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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Most are suicides sadly. I suspect there will be quite a few more this year as the economic destruction caused by Covid restrictions continues to devastate businesses and livelihoods.
  2. Ridiculous. I thought Thailand was number 1 in the world in dealing with Covid? So why the increase? Even long termers here are dropping like flies now. I know 3 people who have left in the last month. Tourism is in the toilet, and they INCREASE the level? Wow. The administration just goes from bad to worse.
  3. Well Thailand knows all about inequality, and it wasn't caused by Democracy. https://www.aseantoday.com/2019/01/thailands-wealth-inequality-is-the-highest-in-the-world-what-does-this-mean-for-upcoming-elections/
  4. Silly prices to watch a couple of reserve teams play an irrelevant game. I'll pass.
  5. Even if they scrap the restrictions they can forget it. The Chinese won't be coming and Thailand is somewhat of a busted flush with the Junta sucking the fun out of the place.
  6. It was clear from the start that she was only after yet another pay day. But then what do you expect from a former sex worker that openly admitted to recruiting other young girls for sexual services? By her own admission she should be on trial herself for procuring children for sex. As for Andrew, absolutely idiotic but not actually illegal since she was clearly over the age of consent in the UK (16) at the time and she was being paid handsomely for the work. You can see by the glee on her face in the photo that she wasn't being forced into anything. No different to the girls working on Soi Cowboy, except she was flying on private jets earning thousands of dollars for sex with a Prince instead taking a TukTuk and earning thousands of Baht for sex with a tourist.
  7. Correct, it's mainly the import taxes. Anything made here or in Japan is fairly reasonable as Thailand has a trade agreement with Japan. European stuff is more expensive due to the lack of a proper agreement with the EU. Particularly nice European cars where luxury tax is also involved but also motorcycles such as BMW's, Aprilia etc. For example, I wanted an Aprilia RS660 and the price is 699,000 here (16,000 pounds) compared to just over 10,000 pounds in the UK. My 899 Panigale was 749,000 here which is about 17,000 and it was a bit under 15,000 in the UK at the time I bought it. A BMW S1000RR is 920,000 here (21,000 gbp) compared to 15,000 gbp in the UK. Even Triumph's that are made here are often about 10% more expensive here than in the UK but I think that is to keep the image of the brand as a high end brand (plus a bit of price gouging due to local inflated prices). Cost of ownership is lower here though. Servicing, petrol, parts, speeding fines etc. are all cheaper here although insurance is creeping up every year it seems.
  8. It's certainly not for everyone. If you do decide to go, don't forget to bring some pearls to clutch.
  9. From what I know about YouTube, a million views gets you about 1,000 pounds. So this peeping Tom has earnt about 26 quid from this video. Maybe that's a fortune to some Isaan pauper, but not to most of us.????
  10. Really? So if your wife or daughter was hanging out at the local swimming pool or the beach in her bikini and some scruffy old man followed her around taking pictures of her and subsequently posting them on the internet to make some cash, that would just be too bad for her? It wouldn't bother you? You'd conclude that she must have something to hide? Strange logic indeed. ???? As for getting laid out, if the bar owner wasn't an OAP it would have happened already. Let him keep spinning the wheel, sooner or later someone less geriatric will try and succeed.
  11. Depends on the manufacturing process. It's another good reason to legalize it. Just like other illegal drugs, manufacturers and distributors add nasty stuff in there to reduce costs and increase profit. By legalizing and regulating it, you can ensure such chemicals are kept to an absolute minimum. You can also tax it to pay for healthcare that may (but mostly won't) be required by those who consume it.
  12. I've noticed that. About one in 4 cans of Chang Cold Brew seems to taste like soap lately. The bottles don't seem to have the issue. I've also started buying Hoegaarden. It's about twice the price of the Thai brands but worth it.
  13. It improved for a week or so, now it's back to normal. I went to stop yesterday and the cars on either side overtook me and shot through it and the car behind me came up to about 12 inches off my rear tyre so I just kept going in the end.
  14. Lessons on love from Prayut now? ???? Is there no end to this man's wisdom? I wonder what's next... Lessons on fitness from Prawit? Lessons on truthfulness from Anutin? Lessons on animal welfare from Premchai?
  15. Hope not. I've got Wednesday off and was planning a good sesh on Tuesday evening... How to verify?
  16. Not sure if your post is a parody TBH. The Science? lol. There is no such thing as The Science. Double masking and staying indoors? Yeah good luck with that ????. https://www.spiked-online.com/2021/03/31/you-cant-follow-the-science/
  17. Another rise in the doctored figures but who cares? I was out last night and I'll be out again tonight. Probably get hit by a bus refusing to stop at the zebra crossing ????.
  18. Last thing I want when I'm out enjoying myself is someone pointing a camera at me, it's a massive invasion of privacy. This 'vlogger' guy is gonna get laid out if he carries on like that. Hopefully sooner rather than later.
  19. My point is that you didn't get the poster's joke. His post was a parody of Anutin's rant a few months back about foreigners not showering. The joke went completely over your head. Hence, you made yourself look foolish by trying too hard to be sanctimonious and you've just done it again by throwing out the R word which only serves to further illustrate that you completely missed the point of his post. Given your lack of understanding and superciliousness, maybe Twitter would be a better platform for you?
  20. Ugly. Looks like the shark is taking a dump. I wonder what the other candidates for the statue were? Man slaughtering a pig? Chubby tycoon shooting a panther?
  21. If it's not yours, leave it alone. Simple. If I left my truck on a public road and came back to find someone sat in the bed I wouldn't be happy. It's his hardware and he took the trouble to build it. Plus, if he feels you're deliberately testing him he might bring a machete next time.
  22. Yeah, I didn't think you could. That's fine. I won't ask again. The BKK TukTuk scam isn't OK but frankly it's not my concern. Like most people, when I choose a place to live I tend to focus on things that actually affect me and my daily life as a long term stayer. The taxis and tuktuks in Phuket directly affected me when I was living there as an expat because it affected my ability to get around. In BKK, the fact some TukTuk is scamming a naive tourist at the Grand Palace is not my problem any more than a tourist getting mugged in Johannesburg is my problem. It has no impact on my life. I just hail a moving taxi, get in and they turn on the meter and it's cheap as chips. There's really no need to be so defensive. If you like the place that's fine. I think it's turned into a bit of a dump and not a great place to stay long term and I gave my reasons. But keep your head buried in the sand if it makes you feel better about your choices.
  23. The BKK TukTuk "palace shut today" scam is for tourists fresh off the boat and most of those don't even fall for it. I'm talking about living in the 2 places as a long term expat. Living in BKK the taxis are quite happy to use the meter in 99% of cases and the fares are ridiculously cheap. 50 Baht for a couple of kms etc. Good luck with that in Phuket. Got anything else?
  24. Put this to good use Prayut, then off you go scurrying back to China.
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