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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Wow what a terrible tragedy. Let's hope all the survivors pull though. I wonder what caused the explosions?
  2. I'm never one to speculate, but I can't help but wonder if someone became upset when they discovered that he wasn't really a rich Prince that needed help moving vast sums of money following an inheritance...
  3. I don't really believe these stories. I mean, do people secretly dump Vodka into fruit smoothies they are selling so the customer gets a warm glow and comes back for more? No, because Vodka costs money, same as Marijuana does so it decreases their profit margin and annoys the customers who haven't even asked for it. Personally I think it's inexperienced people taking too much, getting sick and then making up a story about someone sneaking it into their food to cover up their stupidity. The old, "Sorry for making a fool of myself at the office party, someone must have spiked my drink" story.
  4. The constitution is irrelevant. They've re-written it before when required and could do so again. Staging a coup doesn't exactly make me think they care about the law. The real question is whether his handlers are happy with the job he is doing. Personally I get the feeling he is on borrowed time and might be replaced with another general quite soon. A case of "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss".
  5. I don't believe people are putting it in food secretly, it's expensive so why would they? More likely the parents bought some hash brownies and left them where the kid could get them. No different to buying Alcopops and leaving an open bottle next to the kids bottle of squash then complaining about the evils of alcohol when the kid accidentally drinks it. Thais love to pass on the blame when they do something stupid.
  6. That's not how it works at Sydney airport. Either you haven't travelled through Sydney airport, or you are lieing. I suspect the latter. As for trying to blame me for the issue, I didn't respond to anything until I had been queuing at the red zone for 45 minutes, I was simply stood in the queue. So even if I had been hostile (which I wasn't) then the simple sequence of events precludes your (false) assumption of my hostility being the cause of the issue. In fact, after I interacted with them, things sped up, my bag was scanned (as opposed to being opened and searched like most people in the red zone) and I was on my way. I won't respond by putting you on ignore, that would make me as childish as you. Besides, your fanciful, incoherent, illogical stories amuse me from time to time ????.
  7. I see. Irish ancestry mixed with Scottish/Australian lower class culture. The nature of your posts are slowly starting to make more sense. Forgive me if I ignore your future ramblings.
  8. If you declare something you have to go through the red zone which in my case meant a 45 minute wait before they even speak to you about what you are declaring. So frankly your advice is utter nonsense.
  9. Great news. The pushback is continuing. No longer do poor, working class fans need to boo the largely uneducated, privileged, multi millionaires trying to preach Critical Race Theory to them before their local team plays a game of football. The fans point has been made, received and acted upon. Hopefully Southgate sees this and stops embarrassing the English national team with this misguided and inappropriate virtue signalling. https://www.sportsmax.tv/football/international/item/103582-premier-league-players-to-stop-taking-a-knee-before-every-game
  10. Sorry old chap, would you mind posting that again in The Queens English? Jolly good.
  11. Nice job trying to blame me, but I didn't have any attitude until an hour after being pulled out of the nothing to declare queue, given that I had nothing to declare. I was still polite 45 minutes into the process of having nothing to declare, despite being given a load of attitude by the glorified security guards and watching other young, presentable female passengers being treated worse than me after a 9 hour flight in a mask. I was also well dressed given that I was being picked up at Sydney airport by a colleague for a board meeting. The fact you've been lucky so far should not make you so smug.
  12. I don't give anything now. I gave a few things when I first came here. One example, the girlfriend's sister was stuggling to get by due to her husband being a lazy dead beat. I had an old car which I gave to them to sell to raise some funds. Instead of saying thanks, she looked annoyed and asked my gf if I could sell it for her and just give her the cash to save her the hassle. Obviously I refused, so she sold it for about 50% of what it was worth the next day but didn't bother transferring the name in the book so it took me ages to track down the new owner and arrange the transfer. Luckily, it hadn't been used in a crime or killed any pedestrians while still in my name. Now, any requests are dismissed out of hand. They've given up asking thankfully. My advice is don't bother. At best they won't be grateful, at worst they will think you're a gullible fool.
