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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Nothing disrespectful about showing an interest in someone's family and their heritage. Of course, the Woke mob will twist anything if it gives them an opportunity to gang up on an elderly lady for not being fluent in Wokespeak.
  2. Sounds reasonable, assuming the only alternative was the current mob. Maybe these Issan villagers are smarter than they look.
  3. Well, Fulani seemed to think that's what she was asking.
  4. A clumsy way to ask where her family was from before they came to Britain. Nothing more, nothing less. The fact you are jumping on it and shouting "RACISM" simply demonstrates the vindictiveness and spite of the virtue signalling left. Even 83 year old women are not safe from the race baiting. Fulani knew exactly what she was asking her, but decided to force Hussey into spelling it out in terms that could later be construed as insensitive. She's got form for this type of race baiting, and was even wearing a wire in case she could coax something non-PC out of someone, which she did.
  5. He's bowing to the Woke mob. A bit weak IMO, but somewhat understandable given the situation with Harry and Harry's wife. If you asked him what he thought privately I am sure you would get a different, more measured response.
  6. Nonsense. She acknowledged she was born in Britain but wanted to know where her ancestors were from. A normal question. If she had said "I wish you Blacks had never come to Britain" then you may have a point on the racism. But she was enquiring where her family originated from before they came to Britain. The way she asked was clumsy, especially if you are looking for offense in every word that is uttered.
  7. I'll stay here thanks. Just shout Racist again, that'll work.
  8. She asked where her ancestors came from. Why is that racist?
  9. She asked where she was from. How is that racist? Thais ask me where I am from all the time. If I said I was born in Bangkok to farang parents, they'd ask me where I/they came from originally. It's normal, since my heritage is obviously not Thai.
  10. Just repeating the word Racism doesn't mean you win the argument. ???? I repeat, asking about someone's heritage is not racist.
  11. It's not racist to ask about someone's heritage. Do you get offended every time a Thai asks where you are from? I mean, how dare they assume you are not Thai just because you are a Farang. How dare they.
  12. I would suggest she is very priviliged and old fashioned. Probably uses outdated terminology having been raised in a different era. It seemed to me she was genuinely interested in the woman's heritage and used the wrong words. Let's face it, it changes every 5 minutes. When I was a kid saying someone was black was wrong, you had to say coloured. Now coloured person is wrong, but black is fine and person of colour is fine. It's not easy to keep up at the best of times, especially if you don't hang around the Wokerati or prefer not to participate in their changing/attempts to own the language.
  13. Of course you are gleeful. When learning of her fate you simply remarked "Good". Can't be more obvious than that. By the way, it is possible to be British by birth but your family heritage is from somewhere else. It was already established that she was born in Britain. Lady Hussey was obviously asking where her family originated from before coming to Britain. It can be an interesting conversation starter, I remember asking the same thing of a Fijian Australian that was I working on a project with in BKK. He told me his family originated from Fiji, I remarked that I'd visited there for a month while backpacking and loved the place. We then went out to Nana and got wasted, had a great night and worked well on the project after that. But then, he knew what I was asking and wasn't looking for leverage by being mortally offended by my perfectly innocent question.
  14. Of course she would be bewildered. She is an old lady who was enquiring about someone's heritage and used the wrong terminology. Now the Woke mob are celebrating her downfall having attacked her like a pack of Hyenas. Absolutely disgusting behaviour.
  15. Wow. Gleeful at the downfall of an 83 year old woman for using the wrong terminology. #bekind
  16. I take it you are not on Twitter? One of thousands.... Many worse than that.
  17. It's fine if they're Thai. Forgive them. They didn't mean anything by it. It's only "really" racist when white people do it. Then they need to be vilified. Cancelled. Strung up if possible.
  18. I'm guessing they've finally reached an agreement on how to divide the proceeds of the fraud.
  19. She worded the question poorly by the sounds of it. Anyone with a bit of common sense knows what she meant. Vilifying an 83 year old woman for not being fluent in Woke is really low behaviour, but perfectly in keeping with the proponents of cancel culture and the perpetually offended. Still, it could earn Ms. Fulani a spot on Harry's wife's next podcast series, assuming Spotify are stupid enough to keep it going.
  20. Yes, do that. No need to make a diary note to see how Scottish Independence worked out, since it's a fantasy, as this thread proves.
  21. The difference is, I accepted there would be some short term pain to Brexit, in the region of 5-10 years. I was happy to do that to regain sovereignty and expand our horizons outside of the failing federalist project. On the other hand, our Scottish nationalists think they can walk away from the UK with no debt and be accepted into the EU with a fantastic deal a couple of days later. All the other countries who currently have trade deals with the UK will also sign trade deals within the week, despite them claiming it would take Britain half a decade. The UK will just laugh away this default on 180 billion pounds of debt and continue to trade with them just as before. No hard feelings and all that. No downsides when the Scots do it, just a noble, heroic escape from the auld enemy, the evil English ???? Furthermore, eco warrior and purporter of net zero, Nicola Sturgeon is going to transform into an oil baron and drill up half of the north sea. The Scots will be driving around in gold plated Rolls Royces. Dubai on Clyde. Delusional.
  22. Of course we wouldn't stop trading 100%. But there would be trade barriers, not only with the UK but with all the countries who currently have trade deals with the UK. Hardly an environment in which to reduce debt.
  23. It would if it left the UK. https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/politics/independent-scotland-could-face-181-26276527 https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/scottish-independence-going-it-alone-will-come-with-180bn-debt-p9j2c03zt#:~:text=Russia-Ukraine war-,Scottish independence%3A Going it alone 'will,come with £180bn debt'&text=An independent Scotland could start,adviser to the Scottish government.
  24. Dear oh dear ???? Have you still not realized it's deliberate - to highlight the double standard of Scottish nationalists demanding exactly what they opposed so vehemently during Brexit? SMH. ????
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