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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. She had dual citizenship so she can go to Bangladesh or wherever. Besides, she was a threat to national security. Morgan is simply obnoxious. Totally different cases. As for Begum, good riddance to that garbage. Interesting that the BBC gave her a podcast though ????.
  2. Another strawman. I said it is mainly the poor that pay his salary. Do try to keep up.
  3. Lineker knows full well that if he sues the BBC and wins then it is mainly poor taxpayers that will be paying his settlement, in addition to his colossal salary. I wouldn't expect that to bother him though. Fake morality. I've seen holograms with more substance than him.
  4. Completely unsubstantiated rumours. The BBC has categorically denied the decision was political. "A source told The Guardian" - Of course it had to be The Guardian didn't it. What a joke.
  5. He might well do. More millions for Gary, paid for by even higher TV taxes for those pensioners freezing to death over winter. I'm not too sure left wing ideology normally supports taking money from the poor to give to millionaire celebrities, but anyway it's good to see you to celebrating it. #screwthepoor
  6. Ah so that's why the likes of Maitlis and Lineker were/are always attacking the government. It's because they are secretly acting as propaganda for them. I guess they just don't know that propaganda is supposed to promote something, not attack it. It all makes perfect sense now. Thanks for explaining.
  7. Anything that helps to stem the aggression of China in the Indo-Pacific region is a good thing. Hopefully Biden will do us the honour of learning our PM's name this time. Referring to Rishi Sunak as Rashid Sanook really does not instill confidence in his cognitive functions. Come on Joe, it's only 2 words. Not too hard to remember.
  8. I rather hope he'll go the same way as Maitlis and leave the BBC. For all her politically biased rants against the government, at least she had the courage of her convictions to do the right thing. Maybe he can go back to advertising junk food to kids, or maybe another gig in Qatar? Given his colossal salary (paid for under threat of jail by pensioners who cannot even afford to heat their homes) he'll probably fight it tooth and nail.
  9. Why would they do that? He is a legal citizen of the UK, not an illegal asylum immigrant. This isn't North Korea where you can be expelled for holding the wrong opinion. Yet....
  10. So the government is telling Gary to compare the government's policy to Nazis. Got it... The BBC is a hard left organization. Gary Lineker has become their chief political spokesman. Pretty much everything he preaches is left wing ideology and anti Tory. Claiming the government preaches it's ideology via the BBC is gaslighting of the highest order.
  11. Half rack of pork ribs with BBQ sauce just went from 450 Baht to 699 Baht in one of my local haunts in Bangkok. That's over 16 quid. Hardly a cheap meal. If I'd wanted a bottle of wine that would have been another 1000 Baht. Thailand is cheap if you want to live in a hovel, ride a Honda Wave and eat chicken fried rice. Otherwise, not so much.
  12. It's simple isn't it. His employment contract says he shouldn't speak out on political issues. It's like if your contract says you must wear a green shirt. If you detest green shirts, you are perfectly free to go and work elsewhere. He signed the contract, so he should keep his mouth shut. Funny how you're suddenly pro free speech without any consequences. Taxing the public under the threat of jail time to run a state TV station that preaches a particular political ideology to the masses that pay their huge salaries sounds like something that would happen in China or N.Korea. Actually, now I'm starting to see why you approve of it.
  13. Correct. Lady Hussey has a lot of experience working with African communities and charities and would have spotted Ngozi's (Marlene's) Cosplay a mile off. She was curious about this fake act. Then of course Marlene didn't want to say where she was really from because she is a fraud. Just like her charity. Lady Hussey be like...
  14. Someone on here once asked how I knew Ash Sarkar was a communist. I provided quotes from her saying "I am literally a Communist, you idiot". It still wasn't enough. So forgive me if I don't waste my day finding quotes from Gary saying "I am literally a socialist". It wouldn't be enough anyway. Check his twitter feed if you think he isn't. Either way, I'm off for a massage. Ciao.
  15. I don't believe the UK has introduced socialist identity cards (and the associated social credit bonus points) yet. You might to wait for a Labour election win for that little fantasy to materialize.
  16. The only reason he was finally penalized was that this was about his 50th offence and the public pressure via social media was becoming impossible to ignore. He is paid handsomely by taxpayers to be a football pundit, not to pontificate on leftist political ideology. As I said before, he could work privately at The Guardian for 10% of his publicly funded salary if he wants to do that.
  17. If viewers are upset at Gary being missing from MOTD, at least they have the Shamima Begum podcast series available. Fortunately we can just stop paying for the service if we don't like it. Oh... wait a minute.
  18. Socialists generally don't support the wealthy dodging taxes. Well, unless they are the wealthy tax dodgers.
  19. Yes he is self employed to minimize the tax he pays. While collecting millions in salary from poor, working class taxpayers under the threat of jail, all while driving a 5 litre Benz around London and lording it up in Qatar during the world cup. A true socialist. Let's all have a round of applause for Gary.
  20. The point is he is working for the BBC. Funded by the taxpayer. If he wants to work for Talk Radio he can say what he wants. But then he wouldn't get paid millions from the taxpayers who have to pay his salary under threat of jail sentences. Personally I would defund the BBC and then they can raise their own money and preach left wing Woke rubbish all day. Their content is garbage. They'd never survive.
  21. Classic hypocritical champagne socialist. He was quite happy to cover the world cup in Qatar. Goes on about climate change and drives a 5 litre Benz. He should quit the BBC and go work for The Guardian if he wants to write this tosh.
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