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Posts posted by purushanti

  1. need a photo too!

    and passport copies...

    wave the 500 baht and you'll be taken care quickly,

    as the money goes under the table...teamoney...

    no receipt!

    (as it is free in other immigr.offices..)

    What would this cost at the U. S. Consulate? And appointment needed, (made on-line)?....or just walk in?

  2. Nancy should be along to lobby for her to obtain retirement on her own - some wives don't seem to trust our judgement as we get older; and she has good points as it is more of an even playing field with everyone equal if wife is of an age where she can qualify - in an emergency it would make things easier if each has own visa status and financial means easily available.

    This idea of fairly leveling the playing field for the two genders brings to mind a question or two:
    Does it work also the other way?, i.e., if the wife has the retirement reason for extension of stay, can the husband qualify for extension as a dependent? Here we are in a conservative country, and the question has to do with a non-traditional relationship..
    And also, while we are talking about marriage, do foreign couples qualify under the same non-O regulations as easily as a foreigner with a Thai?
  3. I emailed SSA in Manila three times in the last three weeks asking about changing my address and still have not received a reply. Guess I'll have to call them.

    Had not thought about "asking" them; just gave them particulatrs of 2 addresses, in other words, "told" them, and in time, they confirmed. Have received repies to different situations in 24, 19, and 13 days. Good luck---I find them very helpful.

  4. Asked my parmacist today to give me a general tour, because I have felt that there could be interesting products out-of-sight, which I would not have encountered had I not asked if there is more not on the shelves.

    On the shelf, however, he showed me a natural mosquito repellant, new to me with no DEET (DEET not totally beneficial). It is available as a spray, but I chose the lipstick-size roll-on one could slip into a pocket. Will try it out.

    Has a Thai name on top, but on the bottom I read Engish: "Krishnasakthong (mobile 084 611 4714)". I found it in the pharmacy on the ground floor of Kad Suan Kaew, just outside Tops' Supermarket.

  5. I just set this up for my Mom who lives here in Thailand now. We have a PO Box in the US for mail, but the physical address is here. SS direct deposits to her US bank account. Then I transfer funds via Bangkok Bank NYC when required.


    I am unclear. Does the SSA send mail to the PO BOX in the USA, (important for 1099s, etc.)? I would think that they would insist on using your Thai physical address (or even a PO Box in TH), when the benefiary is living in TH.

    For me, this is important. My chances of receiving all my mail in BKK were 100%, but not so at my physical Chiang Mai address. I would prefer to use my USA address for SSA communications, and have them opened by my son and forwarded.

  6. My 2 cents:

    Attestation of address , i. e. that one is actually living in TH---another thread has pointed out that SSA's reqest for such is random. Finally, recently, I can agree, because I have gone about 18 months without receiving that request from them. Nevertheless, in my experience, they have been pretty regular with annual requests,---but, I think that is because I have moved around a lot In Thailand in the past. Once I notify them of change of address, a flag appears to be raised.

  7. Zip,

    When moving to a new Thai address last year about this time, my1099 seemed to be lost. Contacted Manila by email, and they not only snail-mailed me a new one, but emailed the info, too (in a different format, if I remember). Eventually the original 1099 for tax purposes also showed up. Very happy am I with Manila.


    Would be nice if, upon receivng your 1099 in Chiang Maiai each year, for the first ones with success, to post the news about the receipt here. Then those of us who have not gotten it will know to prompt Manila again. No problem with Manila, and maybe not with the Thai post office either; perhaps with the procedure used by my apartment complex.

  8. visa service can take care of 90 day reporting for you, without your passport....

    Not all of them.


    -------------------Company called AssistThaiVisa can take care of this. No problem.
  9. Report on Friday, 11 January: Got there 7:30; no big crowds, orderly entrance, and professional handling of the 2 sets of numbers, and also the oral instructions. Changing passports:-----, took a matter of minutes. Told to wait 20 minutes; was having such a good time with new-found friends, time slipped away. Checked front desk at 9:30 as officer seemed to need to leave his post. I said: "Go ahead! I wait you". Cool guy, handles hundreds at times with no disturbance in his equilibrium......Sargeant-Major looks up, sees I still do not have my passport, comes all the way to the front to hand me my stuff amidst much waiing and mutual appreciaion. Bannner day!

    As far as the previous comment on America is concerned, have not been there in 10 years, but I can factually declare that every time I find myself insidethe embassy or consulate, I am impressed with their professionalism, care, efficiency and competence.

  10. Does it matter what your reason for coming to Immigration is? Mine is to change passports (USA to USA), i.e., have all related non-O "retirement" info transferred. Guess what I am asking is: Is there a certain number of places available for people with this situation, or does one just ge thrown into a big pot?".

    Went there today about 2:00 P. M; told to come back "tomorrow". So,

    will try about 12:30 P. M. Sound like a good plan? I hear they give out more nunbers at 1:00 P. M., and, pushing 80 years, I would rather avoid competing in muscular fashion. Would in any case prefer cooperation over competition.

  11. Would be interested in where to buy the 2 types of travel lock.

    I did take a second door knob cover lock with me to a hotel in BKK recently, and even after I took out the lining of the cover, the cover still would not fit over the knob. Never had a problem before at that hotel, but evidently they have changed some doorknobs to a different size.

    The door knob cover can be purchased at Kad Suan Kaew also.

    There is also a locksmith at the mall (first shop on right as you go down into the moto-sai parking area from Huay Kaew Road). Maybe he would have some ideas.

    I have been leaving my door knob cover on 24 hours....... Now I see that I could be inviting trouble while preventing it, yet in one year there at the same Huay Kaew Residence, no problems, blissed out at the silence.

    ....But perhaps I am in a different building, number 6. Frankie, I would be interested in what building you are in. Building 4 is for very short stays. Some rooms maybe cost 4000, 9000 bhat, and up, so I wonder if there is an economic class differentiation with safety.

    Lastly the lady in the office furthest from the door is very helpful. I try to catch her when her boss is present, so she can translate for her boss, if I have a problem. They have taken care of me.

    I do have an arrangement with one of the staff to take my mail and hold for me---for which I promise a tip. Have not lost anything since I did that.

    All in all, I have not felt so safe in 35 years, now living in that area.

    Yet there is another thread devoted to theis apartment complex, with many complaints.

  12. I recall reading on T-V about an audiologist from the USA, living in Bangkok. Would like to make appointment with him.

    Does anyone have info about him, or a link to somewhere on the T-V forums? i have searched, to no avail. This will teach me to copy and paste next time I find something important for my files. Thank you.

  13. I remember reading in the past at T-V about "gold cards" Thais use for reduced costs with health treatment, and that maybe it is possible for a foreigner to get one under certain circumstances. Would like to check what the procedures are in obtaining one.

    Does anyone have alink to this info? I have searched the forums unsuccessfuly. Thanks

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