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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. I’m sure Trump’s lawyers legal qualifications exceed your own. If they have advised him to take the 5th, they have probably considered the points you raised ????
  2. It’s probably an exchange deal. Uncle P might find himself in a similar situation one day.
  3. Clearly a talented athlete. I don’t remember any Asian sprinters doing well in the past so he will be a big story if he continues to improve in a sport typically dominated by other ethnicities. Much like Tiger Woods, Naoya Inoue etc. Hopefully he can avoid the pitfalls that ruins many young athletes when they taste fame, wealth, adoration etc.
  4. The US has lost the moral high ground that previously enabled it to rate countries like Thailand. When political rivals are being shaken down by government agencies it’s time to put your own house in order, before complaining about the condition of the house 10 post codes away.
  5. A smart move. Anyone with decent legal advice would do the same thing.
  6. I'm generally known as Joh neeeeeeeeeeeeee.
  7. I give my opinion. Then I debate. The truth will hopefully be exposed further down the line. It only happened yesterday and this will drag on for years. It's unprecedented and hence will cause further divide IMO. I hope not. Good job on quitting alcohol though. It doesn't cause me any problems but I do understand that it doesn't really suit people with underlying anger/personality issues. So, good job quitting. Horses for courses.
  8. It seems you haven't grasped the concept of forums. People share opinions, they debate. Not every opinion can be backed up with irrefutable scientific evidence. If you need that for every post I would suggest maybe forums are not for you. An opinion is just that. The fact that I do not have multiple links to scientific evidence to back up my opinion on something that happened yesterday does not make me a liar. Relax. Have a beer ????
  9. Because this thread is about the left using government agencies to harrass right wing politicians. If Trump is re-elected and Biden's house is suddenly getting raided by the FBI you will see me argue the same point from the Dem side.
  10. 2 posts ago you were arguing there were no hard leftists here. Now you're playing the "ah but there are also far right members". Pick a position. Stick to it.
  11. It was a uk wide vote. London probably voted Remain in isolation. It's irrelevant.
  12. Allow me to clarify my position, again. I will keep it as simple as possible as the audience appears to be struggling. I am neither Republican nor Democrat. I like neither Trump nor Biden. I believe yesterday's unprecendented raid was politically motivated, and I believe in due course evidence will show my opinion to be correct. I fail to see any reason those 3 positions cannot be held simultaneously.
  13. Defination? Not heard of that one, is that another one of your favourite Fairytales? Sorry, not really my genre. But actually I AM neutral. I have stated multiple times on this thread that I do not like Trump and that he is a liar. However, because I also point out Biden's lies (in keeping with my neutrality) I am labelled a Trump fan by the hard leftists/Dems. It's quite amusing when you think about it ????.
  14. Looks OK to me. Normally they are on the back of a wobbling Vespa.
  15. I wasn't going to respond to that dross but the final part but was so amusing I simply had to. Indyref2 next year? That's hilarious. ???? Truss will put Wee nicola on top of the doll shelf in the spare room and leave her there for a few years. The best way to deal with narcissists like her is to simply ignore them. The Scots voted to stay and stay they will. Their choice, not mine.
  16. That's a weighty quote you've got there. Really hard hitting. I always quote fictional characters from fairytales when I really want to make my point ????. It seems you are struggling with the meaning. Or maybe it is the concept you cannot understand, being so vitriolic towards Trump? Allow me to assist. Still no news about the proverbial smoking gun found by The Dems, sorry I mean The FBI?
  17. It only happened yesterday. Evidence will be found in time, whether or not the FBI buries it remains to be seen.
  18. Untrue. Neutrals like myself hate to see a great country like the US lowering itself like this. As do many a patriotic American that DOES have the right to vote.
  19. A bit early to be calling for evidence. Let's hope if there is any evidence, it's not handed to the FBI on a laptop ala Hunter Biden. We all know how quickly they investigate such material. Second thoughts, if it implicates Trump they'll probably wrap up the investigation in time for brunch.
  20. Flawed logic again. Not every politcial move is a smart one. I believe The Dems have made a big mistake here.
  21. You don't need to be a Trump supporter to be angry about state sponsored political harrassment. Many a patriotic Amercian would be angry about the country being dragged down to banana republic status like that.
  22. Quite possibly true. Not exactly a great reason to enrage your opponents further with state sponsored harrassment though...
  23. A stretch? I suppose it was also 'a stretch' when Biden claimed to have been a tractor-trailer driver. It's not 'a stretch', it's 'a lie'. There are countless examples. Hence, I take what he says with a pinch of salt. PS. before you reply, yes, Trump lies as well. I am neutral and therefore able to acknowledge that both are liars.
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