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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. This thread is about reduced doses, not mixed doses. Not sure why you'd cite the US as an example anyway. It's not exactly the gold standard in terms of Covid response given it's got the most cases of any country in the entire world. It's basically an example of what NOT to do. Besides, I thought the point of the vaccine is to provide protection from the virus, not to enter the US.
  2. By Thai administered I mean the jab goes into the arm within the borders of Thailand. Completely different to the country of manufacture, I'd have thought that was obvious. Thai administered means you can have a perfectly good vaccine that has been compromised by reduced/diluted doses, different methods of injection (into muscle, under skin etc.). You know, all those dodgy untested shortcuts that save money at the potential risk of the patient.
  3. Very odd when you compare Vietnam and Thailand. Thailand with over 3 times as many total cases but almost exactly the same number of deaths. Makes me wonder. Is Vietnam under-reporting cases? Is Thailand under-reporting deaths? Or do those magic amulets work after all?
  4. Oh please, drop the sanctimony. This isn't about respecting Buddhism, I have great respect for Buddhism. In terms of the Thai take on Buddhism I do have certain reservations about certain aspects of it, but I still have and show the upmost respect for it. However, I do not agree with forcing a particular set of religious beliefs and practices onto individuals who do not share those religious beliefs. It's a very dangerous path to go down, as history has shown us countless times. I have an even greater problem with it when it's done as a form of control and a show of moral superiority by an authoritarian military regime that stole power from a democratically elected government and has consistently failed those people whose liberty they stole. So if you're going to attempt to virtue signal, please try to do it more intelligently. Good lad...
  5. My colleagues had it show up in the app within 20 minutes, while we were all still in the observation area. I asked why mine hadn't shown up and they told me it took 24 hours. That was on 20th September. I think there will be a few of us going back, others had their names spelt incorrectly.
  6. Sounds like that trough got too stinky for even these hogs to eat from it. Still, their bank accounts will thank them.
  7. A Buddhist ban on alcohol on top of the Covid ban on alcohol. I'm not sure this is sufficiently virtuous. Surely a 48 hour ban on cigarettes or the consumption of meat would really drive home their power and moral superiority? They're really missing a trick here.
  8. No wonder other countries have been refusing to accept Thai administered vaccines. Why don't they just follow the guidelines issued by the vaccine developers? Why do they always have to take shortcuts?
  9. Depends what you consider a big deal I suppose. Taking an afternoon off work, wasting an afternoon of my life to drive through traffic to the other side of Bangkok to find a parking space, queue up for god knows how long wearing a face nappy, no doubt surrounded by other people during an airborne pandemic might not seem a big deal to you but frankly I have more productive ways to spend my time. Maybe they could just make the app work? There's a thought. It's not a complicated piece of software to display a few pieces of information from a database. Any decent developer could write it in a couple of days.
  10. My Mor Phrom app says I am only single vaxxed, despite having a certificate to confirm that I am double vaxxed. Will they ever create an app that works? Surely it's not that difficult.
  11. Why would people pay thousands to leave their own country that has no curfew, no masks, vaccinated population, pubs and restaurants open to visit a developing country with loads of hoops to jump through, COE, ripoff insurance, masks mandatory, a nightime curfew, alcohol banned, bars shut and the threat of 2 weeks in isolation if someone on their flight tests positive? Anyone who comes here for a holiday is a complete fool in my opinion.
  12. Thailand is like a grubby restaurant selling overpriced burgers and beers while waiting for the Caviar and Champagne set to turn up. Totally delusional. They have no idea how the world views them and why people used to come here.
  13. Unlikely. UK folks will take a quick, cheap flight to the meditteranean where there are less hoops to jump through, the beaches are clean and everything is open. Germans like to drink beer. The Chinese aren't allowed to travel. So you should be able to get a sunbed. Although if it's on a beach you won't be allowed to drink or smoke. If it's by a pool, the pool will probably be shut. Have a happy holiday! ????
