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Posts posted by purushanti

  1. The first link in post 4 brings us to another book by T. M. Hoy; "The Nature of Religion", which, it is said there, explores the horror and madness of human beliefs.......... And available as a low-priced kindle elsewhere.

    How about the madness of an eye for an eye, and other such wishes not uncommon in expression on this site, from some of those who perceive wrongdoing. Our own mercy and compassion could allow whatever karmic experience is due, to balance the scales---- in its own time! It is difficult for a human to judge whether karma is being resolved, or whether it is karma initiated. The same applies to of those who hurl condemnation and punishment freely, as conditioned by cultural upbringing. If the kneejerk response of some of us here is karma initiated, watch out. What goes around, comes around. I express no malice here, but encourage the few to get a grip and live from the heart.

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  2. Humanities degrees perhaps not very useful to support the motivations of power, greed, and ego. Nevertheless, refinement of heart and mind could bring one into a wholeness that more easily expresses universal values of loving kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, etc. Yes, maybe not very practical, nor very supportive of a phyical-emotional being, but fostering of a tendency to live, think, and act more on the mental-spiritual levels to the benefit of other selves.

    And perhaps one cold save a lot of cash by forgoing the degree, and educating oneself in response to the prompting from the intuition within each distict individual.

  3. With reference to post number one, and the bringing of 12 bank statements (presumably monthly statements), is that a requirement in Chingmai, that many? My experience with an officer in BKK, who had had little experience with retirement issues, took the 3 bank statements I had put on the table, just to be safe from her side. Is there a set total here?. I do not want to help set the bar too high!

    And if we bring bank statements, it would be logical not to need a letter from a consulate. But still required, right?

  4. Sorry can not supply you with the address but can assure you that you can mail it in here to Chiang Mai. I have friends that do that. As has been posted here there was one person who had a problem other than that no one else has had a problem on this thread or ones in the past.

    For myself I am retired so I have the time and it is a good outing. Every time I have had to wait long have met interesting people to chat with.

    As for the bar code I think there is a plan for it other than not having to have a copy of your passport. Time will tell.

    You might look on the visa forum or just start a new one here how to mail in for 90 day reporting. I am sure that would get you all the information you need.

    Dolly, many thanks. I appreciate your kindness, added also to the other examples of metta this newbie has experienced in this city of Chiang Mai. I find natives and farang mellowed out in this location.

    The address I found, including zip code, by searching the CM Immigration site, and I have the particulars as to what to send from a search of Thai Visa months ago.

  5. Also I don't really think they have any where near the number of Burmese applicants.

    Good, nice to see them working......payback for all the years of shirking.

    They had it so good for so long that they have absolutely no idea how to deal with this extra workload.

    Maybe if things get much worse, some bright spark will come up with an idea how to deal with it.

    Edit: Personally I have no problem. I send in my 90 days and already have a queue number for late August.

    But I feel bloody sorry for those Burmese who have to line up outside in this blazing heat.

    Theos, what is this about "sending" in the 90 day report? I am talking specifically about Chiang Mai Immigration, and I am posting on this thread found in the Chiang Mmai Forum.

    Continued, below:

    Recently I was advised by the good folk on a general Iimmigration thread that not everyimmigration office will handle mail for the 90 day reporft, and that the Bangkok mailing address was strictly for Bangkok.

    So, is it possible to mail the 90 day report to Chiang Mai, and if so, what is the address.? By the way, post 4 here also refers to mailing, but no reply from Immigration! May I presume you have done this before and gotten return mail? (I understand EMS is a good route, with traceable mailing.) Thanks in advance for any advice.

  6. Yes, December is not far off; neither is August nor April. These are the 3 months when serious earth changes have been said to be more likely to occur. Something having to do with magnetic trimesters. I am not a scientist, so do not have much more to say. There is supposed to be to more probability of these taking place usually in the latter part of each of the 3 months.

    Also, it is noteworthy that sinkholes are occurring world-wide, not to discount the frequency in this area.

  7. Note, you can, if you want to, do the 90-day report by mail at Chang Wattana.

    I used to do so when Suan Plu handled the process, can't no longer as I'm in Pathum Thani, and the Sam Koke office doesn't handle mail-ins.


    This brings up an important question: Is the mail-in service to Chaeng Wattana only for Bangkok-resident expats, or is it for all of Thailand? I ask because I have been advised by a helpful expat here in Chiang Mai that I could simply mail (next time) the 90-day report to CW-BKK,and receive my reply back in Chiang Mai by mail. True or not? Or just for BKK and CM? Thank you!
  8. Available at Police Head Office, Special Branch building 24 or 25. This is the buildings opposite Central World. (you know the one they burnt) Well signposted and yes people do speak English well.

    Think it is a 10 day wait and a couple hundred baht. You will need you original passport and to be fingerprinted.

    And, is this the only address in Thailand for this document? Or are there other local offices spread around the country? For example, where could one get this business settled in Chiang Mai? Thank you.

  9. What happens when the burning season is over? Would there not be tiny, microscopic particulates on the ground, that would get stirred upward by the movement of vehicles and people?

    Perhaps the rest of the year it seems nice, and there are no physical symptoms, but would we not continue to ingest these particles, which could produce a negative outcome for health, albeit at a slower pace?

  10. Buddy's Lodge, toward the Burger King end of Khaosan Road, has a fitness area, to me reasonably priced. Since Buddy's is a hotel full of couples, I would think both genders would use the gym. Swimming pool, too. Say hello to Bruno and Toi.

  11. I think Chiang Mai is preparing to become the new, and only capital, if the prophecy made during the time of the first Chakra king comes true, which is that the area of "Siam" where BKK now sits will be "swallowed by the sea and be no more" in the year 2555. So far the guy that made that prophecy, and others is 3 for 3. Let's see if he's 4 for 4.


    I live about 18 klm east of the city itself, and when I first moved here 5 years ago, there were only 3 other housing developments within 5 kilometers, and the rest was rice paddies. Now there's about 8 major housing developments, and more new businesses going up than I can count, as well as highways being widened to accomodate the traffic.

    So, the first Chakri King would be Rama I, yes? And what were the other 3 predictions that came true, and when? Very interesting.,,,I did not know about this, but there have been enough indications in BKK this year and last, and from outside sources, that this would be a good time for me to move from BKK to CM. Thank you.

  12. Khaosan Road, for one, I understand, has had no problems. (Thenext street, along the temple, Soi Rambuttri, is nice, trees and nall, and more mellow.) www,thaitravelblogs.com can tell you about a lot more areas.

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