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Posts posted by purushanti

  1. It is suggested that we are all in this together, all of us on this planet, so let's spare Thailand our criticism, and move from the microcosm to the macrocosm. And consider the earth's wobble. Could not its irregularity, accelerated by certain happenings in the solar system, be responsible for such railroad happenings in the USA, and presumably other countries, in addition to Thailand? This kind of thinking is part of that which will not be published by governments, for the resulting fear in the people would cause many socioeconomic problems of a disorderly nature. Around the world the bridges that are collapsing, and the buildings that are falling down, can be seen as having the same ultimate cause as the moving of the tracks. And even the traditional media are

    reporting that an earthquake in one location is connected to other fault lines around the world. Volcanoes are intimately connected to one another, too.

    Hold onto your hats! We are on a roller coaster, this spaceship called Planet Earth, and there is more to come, and not just a second disaster for Phuket. A wonderful time to be alive, to experience all this. Much good will come eventually, but when is the question.

    A good time to consider committing to sevice to others, rather than switching back and forth between that and service to self. Just being here in Thailand is a sign that

    you are probably an individuated person, who thinks for himself

    ---and individuation is an important sign of evolution and of a successful life....... No ad hominem attacks accepted please, but if so, please know that you still have my respect, not only for the conviction that goes with your opinion, but for you yourself. Like the mail, something not accepted is returned to sender by the natural process of karma.

    If you should like to look into this further, there is a site, to which you can subscribe, something like www.zetatalk.com. Even fools can speak truth, so if is too much for some to respect these people, then we do not have to throw the baby out with the bathwater---we can objectively examine each staement offered us. For myself, considration of some of this can be scary, but then I remember I have had NDEs (near-death experiences), and look forward, at the appropriate time, to dropping this body, just as I drop my clothes on the floor when I take a shower. That which you are is eternal, and this is said not from believing in religion, but from experiencing in meditation. We shall all go Home eventually. See you there!

  2. Most do up to 30 day in advance, unless there is a reason you have to do it earlier, like if you are planning a trip abroad and need to do it some earlier.

    I agree with you, in general, thank you, Mario, but I remember somewhere on this site, this year, talk of 90 days in Jomtien and in another place: local offices making their own decision. Is my information incorrect?

  3. My understanding is that one may extend one's stay (for purposes of retirement) up to 30 days before expiration of one-year.

    This seems to be the general rule, yet is it not true that Jomtien is an exception, and will renew 90 days before?

    And are there any other local immigration offices that act like Jomtien?

    I would rather not ask questions at an office lest I put an idea in someone's head that could be rejected.

    The extra 60 days can be useful to those of us who are watching the currency exchange rates, hoping they will not fluctuate to our disadvantage suddenly. -----Thank you!

  4. I just completed doing what you have proposed.

    For years I have been renewing at Suan Plu as I live in both Bkk and Jomtien.

    I had recently filed the 90 day report in Suan Plu with my Bangkok address.

    I did not file another address report before applying for retirement visa renewal.

    At Jomtien the renewal process went smoothly except for one thing, they asked for a bank letter verifying that I have a bank account in Thailand IN ADDITION to the embassy letter verifying my income.

    The Thai bank letter verification had nothing to do with amounts in the account, simply "must have bank letter".

    I got one from K Bank close by, delivered it to the officer and was given an extension.

    Bear in mind that at Jomtien you have to leave your passport at the office and pick it up the next day unlike Suan Plu where it is finished in one day.

    Also I used my Jomtien address with no questions asked.

    Thanks so much , Popshirt.

  5. :):D After 5 years of extensions of stay (retirement) at BKK, I am switching to Chonburi (Jomtien/Pattaya).

    Will this be as smooth as in past, i. e., I am wondering whether there will be a problem because, presumably, all my file will still be in Chaeng Wattana. Or perhaps it is all on computer, or maybe they do not need their back records.

    Will also be filing change of address on 90 day adddress report. I am thnking to do this first , before I apply for retirement visa extension of stay for purposes of retirement. Thank you all!

  6. It is illegal to hand one's passport to an agent in Thailand to take to another country for you in order to obtain a Thai visa or extension, so we are reminded this day by another popular expat site.

    If this is true, would it be any different, legality-wise, exiting as far as Poipet, and then letting the visa/bus company complete the work at the Thai Embassy in Pnom Penh, while you wait 2 nights for them to return your passport and visa in Poipet? Thanks.

    Thanks very much, guys, for your thoughtful answers. Much appreciated.

  7. It is illegal to hand one's passport to an agent in Thailand to take to another country for you in order to obtain a Thai visa or extension, so we are reminded this day by another popular expat site.

    If this is true, would it be any different, legality-wise, exiting as far as Poipet, and then letting the visa/bus company complete the work at the Thai Embassy in Pnom Penh, while you wait 2 nights for them to return your passport and visa in Poipet? Thanks.

  8. I think you are joking about the boat service from Khaosan to the airport. In case not, near Ratchadamnoen and Phra Sumen is the klong boat. It takes you at least to Ramkanhaeng, and even further, I believe.


    BANGKOK: -- Incessantly heavy downpours and thunderstorms have occurred in all Bangkok and the vicinity on Sunday night, causing floods in 44 areas due to the capital's inadequate drainage system.

    Forty-two flooding spots have returned to normal early Monday morning, while the high water level in the other two areas at the Ratchada-Ladprao intersection and Pongpetch Market were to be drained away by 11 am Monday.

    Bangkok governor Sukhumbhand Paribatra went to the Ratchada-Ladprao intersection, where water was some 10 centimetres deep.

    He said the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) was able to drain only 60 millimetres of accumulated rainfall, but Sunday's heavy downpours meant accumulated water amounted to over 100 millimetres.

