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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Interesting to see this has hit the international media. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/oct/26/businesses-in-thailand-urge-government-to-reverse-alcohol-ban A great advert for Thai tourism ????. They really haven't got a clue.
  2. You can put a bottle of Sangsom in a brown paper bag and drink it on a park bench for all I care. I like to have a decent, cold draught beer or a chilled glass of white wine with my meal, as do most tourists. Hiding Vodka in a bottle of mineral water and looking over my shoulder for corrupt cops before necking it on the beach is not my idea of a great holiday, even if it saves me a few quid.
  3. Exactly. No kickbacks on a donation so the government views processing this as unpaid work. The more they get for free, the less they have to buy and hence the less money they can cream off the top of the various purchasing contracts with the likes of the CCP. Of course it would save the lives of some Thai people but nobody in government really cares about that.
  4. Regardless of his motivation/reasoning, the conclusion he has reached is the correct one. The ban on alcohol sales in hotels/restaurants is going to heap even more pain on the tourism and hospitality sectors and those that work in it. It's time for a more nuanced approach. Being treated like a child by a tin pot third world Junta is not desirable for the "quality tourists" that Thailand wants to replace the CCP hordes. It was bad enough ordering an overpriced glass of white wine and having it arrive at the table lukewarm with a couple of ice cubes in it. Or a bottle of red that's only a couple of degrees away from being frozen solid. Being refused that bottle of wine altogether is not something that people enjoy while on holiday. Thailand needs to raise it's game, not ban everything.
  5. Good to see OGS still in charge, I thought he'd be gone by now but maybe today is the day, they often wait until the Tuesday after a bad result to sack the manager. Let's hope not - this is too funny. ???? 3 years of Ole and they still look like a bunch of expensive players hastily thrown together and told to go out on the pitch and wing it. No style of play, no identity, no leadership. They're lucky Liverpool backed off in the second half or it could have been approaching double figures. A tough run of games coming up now, let's hope OGS can do his normal trick of pulling one or two results out of the bag just when he needs them, I'd hate to see him replaced with someone competent like Conte. Why anyone thought that someone who relegated Cardiff and only had limited success with Molde was capable of managing one of the biggest sides in the world against the likes of Klopp, Guardiola. Tuchel etc. is beyond me. Totally out of his depth.
  6. That sounds like a sensible approach to get things moving. It's time to acknowledge that not everyone who enjoys a beer or a glass of wine with their meal ends up acting like a beligerent, arrogant fool spraying saliva over anyone within 5 metres. Far too sensible an approach for the clowns in charge no doubt.
  7. Seems silly to buy a car solely for this reason. Why not get a small trailer for the bike and put the dog inside a dog cage on the trailer? You could get both for under 10,000 Baht, never mind 10,000 USD. Like this, but with the dog in a cage. Cover the sides of the cage with 'future board' or something if you don't want the other dogs to see the pup. Not me by the way, googled it. Although I do have a similar setup on our farm for moving things like water pumps, logs, plants etc. and it works fine as long as you keep the speeds sensible.
  8. I guess this is an improvement for people who need to see family, do business trips etc. But I don't see many genuine tourists coming when they could go somewhere closer to home with less restrictions, where the bars and nightlife are open, and it's cheaper. I'm not really sure what Thailand has to offer at this point.
  9. A Thai pimp blaming "Farang" for the sex culture in Thailand. How surprising. Obviously there was no prostitution in Thailand before the Vietnam war, and these white devils lured and tricked these innocent Thai damsels into giving up their body for money ????. It's never their fault, is it?
  10. Buying land on the cheap is child's play in Thai politics. A bit like the head of a Mexican drug cartel getting a speeding ticket. The current mob have much better credentials - they have a convicted drug trafficker in their ranks, and no doubt that's the tip of the iceberg in terms of activities they've never been convicted of. The only reason that guy was convicted is that he was caught in Australia. Had he been caught in Thailand it would have all been a big misunderstanding, the lawyers and judges would be driving red plated S series Benz and it would have been brushed under the carpet.
