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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. He's hardly going to come out and say "I'm trying to bring down the Monarchy" is he? Not even quarterwit Harry is that stupid. However his constant attacks on the King, the future King, the recently deceased Queen, collecting awards for fighting racism in the Royal Family (which he later denied existed) and attacks on the institution itself clearly indicate he is trying to do as much damage as possible to the Monarchy. Still keeping his titles though ????. Merchers gonna Merch.
  2. Depends how she paid for it. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/05/nyregion/aoc-met-gala-house-ethics.html I'm sure she's enjoying all the attention anyway.
  3. Wow didn't see that coming, I felt Utd's recent results had been better than their performances but 7-0??? Wow. I hope Rick is OK. Tough pill to swallow. Maybe he can drown his sorrows with a Vodka and Lemonade?
  4. It's a bit more than a family dispute. They are actively trying to bring down the British Monarchy. They'd better have thick skin if they do come back. All the good will and adoration that was originally shown to Meghan has gone. They will be booed everywhere they go. Rightly so, they are a disgrace. Very real security concerns as well. After his comments on the Taliban he'd better be careful in places like London where there are plenty of sleeper cells that would be more than happy to become martyrs by exacting revenge for his boasting about his kill count. From Invictus to Evict Us. Not too smart that boy Harry.
  5. This woman simply loves attention. Look at meeeeeeee.... The dress was hideous and broke ethics rules. The message was straight of a sixth form common room. Apart from that, whoooo way to go girl!!!
  6. They're probably busily filming the opening of the invitation, then Meghan crying on the floor (left eye only) for the next Netflix series. Hopefully they stay away. Chris Rock did a great stand up hitpiece on this pair of Charlatans. Very amusing. Even black Americans have grown tired of the constant merching of imaginary victimhood.
  7. Similarly, not every SNP voter is an anti English nationalist Braveheart wannabe. But every anti English Braveheart wannabe is an SNP voter. Anyway Sturgeon is gone so let's not pretend Scottish independence is still realistic. Back on topic. Multi millionaire victims Harry and Meghan losing their multi million pound holiday home in a country they hate is not the biggest humanitarian crisis right now. Good riddance to the dastardly duo. It's a shame exile is not possible.
  8. Great actor. Did a nice cameo in one of my favourite movies True Romance.
  9. They should have kept quiet, changed the locks and let Andrew move in. Then film it when Harry and his wife turn up, Jeremy Beadle style. Sell it to Netflix. Seriously though, looking at recent pictures of Harry I think he's finally worked it out. He got played, or maybe played himself. Trouble is, he is so dim it will take him 5 years to work out his next move. When she's done with him, maybe he can return to the family and work for charities helping Male survivors of psychological domestic abuse? He likes playing the victim.
  10. You should provide links, not only screenshots. Unless you are trying to hide the source because it's from some anti British Europhilesrus website like The Guardian.
  11. If you look at the precise definition of federalism you can see it is already happening. The states mentioned below are the EU member states. You can argue whether this is a good or a bad thing, but you can't deny it is happening.
  12. I think data is better. However, in the real world not all of the electorate have the data to hand or are even that interested to go and find out. This applies to both sides, I am sure there are both Remainers and Leavers who voted on gut instinct. There are also different priorities. Remainers on the whole don't seem too bothered about sovereignty or agency as long as short term GDP is OK. Some people believe trade deals are the be all and end all of doing business. Some people are fine with the protocols of the EU. I take a different view.
  13. That's true, but many people who vote in General Elections are also completely uninformed and the result of general elections can also have huge implications for the country. Many people don't bother to check the party manifestos. Some people vote for one party or another because that's how their parents always voted. Some people vote for a party because they find the candidate physically attractive, or because they are the same sex/race as the candidate. Is that any better than voting on 'gut instinct'? Often, your gut instinct can be very accurate.
  14. Ahhh - I see you are able to predict the future. Why didn't you tell us that before?
  15. That headline really should be "Arch Remainer remains bitter about Brexit". ????
  16. Brexit was such a disaster, it's even caused Thailand problems. What's that you say? Global economic downturn? Covid? War in Ukraine? No No No, any issues in Britain are due to Brexit. ????
  17. It's difficult though isn't it. General elections are held on a great number of issues. Health, education etc. Similarly, sometimes we vote for a party based on a manifesto (like when I voted for Labour under Blair) and then the party goes and does something that had you known, you never would have voted for them (like going to war in Iraq based on WMD lies). That's why on huge issues like Brexit or Scottish Independence there really needs to be a separate vote to understand the direction that the electorate wants their country to go. Then, we need to respect that vote.
  18. And yet nobody asked the British people what they thought of this change, until 2016 of course. I guess that depends on whether you support the concept of the nation state. Personally I do. I'd hate to see individual countries and cultures merge into some kind of dogs dinner where you can't tell the difference between Spain and Italy. Unfortunately, that's the way the EU is heading (and yes, I realize we are not there yet but I am talking about the direction of travel).
  19. She wasn't sent anywhere. She was a compliant escort living the high life with private jets and plenty of cash for her services. Andrew's only 'crime' was paying this charlatan off. Had he gone to court she'd have dropped the case like she did with Dershowitz. However, that would have made the final year of his mother's life even worse than Harry and Harry's wife were already making it. I don't like the guy, he's an arrogant dimwit but it's clear that he took one for the team.
  20. What's next? Probably correcting more misinformation.
  21. At least you admit that's what is happening. Kudos. Most Europhiles deny this to be the case. Is it a bad thing? Well, that's what the referendum was for. Britain decided it WAS a bad thing. Democratically.
  22. What sex offense was a member of the Royal Family convicted of? Please provide links. If you are referring to the self confessed prostitute and procurer of women, Virginia Giuffre, you should be aware that it's not a sex offense to have sex with a 17 year old in the UK. You should also be aware that 'woman' (and I use the term loosely) has a history of making false accusations against wealthy men. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/11/08/us/alan-dershowitz-virginia-giuffre-allegations-dropped/index.html
  23. It's the thin end of the wedge. A creeping federalism. From the original common market to the current EU was a massive change and that change will continue/accelerate over the next couple of decades (assuming the EU lasts that long). The direction of travel is clear for all but the blindest to see. They are heading towards a United States of Europe run by unelected technocrats and many British, myself included did not want to be a part of it. If you're in a bus accelerating towards a cliff edge, it's better to jump out before it's going so fast that it becomes life threatening to do so. Britain did that. We scraped our knees on the tarmac, couple of bruises here and there. But nothing that won't heal over time. Far better than the alternative, being ruled by "selected" rather than elected leaders like Juncker and Von Der Leyen.
  24. This is simply vote buying to attempt to get young people to become lifelong Dem voters. No better than Yingluck's free tablet scheme. He's also been trying to charm the nurses .
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