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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. A lot of assumptions there my friend.???? I am indeed neutral on US politics but the way the FBI is going after Trump is clearly politically motivated, it's clear as day. However, you radical lefties would never admit such a thing since behind all your talk of due process you secretly support it due to your hatred of Trump. Acting as if judges cannot show political bias or be bought ????. Like I said, people with skin in the game cannot see the wood for the trees, or simply choose to ignore it since it matches/supports their political agenda. It requires a neutral observer like myself to point out the glaringly obvious and even then the Antifa types will shout us down with their usual vitriol. ????
  2. I saw that he was accused of a lot of things by the radical left. I thought the US still had due process, innocent until proven guilty? Or have the far left removed this along with freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of thought etc? I agree people should go to jail irrespective of their politics. Which makes the Hunter Biden debacle even more puzzling.
  3. Yes, let's inconvenience the real fans in England that support their teams week in week out, paying through the turnstiles in all weather, buying the official merchandise, creating the atmosphere in the stadiums that is core to the product, just so that it's more convenient for Asian fans to watch their illegal streams while wearing their 200 Baht kits from the local flea market. Great idea.
  4. I'm not even a fan of Trump (nice deflection though). I thought he had some good policies and some bad policies, and while he could come across as a bit of a loose cannon at times I never really understood the Left's unhinged obsession with him. It was bordeline psychotic at times. That said, as a non-Amercian neutral observer it's painfully obvious to see what is happening over there. The way the FBI are going after him is in total contrast to the way they dragged their feet over Hunter Biden's laptop. The political situation (and the bulk of the American MSM) is a total disgrace and a complete embarrassment for the US. Unfortunately, those with skin in the game are too distracted to see the bigger picture, or too heavily invested to care. The loser is the country, and more evidently it's reputation. Other countries used to look up to you guys. Now we just shake our heads when we read stories like this. Descending to banana republic status.
  5. Of course it was politically motivated. They are terrified of him returning to power and are desperate to find something on him. Anything will do. It's a shame the FBI weren't so thorough when given Hunter Biden's laptop.
  6. Cost of living crisis? It's the cost of lockdown crisis. Funny how the likes of Sturgeon who were pushing for harder and harder lockdown measures are now at the front of the queue to complain that the proverbial financial chickens of such lockdowns are coming home to roost. Hopefully the little attention seeker is put back in her box for another year. People have enough problems without having to listen to her trying to cash in the crisis that was caused by policies she was pushing.
  7. Wow. State sponsored raids on the homes of political rivals? The USA is looking more and more like a third world banana republic every day.
  8. I know he said he'd only stay 6 months, but come on - 6 months... 8 years... What's the big deal? Why do they keep bothering him with these little details? They should be thankful that he sacraficed himself to return happiness to the people, the ungrateful little serfs.
  9. I don't really see an issue here. He might not have known how serious the fire was going to be if he was sat near the entrance and one of the first to escape. I might have grabbed my beer as well if I thought I was going to be stuck in the car park for half an hour before we were going to be allowed back in. Obviously that's not how things transpired but I doubt he was an expert on burning buildings and was probably quite drunk by 1am. Also, throwing the ice water over your head and then shielding your face with the bucket might have been a decent idea if you're having to run through a burning doorway. I think people are looking for a deflection, someone to point the finger at. Hey everyone, look at the bad guy over there.
  10. Kind of. They want other countries to send them money. It's highly unlikely that money would be used to pay for anything related to climate change.
  11. Thailand using the so called climate emergency to beg for cash from other countries. Never let a crisis go to waste.
  12. They stipulate that any sub standard materials must be accompanied by a brown envelope to the building's inspector.
  13. Not unlike how the left insinuate that anyone who doesn't agree with their views on trans issues, Critical Race theory etc. is a homophobe and a racist. You now see how easy it is to casually throw out vicious insults with no evidence to back them up. I guess you guys don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot...
  14. Totally different. Of course. But an excellent example of how laws created with good intentions can be abused by little jobsworths who enjoy bossing people around. Bossing around the very same people who have outperformed them in every aspect of life and just happen to be passing through an international airport where they were lucky enough to find minimum wage employment. Pathetic specimens. If you met them anywhere outside the airport they would be cowering scrotes.
  15. Silly? Getting onto an international flight with drugs that are illegal in the country of destination is not "silly". It's incredibly stupid. Fortunately for her, her celebrity, race and sexual orientation makes her a great story for the left wing MSM and hence the left wing government will latch onto it. If she was a 45 year old fat white woman called Ruth from Texas you wouldn't even know this had happened. It seems likely that Viktor Bout, nicknamed the merchant of death will be freed in an exchange deal as a result of her entitled attitude and stupidity. Well done Brittney. Great job. But hey, she ticks all the boxes. That's what counts...
  16. I am talking about Paul Whelan. Nobody had heard of him until he was included as a side dish in the Griner deal. Lucky for him a black lesbian celebrity got sentenced. Otherwise he would have been rotting for years and none of us would even know who he was.
  17. Yes I am sure the US made their usual reassurances, before abandoning them as other issues take priority. I'm sure you know the examples. Good luck Taiwan, Pelosi will have another pet project/photo opp to amuse her next week while you pick up the pieces of the sanctions for years.
  18. I'm sure the Taiwanese fisherman and fruit farmers will take great comfort from that. Pelosi only destroyed their businesses.
  19. It was also the British who introduced Causcasians to Australia. Mostly prisoners. Which is ironic given that most Australian government authorities now seem to have an obsession with creating an authoritarian police state. Very sad to see the way the place is going. Every time I visit, the urge to return diminishes.
  20. Maybe when police raid night time venues they could check exit doors are unlocked and there are no fireworks etc. on stage? You know, instead of looking for vaping devices or forcing patrons to pee in a bottle in public in case they took a pill?
  21. What a narcissist. Stirring up political tensions and instigating Chinese sanctions on Taiwanese businesses for what? Her ego and imagined political legacy. Pelosi is a disgrace. A total disgrace.
  22. It's irrelevant in terms of the crime. But in terms of support from the Woke Dems and the media it is definitely in her favour. A great opportunity for virtue signalling by the government. They have ignored white Americans dubiously held by Russia for years, but a black lesbian celebrity? They couldn't possible ignore that, and neither can the MSM. Hence this article.
  23. Stupid woman. Taking cannabis to Russia. What an idiot. She has been very critical of the US government in the past. I wonder if her stance will soften now that she needs them to bail her out? 9 years in a Russian prison? She might be about to find out what racism and tyrannical regimes really look like. Interesting angle with the link to Viktor Bout as well. Illegally kidnapped in Bangkok by US agents and requested as part of an exchange deal.
  24. People ignoring the law? What do you expect when you set the example by illegally ousting a democratically elected government and rewriting the constitution? Maybe you could use some of the cash from the subs or the jets to properly compensate the victims? Or are you all mouth and no trousers? That was a rhetorical question btw.
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