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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. They really need to make it crystal clear to people when booking holidays in Thailand that masks are absolutely mandatory, bars/entertainment venues are shut, alcohol is only served in restaurants in a few cities until 9pm etc. If they know all that and are still stupid enough to come here for a holiday, they can't complain.
  2. Yeah, just like you said there wouldn't be a coup and you wouldn't be PM. There are only so many lies you can tell before nobody believes you any more. That point was reached about 5 years ago.
  3. Paternalism from government is undesirable at the best of times, but when those in charge lack any form of decency and integrity it is a particularly bitter pill to swallow. It's time to get back to normal and stop using Covid to push through increasingly authoritarian forms of government.
  4. Or we could just get vaccinated, and then carry on with our lives amidst the myriad of diseases and viruses that were around long before Covid. There's a thought..
  5. Good to see that someone finally gets it. Better late than never. Let's hope this insight catches on.
  6. Obviously this phenomenon does not occur in Bangkok. Or Phuket. In those places, the neck muscles remain tight. But consume alcohol elsewhere and the muscles in the neck relax to invite Covid into the body. Packed like sardines on the BTS is fine. But sitting next to someone in a restaurant is dangerous (but only if the drink on the table contains alcohol). What a clown.
  7. 2 violent, left wing extremists. One a convicted paedo, one a convicted domestic abuse repeat offender. Both attacking him, along with others.
  8. No I don't think it SHOULD happen. Absolutely not. But it's not beyond the realms of possibility.
  9. The way I see it is that 10 years is nowhere near enough for what he did. So Karma increased his sentence to one that is more appropriate. Feel free to disagree though. His conviction had nothing to do with what happened that day, but tells you a lot about the character of the man, as do other videos on YouTube showing him to be ultra aggressive. Totally in line with Rittenhouse's story about being attacked by this scumbag. Good riddance to bad rubbish, who knows how many children he would have abused in the coming years...
  10. A short jail sentence in my opinion. The guy is clearly an idiot, but ultimately he was attacked by rioters (one of which was a convicted paedophile and the other had been convicted of domestic abuse) and acted in self defence, albeit with excessive force. However he had no reason to be there, he was looking for trouble and found it. An acquittal would lead to huge riots so I'd expect a short jail term. Hopefully he'll get a shortened sentence for doing the public a service by removing a child rapist (Rosenbaum) from the face of the earth.
  11. If I had to guess, I'd say the influential wealthy families that lobby the governemtn have business interests and like to party in Bangkok, not on Soi Post Office.
  12. No tears from me. As far as I am concerned their racist entrance fee policies can go down with them. And no, a driving licence, a work permit or even proof of income tax paid doesn't get you in for the local rate if you are of European descent. Not since about 2016 anyway.
  13. Just let all restaurants sell alcohol, all of the time. There has been no spike since November 1st. Why? Because alcohol and Covid are completely unrelated. This law was absolutely ridiculous as many of us pointed out for months. Just because a few puritans hate to see others enjoying themselves, that is no reason to destroy businesses.
  14. Well, the countries who have cosied up to China and gone with Sinovac tend not to have the greatest record in terms of transparency of information. Thailand being one example. Either that, or they're using the Chinese test kits as well ????.
  15. What he lacks in presentability, he clearly makes up for in negotiation skills.
  16. 15 days since relaxing restrictions in Bangkok and still no spike. Excellent news. Onwards and upwards!!
  17. A swab test to visit KSR? Are they having a laugh? Even if I wanted to go there (which I don't) I'd simply turn around and spend my money elsewhere. Hopefully everyone does the same thing and they drop this nonsense pronto.
  18. I haven't noticed a crackdown. I've had 2 bikes with aftermarket exhausts go through the checks in the last month and both have aftermarket exhausts and both passed, including a Ducati with a Termignoni full system. Both also have the licence plate under the tail section. Although I did notice that on the Ducati they only tested the right side exhaust for sound and emissions. Since the bike has one exhaust pipe for each cylinder (one on each side of the bike) they must be only recording about 50% of the total. I was going to point that out to them, but by the time I had finished watching the episode of Squid Game on my phone, they'd already finished the test. Oh well, never mind ????.
  19. As the west donates money and vaccines from its struggling taxpayers into places like Thailand, the Uber wealthy in places like Thailand donate nothing to the cause and instead buy up multi million dollar companies in the West. All the while arguing that foreigners shouldn’t be able to buy land in Thailand, as they buy up prime real estate in cities like London. Our politicians are complete mugs. Absolute muppets.
  20. Hopefully they open pubs/bars in Pattaya soon. I saw loads of "Pattaya looking" types in Bangkok last weekend. I think we are being invaded. There will be rows of Pattaya plated Fortuners jamming up Soi 4 soon, bringing their unvaccinated brethren with them, Chang vests, cargo shorts and all. Sunburnt shaved heads everywhere. Please lord, open a few bars down there - this has to stop ????.
  21. It's encouraging to see there hasn't been a large spike in cases since easing the restrictions at the start of November. Anecdotally, I went to a well known Irish pub in lower Sukhumvit last week and it was so packed there was nowhere to sit. We had to find another place. That level of socialising with no big spike shows me there is light at the end of the tunnel.
  22. That's not too outrageous. I did 2 nights at a hospital in Thong Lor after breaking a collarbone/shoulder and the bill was over 50,000 Baht. The food was good though.
  23. For Thai Airways or Thailand? For Thai Airways, of course it would be nice to have a decent option for flying home. Also, it would be good for Thai people to not have to subsidize that level of corruption and mismanagement through their taxes. For Thailand, a lot of us probably moved here because things were a bit more relaxed and wheels could be greased to a certain extent, rules could be bent etc. It's a novelty to start with, kind of like the Wild West especially after being suffocated by the nanny states we came from. However, there's always a line, and in my opinion that line has been crossed in terms of the gross mismanagement, corruption, cronyism, nepotism since the Junta took over. They are ruining the country. So yeah, dialing it back a bit would be good.
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