because of course without whatever dumb actions they take the situation would no doubt have been far worse had they not acted and that will be the justification for whatever comes in the next couple of weeks and it's coming hard and fast now. So they can do anything they want, so long as they're seen to be doing something, that's all that matters - it's all under control regardless of the outcome.
  12. I wonder when the test results came back. I find it hard to believe that they were notified that they tested positive and then 'did a runner', this all sounds strangely familiar to another case that happened recently. How long did the test results take to come back?
  13. I wonder if this was part of a reward or a punishment for the children involved.
  14. Lol, I'm pretty sure the newly touted tax will prevent this from happening.
  15. This will kill the exchanges in Thailand. Somehow I doubt that it will happen in this way but you never know.
  16. Are you familiar with the principle of the NDA and confidentiality during commercial transactions?
  17. I believe from memory the reason why they didn't have a full reserve for a short while when this whole thing started is because the US government managed to get one of their bank accounts frozen, once the account was frozen it then became very urgent for the southern district of NY to get a full proof of backing, you see they had just had the bank account frozen so they knew this was not possible. This is the very definition of a manufactured crime by the prosecutors going after something political - that appears to be how they roll in the SDNY, they make something happen (freeze a bank account) which then triggers something they think they need to investigate. Now - why don't they hand over a full list of bank accounts for the US government to get frozen? Why would they? They know what will happen, more accounts will be closed down on false pretenses by rogue politically motivated prosecutors.
  18. There was something published in the gazette a year or two back about crypto taxes but there was a lot more talk about it from government. It was reported here on this forum. Then there was a slightly more alarming 'rule' in which they said they would be taxing worldwide Crypto income as the blockchain is worldwide - that's what it said - it sounds like it was written by an idiot which I can confirm as it came from the government. Essentially there was at some point in the past an announcement about plans to significantly change the way the entire tax system works the moment crypto is involved but I'm not sure if this was just some idiot minister mouthing off to gain attention or an actual change in the law although there was something in the gazette. Clear as mud right - that's the way they like it until they come for your money.
  19. You know what the news is like in Thailand, they can show anything about a foreigner they want to but if a Thai is made to look bad in any way - even if it's true then it's lawsuits all the way to a payday - for the Thai.
  20. There's a group of people out there known as 'Tether truthers' - they believe for some reason that because the company that operates Tether (or any of the other stable coins) has the ability to 'mint' money out of thin air that is unbacked that they would naturally do so. It's a fringe group made up of conspiracy theorist loons who believe that large companies are not allowed to use their own money by banks to purchase stablecoins which are then used to trade crypto. I've seen them argue that a company would not be allowed to use a few hundred million dollars of its own money for a transaction without all sorts of special permissions from government, this is of course pure nonsense. I've come across a lot of these people who hound Paolo Ardoino (the Tether company guy) on Twitter every day, they've been at it for years and I've been following their arguments which are almost 100% nonsense, many people used to listen to them but not so much any more. Essentially I believe that it boils down to this : If the 'tether truther' had the chance to rip off everyone in the world by making tens of billions of dollars worth of completely unbacked tokens then they would 100% do it without thinking twice and they can't believe that anyone else in the same position wouldn't also do the same - therefore all the stablecoins must be unbacked and printed uncontrollably. They're projecting, they would steal it all, so surely everyone else is as corrupt as them - they can't see it any other way - everyone must be corrupt because that's just how people are. This attitude that if you can steal from people then surely you will reveals the character of the 'tether truther' - they're a bunch of dishonest crooks who assume that everyone else is just like them, if they had the chance to fraudulently mint billions in fake money they would of course do it, therefore everyone else would as well. This person is a 'tether truther'
  21. So what? If someone hit me I'd hit them back too. There's a reason he's being arrested for assault and not her and yes, the police have of course seen the full video.
  22. The official regulations will be ignored when the country is overwhelmed with cases. I'm sure they will still be locking up foreigners but for the vast majority of the population nothing will happen - it will be ignored and allowed to play out. Remember, they said it's 'under control' - believe those words because they are the truth, nothing is happening that's not allowed to happen, perhaps not officially according to the law but it's allowed all the same. They can't open the floodgates and deliberately welcome Omicron with open arms, but they sure could have kept it out for months by cancelling the arrival of all the 'test and go' tourists which they chose not to do. There's a reason for that.
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