    Meanwhile, Drainage and Sewerage Department Director Charnchai Witoonpanyakij said flooding in inner Bangkok could normally be solved within two hours, but Sunday's rainfall took more time for drainage in some areas located far from the river.

    There are now seven drainage tunnels in the capital. The department plans to build another from Bang Sue district to the Chao Phraya River.

    The project will open private sector bidding later this year with a budget of around Bt2 billion.

    The Meteorological Department has warned the public to be careful of the danger from heavy rains in many areas nationwide, as wind-driven waves in the Gulf and the Andaman Sea could be 2-3 metres high and become stronger in the next few days, and small boats should not leave shore.


    -- TNA 2009-08-31

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    Is there a boat service from Kao San Road to the Airport now?

  9. Khaosan area; Buddy's has gym--per day, monthly, or yearly. Around corner on Ratchadamnoen, another gym. (Buddy's rooms too expensive for my taste). K area less pollution than Silom. Many places to stay.

    On block parallel to K. RD.: Rambuttri, after you cross Cha-ka-pong going towards water., prices for food less here, trees, more relaxed, not far from park and river.

  10. It seems any negative actions we perpetrate against others must occur in order for the other party to either suffer as a result of accumulated khamma and/or learn from before moving on, due to lack of self awareness.

    Our life appears set up, fashioned by our environment so our future actions can dovetail into anothers suffering.

    As our environment has custom designed us to act in specific ways to given experiences, our actions are able to create specific suffering for others.

    Were we destined to interact with those who come into our lives?

    A person I know suffers greatly from rejection.

    She feels she'll always live a lonely life & will never marry.

    She drinks heavily to drown her sorrows & lives a self destructive lifestyle.

    This inhibits self awareness further exacerbating her situation.

    Due to her small baby like size & cute good looks as a child she was favored by her parents over her siblings and was spoilt, resulting in her selfish & self centered personality.

    A number of friends, flat mates, & boyfriends have deserted her over time, due to her negative behavior & lack of concern or regard for their feelings.

    After suffering personal attacks, hostility, rejection, disinterest, lack of intimacy & silent treatment at her hands, the common response for these people has been to leave her without notice nor confrontation & then to refuse any contact with her. She lacks self awareness & is too self centered to recognize she has pushed them away.

    It seems the mechanism of khamma introduces her to specific people who prefer to withdraw from her life rather than confront her.

    Her suffering is reinforced as she gets no explanation and without self awareness she can't break the cycle.

    She has shown inflexibility to those who have tried.

    The accumulated khamma on those in her life appears to result in them being made to feel poorly about themselves at her hands & to experience ongoing feelings of guilt due to their actions to abandon her.

    The result of accumulated khamma on her is for her to suffer an ongoing cycle of rejection without apparent end as those around her are too weak to confront her behavior.

    Both parties are interdependent.

    The trap also appears to be that although each party's actions lack merit, they appear to be accumulating merit by offering an opportunity for the development of self awareness as well as assisting to expend accumulated negative khamma in each other through suffering.

    Am I wrong?

    Lot of psychology in your writing, but I wonder if we are just guessing about what is going on with the other person, part of whose o so subjective life is secret to all but her, and another part secret to her.,,,,,,, ah!---the complexity of it all.

    Some points, or, my 2 cents---she will repeat her lesson until she gets it. Eventually she will graduate from this universe-city.

    ---the people she meets, if not attached to the results of their actions, will receive no suffering, nor karma.

    ---the mental intention is important, so these other people need to have pure intentions. The physical world is an illusion.

    ------ Thought is the basis of action. If one chooses not to help, or not to be helped, another counterpart of the personality, on another probable world, will act this out. Free will is of the utmost importance. On another probable world of reality, with counterparts of the same people,this situation has all been resolved; the soul collects this experience too.

    ---Yet nothing is important, but everything matters.

    ---An action may appear negative, but we know not the intention, nor whether this is karma resolved or karma initiated.

    Those who come into are lives are catalysts for change in our lives, and we in theirs.

    ---Positive/negative is a judgement. The soul wants experience unjudged by the soul. We are here to satisfy the sou'ls desire. The personality may suffer, but the soul rejoices.

    One cannot save another (post 16 years) from karma. If another has receptivity to positive suggestions, from outside, or within, from the Higher Self, s/he can save the small self.

    --Self-awareness, individuation, use of free wiil---these separate us from plants and animals, to journey thru this valley of Emotions, on the way to living from the Heart in Service to Others.

  11. Mobi,

    I have some alternative info, eg some drops from the west----personal friend overjoyed to avoid surgery---will send info to you if you email me, or perhaps I will get back to this thread. Also Chinese acupuncture available here, and perhaps some other alternatives. Up to you, of course

  12. Dental Design Clinic, 02 261 9119-20, Dr. Pongkarn. Excellent English, very bright, very careful, motivated by service to others, this young lady is nangfah (an angel). Eg, saved me discomfort and expense by vetoing prescribed treatments from another dental office, and time has proven her right.

  13. I read this report and, really, I despair.


    For years, Americans slaved away in their malodorous cubicles under the rule of crappy monster bosses, their only dream of liberation being that the equity appreciation in their 401(k)s would allow them to sing Johnny Paycheck's famous Take this Job and Shove it on the day they became eligible for plan withdrawals.

    And so were the lambs led fat and happy down into the screaming abattoir of the world financial crisis.

    If the work is service to others, then the joy of it could be enough to keep one from retiring. But if one has sold out one's individuality and creativity for a buck, yes, does not feel so good. And things are changing so fast, perhaps soon no money for anyone, and people then forced to take responsibility for their own lives.

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