  14. I wonder how they know it has bottomed out. There are plenty of factors that could take Thailand's economy down further, especially with the current "government".
  15. As if they didn't have enough problems down there already...
  16. I can just imagine the queues. It was bad enough before Covid when all they had to do was stamp the passport. They still often managed to turn that into over an hours wait before some scowling immigration official looked you up and down, read the passport back to front, stamped you in and pushed the passport back at you. Now with vaccine certificates, PCR tests, COE's, 2 metre social distancing etc. the queues will probably be spilling back out onto the runway if any serious numbers start to arrive. That will all be whilst wearing a mask (maybe also being sprayed by alcohol - Prayut style) having just worn one for 12+ hours on the place. Thanks but No thanks - I'd be holidaying closer to home for a couple of years.
  17. Well if the PM cannot wait, it must be done. After all, it's all about what the PM wishes and does not wish to wait for. If the PM is happy, Thailand is happy, right? Seriously though, if Thailand wants to wait for zero Covid before opening up they better have a 5 year furlough plan ready for the millions of people that will be out of work.
  18. Well, tail tidy's enhance the aesthetics of the bike and reduce weight. I'd go as far as to say that massive piece of black plastic hanging out further than the back wheel ruins the look of many bikes. Also, I doubt that having a massive, heavy sail at the back of the bike does much for the aerodynamics (I've never seen a MotoGP bike running one). Aftermarket exhausts also save weight, look better, make a nicer sound (if it's a decent exhaust - the Termignoni twin pipes on my Panigale sounds incredible under full load) and can also increase power although an ECU remap may be required to get the full benefit of this. I also take immense pleasure removing anything that the Fun Nazis at the EU attempts to mandate ????. All of this applies to proper motorbikes by the way. I wouldn't do it to a moped.
  19. They need to open things up for people who are already here first. So that protocols can be put in place and understood, practiced and tested. To go from the current situation (night time curfews, entertainment closed, shops boarded up, alcohol bans etc.) to welcoming tourists and opening up the industry in 50 days is ridiculous, but typical of the clowns that stole power 7 years ago. They don't seem to realize that these businesses can't just flip a switch and unlock the doors and go back into business overnight. Why not start now, open up to locals and expats and let them gradually build their businesses back to some sense of normality before opening up to tourists? It's not like the tourist places would suddenly be packed anyway. Because <<drumroll>> there are no tourists and won't be many for months to come even when they do open up.
  20. Troll post. But to answer. Once I stopped laughing I would tell her it was a commendable effort but that she'd have to come up with a less ridiculous scenario if she expects me to fall for such a wind up.
  21. I normally self insure but I thought it was fairly likely I would get Covid within 12 months so I took out a policy for 1000 Baht with 200,000 Baht payment if I tested positive. They sent me a cover note and promised the full policy documents within 15 days. That was in April. I've emailed them about 10 times since asking for the policy documents. No reply to my emails. Girlfriend calls them multiple times and it goes to answering machine for 30 minutes until she gives up. If this is what Thai Covid insurance is worth, don't bother.
  22. Par for the course. I've come to expect nothing more from this fool and his posse of criminals.???? It's 50 days until 1st December so plenty of time for multiple changes/reversals/contradictions before then.
  23. Chan O Cha is a day late and a dollar short - again. Many were hoping that the big announcement would be him stepping down after over 7 years of ruining the country. Instead, we get a lacklustre, ambiguous statement that will do little to help the millions of people out of work. Lame.
  24. I don't see it as that suspicious. In the re-enactment it seems he grabbed the arm that held the gun and forced him to the ground. If that part is true then it's quite possible he could have kneed, punched or kicked him enough to rupture his liver (the cause of death) without picking up any serious injuries. Maybe bruised knuckles if he used his fists but kicking/stamping would be the obvious choice. The Thai could have landed punches without damaging the Swede. I've been punched pretty hard in the side of the head/neck and whilst it hurt, it didn't leave a mark.
  25. Must be great tucking into a sausage as a massive turd floats past your knees.
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