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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Ah "Scotland's" oil and gas. Scotland, lefty green Scotland, net zero Scotland, headed up by eco warrior Sturgeon, making all it's money from North Sea oil. ???? Almost as funny as proud, nationalist, independent Scotland begging to join the EU's federalist project. It would be even funnier if you actually owned the oil, of course. https://www.heraldscotland.com/politics/19716393.actually-happened-scotlands-trillions-north-sea-oil-boom/
  2. What makes you think they could manage the debt effectively having just walked away from their biggest trading partner and all of the trade deals it had as part of the UK? Their economy would be in tatters. Unicorn stuff. Anyway, why would they want to join the EU if they want to be Independent? Pretty much the definition of an Oxymoron.
  3. You might want to check out the EU rules on debt. https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/politics/independent-scotland-could-face-181-26276527
  4. Please link me to the relevant law or constitutional clause that states there must be another referendum.
  5. Actually, there is no reason there would be another one. May I refer you to the title of this thread?
  6. I don't recall saying it was a law. I said it was an agreement by all parties. We took them for their word. Fool me once and all that... If you are looking for court rulings, may I suggest you re-read the title of this thread?
  7. Exactly. So you expect Westminster to keep giving you re-runs until you get the result you want. Not really realistic, is it? Hence the title of this thread. Maybe it's time to accept reality and stop hoping for something that will never happen? Maybe take a leaf from the book of George Costanza?
  8. Careful, your anti-English bias is showing again. Even the likes of Alex Salmond agreed it was once in a lifetime/generation. Now you lost, you're spitting the dummy and demanding another one ????. If you couldn't be trusted to accept the first result after saying you would, why should we expect you to accept the result of a re-run. You'd just demand a third. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/sep/17/scottish-independence-referendum-yes-no-agree-once-in-lifetime-vote
  9. So why do you keep referring to leaving England, instead of leaving the UK? Slip of the tongue? ????
  10. I agree. Should be minimum 70/30 required on such a huge issue. The majority of recent polling shows the majority wish to stay anyway (in the graphic below red meaning stay, green meaning leave). So given they cannot have a referendum, and if they did they'd more than likely lose, I'd say it remains a fantasy for the anti English nationalists north of the border. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_on_Scottish_independence
  11. What makes you think "Europe" (I assume you mean the EU) would have you? Of course, they'll make all the right noises until you've actually left the UK (yes, the UK, not England). They'll do anything to destabilize the UK following Brexit, they're still very bitter about that. But once you'd left you'd be at their mercy. There's no charity in the EU, they'd want their pound of flesh and they'd hold all the cards. You'd be in an incredibly weak position and they'd have their foot on your throat and you'd better believe they'd make the most of your vulnerability. Expect 10 years of arduous negotiations followed by a terrible deal. Still, it would make Sturgeon happy in her desperate need for power over 'her people', so it's not all negative. ????
  12. The topic is about gaslighting. I gave an example of gaslighting. It's really not that mysterious.????
  13. On that we can agree. The SNP could do a lot of things better, hiding their anti English sentiment would be a good start. https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/politics/snp-branch-forced-apologise-nasty-26164493
  14. Not at all. Just getting sick of all the whining and bad sentiment from Sturgeon and her band of nationalist extremists.
  15. The UK would still exist. England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Did the EU cease to exist after the UK left? No, unfortunately not.... Of course Scotland is considered now. If you left, not so much... Sinking ship? Oh really? The pound is exactly where it was against the Euro 5 years ago. And indeed 10 years ago. Scotland is far more dependent on trade with the rest of the UK than the UK is dependent on trade with Scotland. We have done over 70 trade deals since Brexit. You will lose those when you leave, including the one with your intended saviour, the EU. But hey, you know what you'd be voting for (if it ever happened, which it won't).
  16. An excellent choice. Which reminds me, when are Harry and Meghan getting their award for fighting racial injustice in the Royal Family after telling [cough] "their truth" on Oprah? ????
  17. Good to know that you speak on behalf of the Scottish population. ???? Last time they went to the polls, they very clearly decided to stay. They know which side their bread is buttered.
  18. I honestly believe that if they allowed the English to vote they'd be out in the cold before their feet could touch the ground. However, that wouldn't really be fair on the majority of Scots who wish to remain in the union.
  19. My point clearly went over your head. Every economic argument the Remainers made for staying in the EU could be applied to Scotland staying in the UK. Every accusation/insult that was thrown at Brexiteers for wanting to be Independent of the EU could be thrown at Scottish nationalists. Fortunately for you, you've got no chance of leaving. If you did, you'd be in dire straits. You wouldn't even have a currency unless you wanted to have your economic policy set by the BOE. It would be a decade before the EU threw you a bone in the form of a terrible deal to join them. It's a fantasy peddled by a power hungry charlatan in the form of Sturgeon. Unicorn stuff. Sunny uplands? Hardly...
  20. Well the EU isn't a country. Yet... If you were to gain Independence (which you won't) you'd soon find out what a great deal you get as part of the UK. Let's see what Brussels offers you, if they even allowed you into their failing federalist project. You think little old Scotland would have a seat at the top table? You think the EU would be throwing money at you? BTW, why would you want to leave your biggest trading partner who also happens to be your next door neighbour? It's like you want to apply economic sanctions on yourself or something. Nobody in Scotland is voting to be poorer. You think all immigration will stop if you leave the UK? Don't let the racist little nationalists ruin your country for some failed ideology. Hmmm, those arguments sound somewhat familiar, no? Sauce for the goose indeed.
  21. Wow. Didn't even attempt to slow down before the collision. Either playing with his phone or deliberately struck the guy. I wonder if this will get the same media attention as the pretty Thai female doctor hit by the Ducati in Bangkok? That was a rhetorical question obviously....
  22. That doesn't contradict my argument. It says that many deprived people are obese. I am not arguing against that point, I have seen it for myself and have commented to that effect many times, albeit in a less PC way (I have observed it's often the tattoo covered, unemployed from the council estates with lots of young children in tow who are the most obese). I am arguing that a lack of education and a negative culture is to blame, not a lack of money (since healthy food can be obtained for the same price as unhealthy food, and eating less food costs less than eating more food). Also, excess alcohol consumption and a lack of exercise in deprived areas with high levels of unemployment plays a large part in obesity, moreso than not being able to afford the healthy options in the supermarket. Perhaps it is you that should educate yourself, instead of blaming the Tories for a lack of personal responsibility often found in certain socio-economic groups?
  23. Actually it would be cheaper for them to buy the ingredients and cook a healthy meal, but many are simply too lazy to do that. So they buy ready meals off the shelf. Even then, there are ready meals that are healthy and the packaging clearly states fat, sodium content etc. but many are just not interested. Why buy fruit when you can buy crisps and chocolate? All this talk of using food banks but the obesity levels in the UK are staggering. The same people also seem to be able to find the cash for bad tattoos as well. Money for tats? Check Money for fags? Check Money for booze? Check Money for iPhone? Check Money for food? Blame the Tories for forcing me to get a job or use foodbanks.
  24. The SNP was campaigning for independence long before Brexit was on the cards. It's just an excuse to try to justify another vote. If they were to get another vote and lose again, they'll simply come up with another reason to run it again. Same as Brexit, sometimes the losers just won't accept they've lost. The 2014 vote was decisive. Most Scots wish to stay which is not surprising given the great deal they've been given by the government.
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