  13. I'm talking about left wing echo chambers, not independent polls. Nice deflection though.
  14. Used to be. I lived there for a year in 1997-98 and absolutely loved it. It's a different country now. Very Orwellian, cameras everywhere, digital signage about not drinking too much, not gambling too much, being a responsible citizen etc. Huge fines for small traffic violations, incredibly expensive cost of living, poor service standards etc. The immigration officials attitude just feels in keeping with the way the place has gone to be honest. I wonder how long before they introduce the social credit score with points deducted for swearing, drinking, gambling etc. ????. Also, in Sydney at least the laid back, friendly, easy going culture seems to have been changed by excessive immigration. I visited for 6 days at the end of June and couldn't wait to get back to Thailand.
  15. They absolutely love it. Probably got rejected from the police force application for being too short. In my case, some rude little official approached me in the Nothing To Declare queing zone and demanded to see my boarding pass. Then he ordered me to the "Something to declare" zone for a random check. Lucky I could understand his thick Chinese/Australian accent or he'd have probably had me arrested. Once there, I queued for 30 minutes before some middle aged frumpy woman snatched the pass and told me to wait where I was. Then she ordered me to take one step back and wait. Then summoned me forward again. She was also clearly LOVING the authority. Then ordered down aisle 3 or whatever where some other passenger was having all her neatly packed belongings dumped out of the suitcase (underwear, cosmetics etc.) onto a table by some obnoxious Karen in rubber gloves. She was then told to leave, rudely. Then they asked me what I was declaring and I abruptly replied Nothing (I was getting pretty annoyed by that point). Fortunately they just scanned my suitcase instead of dumping the contents onto the table. Then I was told to Go, rudely. Lovely welcome to Australia. Makes the Thailand customs officials look like Angels. Lucky I didn't have any crumbs of the aeroplane food on me or I'd have probably been fined thousands by the little scrotes.
  16. Let's hope this "taking a knee" nonsense stops. It never should have happened but it's sooooo played out now. Supporters go to matches to see the team play, not to be lectured to by a bunch of clueless millionaires who dropped out of school at 16 to play football. Keep politics and activism out of sport. It is deeply divisive as we saw with the Manly Sea Eagles debacle last week re. the Pride jersey, resulting in them losing 7 key players for the match and hence getting smashed in a critical game against Sydney ????.
  17. And Brexit, wasn't that going to be a landslide for Remain? That's the trouble with left wing echo chambers. The majority of the voters don't pay any attention to them and simply place their vote. Then when the blinkered inhabitants of these echo chambers lose - it's a shocked chorus of "I can't believe it, I don't know anyone that voted Leave/Conservative, let's re-run the vote". ???? Gotta love the clueless lefties.
  18. Best lawyer? I don't remember this going to court for a trial. That's what would happen in a developed country with a decent police force/legal system. The fact that the police have refused to act despite one of their own being killed simply confirms Thailand's status as a corrupt, third world country with a few fancy hotels. All he needs to do when he returns is dress well, get a beautiful celebrity girlfriend and attend a few hiso events in a Lamborghini and the majority of the locals will be idolizing him. Because it is money and beauty that counts in Thailand, not morals.
  19. 555 you're funny. Good to see you finally read my link though and understand the UK system now. Never too old to learn. Although your attempt to save face is a bit like referring to The Democrats in a discussion on US politics and then later claiming you didn't mean the policitical party at all, you just meant anyone who believes in Democratic values, including Republicans, the greens, the natural law party etc. ???? Weak. Soooo weak. ????
  20. I wouldn't be investing too much money into Cannabis cafe's until the government can decide whether the current status of legality is going to be overturned or not.
  21. I've provided 2 links already to educate you who the official opposition party are. It is currently the Labour party. There are no other parties in the opposition. Here is a third. I advise you read it before replying. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Her_Majesty's_Most_Loyal_Opposition_(United_Kingdom)
  22. Obviously heard about some planned protests. Wasn't he only supposed to be staying for 6 months after the coup that he said wouldn't happen?
  23. No, they ARE the opposition. Maybe better to learn how UK politics works if you are to attempt to appear knowledgable on the issues, otherwise you just come across as a bored troll.
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