  11. Nice work if you can get it. Big Salary, nice pension, hobnobbing with local dignitaries, attending functions, doing sweet FA for UK citizens in Thailand whose tax pays for his lifestyle. Lovely jubbly.
  12. Not really, when you consider that people are getting vaccinated on a fairly large scale now, and that easing restrictions has really been little more than lip service to placate the masses. The "relaxing of measures" has made very little difference to people's behaviour in real terms (a curfew that most people ignore changing from 10pm to 11pm, or malls staying open an extra hour is hardly going to make significant difference to the number of cases compared to millions of vaccinations per week). Vaccinations are causing the number of cases to decline. The easing of restrictions wouldn't have negated the positive effects of that. They should really expedite the further reduction of these restrictions to people's freedoms now.
  13. Frankly, I couldn't give a Monkey's about the US. Their record on Covid has been lamentable but none of my concern since I am in Thailand and I am posting on a Thai forum about Thai policy of reducing doses of Covid vaccine administered in Thailand. I'm sure there's a time and a place for an angry American expat to vent his spleen about the former POTUS but I'm equally sure that this thread isn't it.
  14. Actually, You raised the subject of US policy towards mixed doses in an attempt to justify reduced doses in Thailand. I queried the validity of using US policy on mixed doses to justify Thailand's policy on reduced doses, especially given the US poor record on COVID. You drifted even further to start talking about the former POTUS. You seem to think the world revolves around the good ol' US of A and it's former president. But this thread is about Thailand so let's stay on topic.
  15. Once again, diverting the thread onto some weird obsession with a former US president. This thread has nothing to do with US politics, it only veered in that direction when you implied that reduced doses of vaccines in Thailand is safe because US immigration accepts mixed (not reduced) doses. Even that link was beyond tenuous and yet you stretched it even further to try and bring an ex POTUS into it. I think he's got enough properties in his portfolio, he doesn't need to live rent free in your head ????.
  16. I think you're trying to divert the thread onto your dislike of a certain US politician. This thread has nothing to do with US politics. Nice try though. Actually, not really.
  17. This thread is about reduced doses, not mixed doses. Not sure why you'd cite the US as an example anyway. It's not exactly the gold standard in terms of Covid response given it's got the most cases of any country in the entire world. It's basically an example of what NOT to do. Besides, I thought the point of the vaccine is to provide protection from the virus, not to enter the US.
  18. By Thai administered I mean the jab goes into the arm within the borders of Thailand. Completely different to the country of manufacture, I'd have thought that was obvious. Thai administered means you can have a perfectly good vaccine that has been compromised by reduced/diluted doses, different methods of injection (into muscle, under skin etc.). You know, all those dodgy untested shortcuts that save money at the potential risk of the patient.
  19. Very odd when you compare Vietnam and Thailand. Thailand with over 3 times as many total cases but almost exactly the same number of deaths. Makes me wonder. Is Vietnam under-reporting cases? Is Thailand under-reporting deaths? Or do those magic amulets work after all?
  20. Oh please, drop the sanctimony. This isn't about respecting Buddhism, I have great respect for Buddhism. In terms of the Thai take on Buddhism I do have certain reservations about certain aspects of it, but I still have and show the upmost respect for it. However, I do not agree with forcing a particular set of religious beliefs and practices onto individuals who do not share those religious beliefs. It's a very dangerous path to go down, as history has shown us countless times. I have an even greater problem with it when it's done as a form of control and a show of moral superiority by an authoritarian military regime that stole power from a democratically elected government and has consistently failed those people whose liberty they stole. So if you're going to attempt to virtue signal, please try to do it more intelligently. Good lad...
  21. My colleagues had it show up in the app within 20 minutes, while we were all still in the observation area. I asked why mine hadn't shown up and they told me it took 24 hours. That was on 20th September. I think there will be a few of us going back, others had their names spelt incorrectly.
  22. Sounds like that trough got too stinky for even these hogs to eat from it. Still, their bank accounts will thank them.
  23. A Buddhist ban on alcohol on top of the Covid ban on alcohol. I'm not sure this is sufficiently virtuous. Surely a 48 hour ban on cigarettes or the consumption of meat would really drive home their power and moral superiority? They're really missing a trick here.
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